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Refuge from retarded cuckchan mods

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Last one :  >>/3884/
https://m.tiktok.com/h5/share/usr/219309202052378624.html (519 Videos)

WebM Pack: https://mega.nz/#F!C1szUahY!wAozqblbJ7ivdfm5kd6IEw (WebMs, 60fps)
Chronology Pack: https://mega.nz/#F!gJ1AlYwJ!TFORcOzEIEERs19J7b97LQ (MP4s, Instagram Pics & Stories)
Streams: https://mega.nz/#F!oI8lnIIb!tx-7ck3DiZCkK8KSZhrJsw
Misc. stuff:https://mega.nz/#F!tREl2QwJ!Fw2wzaTPeluUpKpnJefkSQ%3E (Edits, Memes)

Useful links:

For one, she could have uploaded a short message OOC, like "hey guys, I'll be checking out this new app! Stay tuned for some new exclusive content in the future!" or whatever. What's the point of re-uploading old as fuck  tiktoks which get truncated because of the 6s limit?

Yeah it was a bit of a weird choice
I suspect she just posted whatever she had to hand because it was 3am and she was just experimenting with the app features
She could have at least chosen something that was within the 6 second limit, but judging by the reaction of the userbase on there, that probably wouldn't have made much difference anyway

Oh, it's very cute.
Some of the recent Lulu toks are among her best in a long time.
But even so, knowing what lurks behind it all kind of ruins it. Stories like  >>/6228/ always make you start asking questions again. Everything she does now is tainted.


> u ever just want to help someone but... you just can’t cus they don’t want to accept it or there’s just nothing you can do. so you just have to watch them slowly be more and more sad. and you know it’s not your fault really, but you still feel responsible kinda
> i’m fine ma’am i just b worrying about one of my friends. she b goin through a lot. i’m not even that close to her tbh but i relate to what she’s dealing with a lot, and i also did not want to open up to anyone very much at that time
Bonbi is likely neither safe nor happy.
You can put your vague hope onto Emiru somehow changing things, but judging from that clip:  >>/6209/ she seems frustrated over the whole situation.

Again truth. But again, I don't think she quite understands or cares about what people think. IMO she's been sheltered too much to the point where she needs someone to love her and this guy came along and did his lvl9000 grooming routine and it worked on her.

She has to save herself, if she even knows how at this point. Everyone sees it but her. No amount of yelling, screaming and pleading with her is going to change that. He's got his hooks into her mind and heart.

Oh yeah, Bonbi is probably doomed. There is no saving her and, baring a miracle, things will only get worse from here on out. 
I'm just saying, that post sounded kind of hopeful, like "maybe bonbi is safe & happy, and all this will just blow over", when the only person that has had any kind of contact with Bonbi in the last couple of months and talk about it, seemed to give off the impression that she is not in a good place at all.

I know, I remain hopeful despite the continual stream of bad news. I wish all the best for her but in the end she'll have to decide herself what is best for her. Nobody will seemingly influence that. Not her closest friends, not us. 

In other words, if she cannot see his ills herself, which she did once upon a time (loli shit, selling nudes, manipulations) she is pretty much groomer toast.

In some of the recent leaks, Bonbi seems jealous that anonce might try to get with Saki who was 13(!!) at the time. If her main concern isn't that her bf, who is into loli shit and is already dating a minor known for childish looks, might want to date a middle-schooler, but that he is close to another girl (literally girl, not young woman), there is no hope.
Unless a lightning bolt hit her at some point over the last couple of months to wake her up, it's over.

Pure and utter denial. She does not possess the life experience required to realize what the hell is going on. We have to cut her some slack, considering her age and inexperience with relationships.

But yeah, she does not seem to grasp what a predator she is with. You half expect her to get it one day when she comes home and finds him with some young girl in ther home, if it ever got to that point. 

In other words, it's not that she doesn't get it because she's dumb. It's because she does not have any experience. She's has a classic case of "they just don't understand him like I do" syndrome.

Oh, I'm willing to give her some slack, and what you are saying is certainly correct, but the point is that there is no reason she would just suddenly change her opinion out of nowhere. 
Bonbi is not going to get experience all of a sudden; there is nothing that is suddenly going to make her look at the nonce with different eyes. As I said, things will likely only get worse.

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> Not already having schlongs of skyrim installed for his roxybon dragonborn so she can fus ro dong her way all the way to sovngarde
never gonna make it

seth really put piece of lettuce on a wooden fence and take a picture of it just to send to bonbi for her to use in the last few frames in tok as an inside joke to piss off a few dozen people
its crazy how deeply in love they are and want to spite everyone opposed to them being together 
am I right

> https://desuarchive.org/wsg/thread/3297714/#3297714
> thread lasted exactly 8 hours
looks like we know janny's sleep schedule now
also, two individual posts got deleted hours before the thread was nuked so I guess only one of the jannies wants bbg gone

there are so many other pictures she could have chosen for nature
there was a reason she chose such a shitty pic
normally /bbg/ overthinks and makes up crazy theories about stupid shit but I really do believe this is something, even if it is just an inside joke between them

funny thing is that probably attracted bonbi more to him because he had a similar upbringing to him
nowhere near as fucked but still he never went to high school, never been in a relationship, and has no future aspirations
bonbi probably saw him as a perfect fit for her

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"Based on genetic testing the average European, African and Native American ancestry found in those self-reporting to be “blanco (White)” 89.3% were fully "European", 6.5% had some "African" ancestry and 4.2% had "Native" or Other Ancestry."

Tbh almost every thread has ended in almost exactly the same way, and been nuked seconds later
At this point I'm almost convinced it's actually the (nonce) janny posting dox so he can "justify" the thread deletion

How do you guys continue despite bonbi hurting you every step of the way, calling you incel pedos while ironically dating one, and rubbing it in your face. Lazily making content and even worse content for patreon. Lying extensively, then blaming you for her mistakes. How do you do it? Why do you keep on fighting? What’s the end goal you see, that’s in reach that you never can quite reach out and grab, like a dream you struggle to recall? Where is this STRENGTH to struggle coming from!!!!!!

because it's not about bonbi, you projecting faggot. she's muse that gives you creativity and ideas for creating art. bonbi-editing is rewarding in itself. 

she's also a vehicle for emotional self love. her childlike demeanor in the blue- and redbon streams can activate self-healing parts in you. that's why the third biggest audience after horny zoomers and jealous roasties are highly sensitive middle aged men. 

the only people who are unironically cucking for bonbi, are her simp janny and those fags she hangs out with on discord.

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Continue what tho? Over time I cared less and less for bonbi and twitch stream was the final straw. I'm unironically in it only for Roxybon and surrounding "lore". Getting to know how the "bonbi story" will end is just additional form of entertainment. It's not like I have a life outside of computer, so checking the tab every now and then isn't something difficult or time consuming.

Roxybon is entity entirely on it's own now, especially since she was there from the start, untainted by anything or anyone. I don't even associate bonbi voice with her, the "boyfriend right now" gal is what I consider canon Roxybon voice, tho I like to high pitch it a little more I guess, maybe "royal" is up some too, if that makes sense. 
I no longer see bonbi when I see Roxybon. I dream of her, I dream of being her, I dream of being for her, I do not think of bonbi when seeing her. It's beautiful how she became a thing of her own for me.

"Shaving one's head isn't a symptom of any specific mental disorder - mentally healthy people shave their heads - but it can be a side effect of the mania caused by any number of them.

It's most often a control issue, similar to the reasons behind cutting oneself. Subjects don't cut or shave themselves to feel pain or to go bald, but to exercise control over their feelings or self-image. Many mental disorder sufferers feel a loss of control due to their condition. For example, a person suffering from depression can have an episode where everything in their life is going well, and they still feel the effects of depression. This leads to a feeling that it doesn't matter what the sufferer does, they will still feel depressed. B does not follow A. The sufferer is not in control. By taking control of their body image - shaving their head - they prove to themselves that they are indeed in control.

Another reason is a wish to erase one's identity and start again. The notion of an identity starts with the hair. It's a fashion accessory that all of us carry around with us, and it's in close proximity to where your thoughts and face are. A new identity starts with new thoughts, new face, and abandoning of meaningless things like vanity.

Finding out the subject's motives for cutting their hair is something a therapist will absolutely look into. Although the movies portray it as the start of a manic episode, it can just as easily be the end of one." - someguy

lost stuff for monika cosplay
has no friends
thinks shes losing popularity
doesnt want to go back to her shitty life before fame
tiktok mean to her

the only part that intrigues me is the last part
> Idk if I'm looking for advice or just someone to listen
normally she would talk to seth about all this but maybe they're having issues

It's pretty unfortunate.
If it was literally any other person we wouldn't be in this absurd timeline, but here we are.
The slimy, creepy, baby touching weasel was the one to steal her heart.
How romantic.

And our also forgetting the fact anyone that tries to be friends with her is immediately dropped due to him not just that she has a boyfriend. There’s also the fact she only got this much shit is because she thought there wasn’t going to be any blow back from rubbing in a certain few faces. Honestly I bet she’d could of stayed with him without this shit storm had she not done that. Of course people would still be unhappy but it would of stayed in-house.

> normally she would talk to seth about all this but maybe they're having issues
Nah, I'm willing to bet these shades are unintentional. She's just rambling without putting any thought to it. Did literally the same thing in the DM screencap that leaked last week. She cried about having no one, getting no attention and having huge void in her heart.. TO. HER. BOYFRIEND. Bonbi is just retarded.

So I don't believe she's doing this on purpose. But maybe it's her subconscience talking. It's obvious as hell she's not happy. Seth, the relationship and everything is not making her happy.

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Aside from the cuteness, it's a pretty good tiktok overall
Long clip, interesting subject matter, lots of editing, joke memes
She did a really good job of it, at the same time as cutting her own hair actually very well
Unironically pretty impressive desu

Honestly I feel really bad for her. On one hand she's so obviously burned out, but on the other hand, as she stated in her weekend stories, she's addicted to fame and doesn't wanna go to being nobody again. So she's trapped in this weird limbo where she doesn't want to cosplay anymore but she thinks she has to. Being trapped 24/7 with her pedo boyfriend is also not helping.

and anonce defenders were saying he was too stupid to groom bonbi and that he didn't know what he was doing

he really played the long con to be where he's at with his loli gf today

I wonder how he feels...

she deserves rest
Lmao from what exactly? It's not like she's been cosplaying at torrid pace, putting out new cosplays every week. If I'm counting correctly she did TWO cosplays in 2020. E-girl which frankly is not even a cosplay and Lulu.

some have been reducing her effort from the times of after hard times, but the fact still remain that her tik toks are very good even if people tried to shit on it, 2019 tik toks were very good too "ochaco" "02" "strawberry shortcake"... and people still were spamming the retarded "low effort" "directed by muh seth" "not as old bonbi" crap

Today is mardi gras.
You know what that means, right?
Will bonbi be flashing her tits for beads on bourbon st?
Maybe just flashing them for seth on webcam?
Maybe she'll get drunk off her ass and just fuck some rando, break anonce's heart, and all will be as all should be.

Not sure if you were just joking but the more I think about it the more truth to reality these words hold.
She is no longer the cute spergy bonbi who used to make silly tik tok videos in her room, the bonbi I wanted to watch grow into adulthood and see her become her own person. She is seth's slave.
She has no mind or her own, never having learned how to think for herself. Only having learned how to lie. How are we supposed to know if an idea is an original or just some misinformation/lie planted there by seth? Sure she likes overwatch but she hates league and plays only because of him. Everything she was supposed to discover for herself, every opinion she was supposed to form on people and on questions, tv shows, movies, games, everything has been influenced by him in one way or another over the last year and then some. We'll never know what her place in society was originally intended to be, now we'll only know what her place will be now that the original timeline/bonbi has been corrupted...
fuck now I'm sad.

of course I could be talking out my own ass as going through your teen years drastically changes everybody, but for fucks sake why did it have to be him to be the one to control her developmental years. and I can't even blame her. This is all on him.

> but for fucks sake why did it have to be him to be the one to control her developmental years.
its almost like these people want to live this fantasy of the "ultimate mind controller groomer" but its good if its them because they will hack her the right way

what makes it not real if someone posted it a week ago?

It doesn't look doctored and someone would have to recreate a lot of aspects of her room to make this photo (on top of finding someone who look's like bonbi)

> her tik toks are bad because its directed by seth
> her streams are bad because seth changed her personality 
> if only im the groomer so she can get hacked better
> she is a whore because she played a game and talked in a discord (oyy vey didn't you see the screenshots)
> seth is bad because he groom 16 yr old but im going to lewd her and call her a whore
i heard this a million times, its getting old, you are worse than seth

Look at the picture again. The Mountain Dew bottle under the desk looks obviously fake, there is a "Hatsune Miku"-Coffee cup on the desk, the posters above the PC are in the wrong place (Widowmaker booty is what's actually above the monitors), her desk looks different in stuff she's posted (neither does what's on the desk), the hair looks like it was painted & unreal, there is only one monitor in the picture (when we know she has two and a second wouldn't fit behind Bonbi), etc.
It's a high-effort piece of art, but not really convincing, if you actually look at it.

We’ll get ready for another year of it pal, then another...and another....and another.....and another......and another........and another........and another..........and another...........and another............and another...............and another................and another................and another..................and another...............................and another.......................................and another..................................................................and another................................................................................................................................................and another!!!!!!!!! :3

> her tik toks are bad because its directed by seth
> her streams are bad because seth changed her personality
> if only im the groomer so she can get hacked better
> she is a whore because she played a game and talked in a discord (oyy vey didn't you see the screenshots)
> seth is bad because he groom 16 yr old but im going to lewd her and call her a whore
> if you expose me you are baiting

> her tik toks are bad because its directed by seth
> her streams are bad because seth changed her personality
> if only im the groomer so she can get hacked better
> she is a whore because she played a game and talked in a discord (oyy vey didn't you see the screenshots)
> seth is bad because he groom 16 yr old but im going to lewd her and call her a whore
you are the one reapting "cuck" "whore" and the shit above, get a taste of your medicine

todoroki was before anonce but ok
her personality obviously didn't change from one day to the next
there's a lot less of the cute sperginess in her streams after the elsa one. the fact that there were chill streams before that doesn't change that

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> her tik toks are bad because its directed by seth
> her streams are bad because seth changed her personality
> if only im the groomer so she can get hacked better
> she is a whore because she played a game and talked in a discord (oyy vey didn't you see the screenshots)
> seth is bad because he groom 16 yr old but im going to lewd her and call her a whore
its time to stop ruining the threads, make a drama thread and fuck off

Maybe Myspeld really is the best she can do despite being really cute. Maybe if she was approachable she would have an attractive boyfriend instead of a rapey looking pedophile in his twenties. Cant wait to see how poorly they age together

From what I remember it was a kind of slideshow / recap of old bontent
I thought I'd downloaded it, but I guess not
Faggot janny deleting OC off the threads purely out of spite is some of the stupidest, shittiest moderation I've seen

I mean... Seth has to be paying off the janitor with bonbi's patreon money, right? There is no way this comes from the top...Hell, maybe even bonbi told him to make the threads about them stop and gave him a blank check to do so.

> "I don't love women. Love has to be reinvented, we know that. The only thing women can ultimately imagine is security. Once they get that, love, beauty, everything else goes out the window: all they have left is cold disdain, that's what marriages live on nowadays. Sometimes I see women who ought to be happy, with whom I could have found companionship, already swallowed up by brutes with as much feeling as an old log..."

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Thought I'd post this interaction I had with ((someone)) in the thread we had to refill after janny had his tantrum

I've noticed a trend of these incidents since the new janny joined and everything started going suspiciously to shit, whereby he quickly removes any posts indicating instances of him breaking rules or fucking up his role as janitor

He's clearly a professional, it's no wonder he's earning the big boy salary

They already know the answer, and it’s that she’s strung on some pedo dick! Highly addictive stuff, now their just trying to figure out how to wing her off the stuff, but goes into real bad relapses i.e needing to take breaks for her mental health(another way of saying she needs more pedo pp to cope with her life)

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