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Refuge from retarded cuckchan mods

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Last one :  >>/6000/
https://m.tiktok.com/h5/share/usr/219309202052378624.html (519 Videos)

Chronology Pack: https://mega.nz/#F!gJ1AlYwJ!TFORcOzEIEERs19J7b97LQ (MP4s, Instagram Pics & Stories)
Streams: https://mega.nz/#F!oI8lnIIb!tx-7ck3DiZCkK8KSZhrJsw
Misc. stuff:https://mega.nz/#F!tREl2QwJ!Fw2wzaTPeluUpKpnJefkSQ%3E (Edits, Memes)

Useful links:

Now that this scared little girl no longer follows me wherever I go, I miss her, I do, because there are things I want to tell her - to relax, to lighten up, that it is all going to be okay. I want her to know that meeting people who like you, who understand you, who actually accept you for who you are, will became an increasingly rare occurrence. These people who contributed to who I am, they're with me wherever I go, and as history gets rewritten in small ways with each passing day, my love for them only grows. Because the truth is... it was the best of times. Mistakes were made, hearts were broken, harsh lessons learnt, but all of that has receded into fond memory now. How does it happen? Why are we so quick to forget the bad and romanticise the good? Maybe it's because we need to believe that the time we spent together actually meant something, that we were there for each other in a time in our lives that defined us all.

So it turns out Seth’s 1725 name is wrong, according to his time zone since he’s an hour ahead of bonbi time. So shouldn’t it actually be 1825? Or maybe, just maybe he doesn’t exactly live in Kentucky after all!

Anon this uh stays between me and you, but roxy was the first one I sacrificed my cummies to. Hell I didn’t even know who bonbi was! Now that being said roxy doesn’t have the all time cummie sacrifices though, that belongs to another bon......

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> tfw /ttg/ is filled with natposters rapidly cycling through the early stages of interest / limerence / obsession / doxxing
It's like watching a pale imitation of /bbg/ striving for life, but without any of the edits or creativity that actually made it worthwhile

community changed
before discord it was 4chan where all retards "hang around", after it you could slowly witness how instead of "4chan retards" there were lots of different discord retards that happen to post on 4chan. Once mods and jannies also became it's own discord things went downhill even more, which you could witness yourself with random and sudden anti /bbg/ vendeta
And I know it's all about discord, because I witnessed it slowly creeping in. It probably happened everywhere, but as I was mostly on /vg/ it's there where I noticed it. During the span of one online game, I witnessed how my 4chan "guild" turned into "4chan guild and discord part of it". If you didn't used it - you weren't "in". Obviously many tried to deny that, while many tried to retaliate, that's where the "why do you hate discord? because it's new?" meme came to life. Clear division started to form, there was 4chan and then there were discords that used 4chan. Obviously by the nature of it, it's discord that were always layer "above", simply because it was 2 places instead of one. 
I can vividly remember the point in the same videogame that we used ingame text chat to talk, the text chat was at some point much slower, even sometimes abandoned suddenly by half the "guild" that clearly was still playing. How come all of sudden I couldn't get the same banter in chat that I could before, how was that that all of sudden instead of "question->response" chain, half the times there was nothing following the question. Either you suddenly get ignored because everyone is busy talking on discord, or whoever asked the question on ig text chat got their answer from someone on discord that they happen to be on. I was watching half the conversations in the game and was wondering "who the fuck you're talking to". And at the time I was confused, because just few months back the "guild" did not had discord and it didn't used to be the case.
And as I hopped from one general to the other I noticed that people hating on discord because of division it created was universal, not only on /vg/ but literally across the whole site.
You can say "well, mods always had irc" and sure, there always were rogues, there always was division, but I can bet my ass, that as that irc became more mainstream in the shape of discord, and as you ended up with even more divisions, it did impaced the resulting 4chan staff. 
When wt snacks went rogue it was simple - 4chan faggot decided to fuck with 4chan. 
Now you have "x discord, x community faggot" times y, that clearly results in less care for 4chan itself, because it's that discord community that matters first. You end up with one of those faggots in mods and janny crew? His community doesn't like something, or maybe likes something and forces it down everyone's throats? You gonna have board/general flooded with their shit, or as in case of /bbg/ outright deleted and banned. You can't get single fucking intervention anywhere, your reports mean nothing, yet there's always someone making sure that /bbg/ is deleted. 
Yes, lot's of my own experience in here, but I'm fairly confident in claiming it isn't just me and just what I noticed, because it's very easy to see that every board and many generals suffer, because of discord communities that surround it. It's in the nature of that division - when you have one community "above" other, in this case many discord communites that originate(most probably not even in whole now) from one community, you gonna end up with situation where that discord community will be able to fuck with the community it originated from, simply because this community that is "below" doesn't belong to it and thus is not aware of anything that community does. And if you take into accout that all those discord communities consist of usuall retards surrounding 4chan, you can bet your ass they gonna be autistic about whatever they try to do and their shit will be seen all over the place, 24/7.

It's almost
As if befriending another groomed ethot did absolutely nothing other than teach her all the tricks necessary to be even more of a fully groomed ethot
Really makes you think

lewdposters were right, as always
we can expect selling nudes and bathwater in not so distant future
after all, bitch got two mouths to feed now, her own and her boyfriend's

it's weird. now it uploads the file but then it just stays at the reply file. anyway, here's the spacebon in 1080p: 

streamable link for backup, but this is further compressed by the site

The fox spirit is an especially prolific shapeshifter, known variously as the húli jīng (fox spirit) in China, the kitsune (fox) in Japan, and the kumiho (nine-tailed fox) in Korea. Although the specifics of the tales vary, these fox spirits can usually shapeshift, often taking the form of beautiful young women who attempt to seduce men, whether for mere mischief or to consume their bodies or spirits."[1]...
Based Bonbi.

Base on the outbreak of the Coronavirus.Anons please wear medical face mask and wash your hands regularly. If you feel sick or not well,please contact to health facilities. Hope we can safely walk through this Nightmare...

For some reason I didn't even consider that.
Is it from an old story?

I can't imagine that somebody here would just randomly go to her Wal-mart then post a pic of it only on endchan (not linked in ttg, not on discord, no IG account I know of...)

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> Is it from an old story?
I'm pretty sure that's the joke

I don't think so, skin looks too dark and fingers look too short
Whoever it is though knew the exact spot this particular photo was taken, meaning it's either a local autist that willingly walked around the entire walmart looking for a specific patch of ground, or it's *someone that was there with her at the time the original photo was taken*

It could be, or could just be the skin, it's a bit too blurry to tell
Actually quite difficult to tell clearly if it's a male or female hand tbh - if it's a dude they must be quite young with very slender hands

Would Bonbi really just take a picture at her Walmart, just for us?
She didn't post it on IG, or even link it in ttg or someplace else - just on some weird *chan offshoot to tease a few dozen weirdos?

No one is trying to help her because she doesn't want help and has isolated herself to a very small group.

The only loser is Bonbi for dating an actual loser. 

Seth is the only winner, he never had a chance at dating even an average looking girl let alone Bonbi.

only person who is losing when exposing bonbi or doing a soon project is bonbi, he will not be affected by any attempt of "help" or humiliating ritual

you people are worse than seth calling her a whore and wanting to crush her spirit for nothing

she played a game and talked on discord for fucks sake don't act like its prostitution

She deserves much worse than whats she’s getting, how else is she going to learn? You see you sir are part of the problem, doing the same shit the discord did and acting like it’s no big deal. If this was nipped in the bud like it was supposed to it would never of gotten this out of hand.

> guys just dont do shit
How convenient for the groomer, you really make me think. Btw yes, you getting upset at me pointing out the simple truth that it's all gearing towards a groomer winning, or seth fucking bonbi, makes you a big coper

How else do you expect to undo the damage? Is this what you want instead?
> Oh yes Bonbi your relationship is not only normal, but the best possible one. Please keep making mediocre e-girl thot videos there just so much better. You can say or do whatever you want too, you can do no wrong it’s just everyone else’s fault, and you hold no accountability for your actions. Your doing great just keep up the good work UwU

You act like the good guy wanting to save her from the pedo while everytime you show up with the aidf memeing you want to call her a whore and meme her getting fucked and lewd her being fucked by seth

You are just another groomer wanting to hurt her but somehow you are the good guy

Bitter, Guilty, and Corrupted. Oh she will be more than hurt, she must be crushed. She seems to think it can’t get any worse, only she just forgot the thoughts of what terrible things could happen to her. She will be made pure by the hatred, and vengeance. Everything must be purified with blood, for without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness.

Mercy belongs to the lord, for the depravity of man knows no bounds.

Why is it mentally challenging to understand this? It’s a perfectly normal response from perfectly normal people, in fact there are many such cases of women being dealt with barbarous cruelty due to their conduct, she is no exception.

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Someone from /ttg/ recommended me posting my edit here because file size limit is higher.
This is a timeline where bonbi embraced 4chan instead of discordfags and together with Ricardo she scours timelines in order to correct them.
Original music video is Carpenter Brut - turbo killer 

Even though I picked up the "drama" as a theme for this edit I don't really care or know much about it. Not my business really. But the phenomena about the whole character is quite interesting. There's whole creative community surrounding it and it seems like a lot of people use this e-character as some sort of tulpa, or some sorts of source of nostalgia and melancholy.

> in fact there are many such cases of women being dealt with barbarous cruelty due to their conduct, she is no exception.
only in a unnatural setting where they stone women for being raped or groomed. in a NATURAL setting a woman family and those who loves her will not stone her for being hurt by someone. only civilized domesticated people will allow that.

you think and act like a groomer. Youre just kissing her ass to get closer to her. Next thing you know, she's sucking your dick while you isolate her from these "bad, hurtful" people that are warning her. just yikes, youre a psycho pedo, would be groomer

Most heinous murders happen in an unnatural setting like what the christian did to the “witches” or what the empires did to torture and kill people. In a natural setting killing happen to defend your family or when you want to eat or defend territory like animals

gGod I just fucking love how she's showing off her tight and fuckable 16 year old body in all her new toks lately.
I wish she started earlier, but I'm still glad I'm here to witness the depravation of bonbibonkers by sethy.
I even wonder if XXX content of her will be leaked before she's 18...haha just imagine...

her appeal was always displaying her unfiltered self without caring about what others thought about her. she  still is like that. it's just that she is almost 17 and naturally starts to explore her sexuality.

Can you explain why? I think if she did it for the money she'd advertise her patreon more and do more lewd stuff. I'm sure she doesn't even like cosplay anymore but I don't think she's in it for the money

Honestly I don't. Girls on Instagram seem to be often approached by potential sponsors, I've seen countless times accounts with only a couple hundred or a couple thousand followers get sponsors. Yet bonbi doesn't seem to promote a product/company in her posts consistently. Think about it rationally, if you were in her place and you wanted to make some cash every post would be a sponsored post, and you'd also try to post very frequently, like multiple times a week.

> patreon is a comfy passive income >sponsored content requires an actual effort (deadlines ans shit)
> bonbi is a lazy bitch 
I mean it's not that hard to figure out why she doesn't do this kind of stuff.

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Alright, I'll break it down for you.
> she's shown her thighs
Yes, and Ahri was more than thighs. Basically a Playboy bunny costume. And don't forget the shot in gif related. She herself knows what she's doing, knows it's a new level for her, and she told everyone herself with her comments on IG when she posted that Ahri pic. 

> wore bodysuits
Yes, but 
> Froppy and Dva were not skin-tight 
> ZS Samus is. Accentuated/padded bust, every curve is hugged. Walk-away booty shot. That's a sexy strut meant to emphasize and exaggerate hips and ass, not a normal walking stride. Same as the walk-away in that one Sailor Moon tiktok. 
> Froppy/Dva were non-sexual in disposition
> ZS Samus is clearly amorous in disposition. 

Funny how people would praise her tiktoks and meticulously note every little micro-expression and editing trick and talk about how deliberate and dedicated she was....but now we're supposed to believe getting lewder is somehow unintentional or all in our heads.

Her appeal was creativity, cuteness, and hating lewders and pedophiles. 
> she still is like that
In what timeline?
> she is almost 17 and naturally starts to explore her sexuality
Everyone knew she would grow and change. It was baked into the cake. Growing and changing does not entail becoming another cosplay thot. That's a false dichotomy.

Fart head/redditspacer is supposedly in Canada. RAD claims so many different things that I don't know what to think, but he sounds Californian (lots of show business talk, degenerate as fuck, etc)
You're in the Bonbiverse. "Drama" is part and parcel of the experience. There is no a la carte menu here.
Pedophiles are rarely exclusively attracted to pre-pubescent kids, they're often attracted to adults too. Being attracted to bonbi doesn't undo his pedophilia. This card never works, don't bother playing it again.

Just something for you to think about anon, but why did she choose Ahri over Elizabeth? Could it be bonbi is still self-conscious about something in particular....hint hint, padding won’t help her with that cosplay.

Could be just to piss people off. I mean, we know she likes doing it. I was hoping for the Meulin re-do but after the shot-for-shot Rose re-do feeling so hollow (and pointless) and these thot costumes I don't think I care anymore. I feel like she's in a Sunset Boulevard phase and wants to get sexy to get another shot at the greater level of fame/recognition she always wanted.

Why is this garbage site so slow, why the fuck did they give such big file sizes and make all the gifs autoplay if they don't have the bandwidth for it.
4chan has many limitations but at least it's decently fast most of the time

i don't mind the slowness, i check twice a day so its good for me. its only fast when a new tik tok is dropped or a stream happened. endchan is cool at least i don't have to solve captcha every couple of post, here i can post a file even if my internet is shit

Don't you guys think it's funny that we're in the middle of a pandemic and the economy is failing but bonbi still has 69 patreons?
I'm glad people's priorities are where they are.

That doesn't make any sense. Black is completely removed from all the backroom stuff, he isn't involved in anything and does not give a fuck about Bonbi. Would be really weird for Bonbi to dedicate a tiktok to him like that. Unless she and Seth are both paranoid as fuck and think that Black is still pulling the strings.

Has anyone made an OC to David Bowie's "'Tis A Pity She Was A Whore"
I got that idea but I will not e xecute it because I love bonbi and contrary to popular belief she is NOT a whore

> she’s missing two major things. ASS AND TIDDES

can someone explain to me this idea that you need a big ass and huge tits to be considered sexy enough to make money off your sexuality? Thin, petite women are always in demand.

God I want to play Overwatch with bonbi, this is how I imagine it going
> Hi cheesehead!
< Hehe hi
> Let's go qp classic yes?
< Sure
*enter queue*
> I'm actually super nervous
< Haha no don't be! I won't bite
> Heh I just admire your content a lot
< Aw thank you so much!
> You know I get very into some things or people, it's an autistic trait
> And you're one of my so called "special interests"
< Oh I know someone with autism!
> Well I don't exactly have *autism*, I have Asperger's Syndrome which is autism without an intellectual disability
< I did not know that, that's cool
*enter game*
> Who's gonna pick Mercy the fastest hmmm!
< Hey I want Mercy!
> You gotta be faster than me!
*picks Mercy*
< Awww maaan gimme Mercy
> Ok cheesehead
< Thank you
> Say thank you uwu
< Hahaha I'm not saying uwu
> Cmooooon
< No!
> Ok egirl
< I'm not a egirl!
> But you cosplayed as one!
< Okay fine hahaha
> It's one of my favorite cosplays you've done btw
< Aww thanks, I really liked cosplaying as an egirl even though I'm NOT an egirl
> Sure sure
< Hahaha aaaargh

> Can you guess my favorite cosplay you've done?
< Uuuhhhh there are sooo many, I'd never guess
> It's one of the new ones
< Let me guess, Ahri
> Bingo!
< People really seem to like that one, I got like 10 new patreons when I did that cosplay
> And I'm one of 'em
< Awww thank you so much!!
< ...what do I call you?
> Just my username is fine!
< Ok just my username
> Pffff
< Teheheheheh
> What a comedy genius
< I know
> Ah I need healing behind you
< Oopsie poopsie, I don't have eyes behind my back
> Thank you
> How are you? Like really, how are you?
< Uhhhh I'm not sure
< Nobody really asks me that
> Don't you have friends?
< I mean a few online friends
> Me too
< Well I feel pretty stressed
> What's stressing your cheese head?
< Hahaha just...
< *sigh* I don't know it's stupid
> No way it's stupid
< Well, do you know 4chan?
> Yea I do
< Well, they say all kinds of things about me.. and it really gets to me
< What kinda things?
< Like ooh bonbi is a whore and ooh I wanna lewd bonbi
< I just don't know how to handle it
> Well... I don't really know the real you, but nothing I've seen you do indicates that you're a whore
< That's what I'm thinking! Like what did I ever do?
> It's just incels in their moms basements writing all kinds of silly mean things about you
< 'cause you're a meanie
> Yes
< Hahahahaha
> I gotta admit that I found you through 4chan, but I never made nasty comments about you, I just watched your content
< Oh... I never would've guessed you're a 4chan user because you're so nice
> 4chan is a diverse group of good people and bad people
< I guess so...

> Need healing behind you again
< I gotchu
> Thanks Bonnie
< You're welcome just my username
> Haaaaahaaaaaa
< Tehehehehe
> You know what makes your tiktoks special?
< *British accent* I's got no idea, I's just messing about in front of a camera
> *British accent* well I'll tell ya, it's your facial expressions
< *British accent* oi sod off there's nothing special aboot that
> *British accent* oi, OI!
< *British accent* Oi oi!
> Your face is very expressive, it's a gift, you should cherish it
< Aaaawh makin' me blush, noone's ever said that about me
> It's the truth man!
< Thank you so much man!
> So, do you have plans for the next cosplay if you're making one?
< Ahhh yeah I'm making one... but
> Butt what?
< It's gonna get a lot of opinions
> Bad opinions?
< Yeeeaah
> Well what's wrong with it?
< It's just uhhhh, can I show you? On discord?
> You wanna add me on Discord?
< Yeah
> Oh my god I can't believe I'm about to have the one and only bonbibonkers on my Discord friends list
< Hahaha it's no biggie
> It's a huge for me, a fan interacting with his idol
< Pffff shush, what's your Discord?
> It's Blade Runner#2049 with a space and capital first letters
< Okaay give me a second
> I'll give you two
< Pft very funny
> I am funny
< Sure
< There
> Accepted
< So here's one picture...
> Oh wow.. OH WOW.. that's hella cute but I can see why someone would have negative opinions about it
< Yeeeaaa it's kinda ... like that
*game ended*
> Dang we lost, better luck next time
> I think I'll actually go for now, it's pretty late, I go to bed early
< Okay! I had fun time playing with you!
> Maybe play another time?
< Absolutely!
> And uhhh I think you should go ahead with that cosplay, a lot of people will like it
< Yeeeeeah I don't know...
> Do what feels right
< Alright
> Goodnight cheesehead!
< Goodnight Blade Runner, whatever that means
> Hah, byebye
< Byeee uwu

The end.

funny how they say they want to protect bonbi from muh groom while they call her a whore and want to re-groom her and play there fantasies about "hacking her brain and change her personality" 

we will not subscribe to your groom fantasies  >>/7384/ and we will not want to crush the spirit of a girl for playing a game and having a discord chat

I only reply to him here, he can go to the drama thread or lewd thread and whorespam all he want or talk about seth all he want. This thread is about bonbi (new bontent, edits, photos, new news, insta post and stories)

Links in case someone's looking for them

Profile Downloader: https://mega.nz/#F!A1NWwYyK!YJIRtAL3poXAuuoXO2jd6Q
Archives: https://pastebin.com/XmJqnK8k
Stream Archives: https://rentry.co/ttg&#95;streams

if their reasoning is that creepy / lewd / obsessive posting is the problem, why have they never bothered trying to actually actively moderate that content?
why is the first stage of their plan to ban entire generals outright?

this. surely there must have been some janitor applications for wsg? 1 or 2 ttg residents would have been enough to keep the threads clean around the clock.
and spamming has never been an issue, its all over 4chan all the time. and there were times it was much much worse in ttg

She would if she’d have her natural hair color not to mention she only seems to want to do her makeup flawlessly in cosplays. Her rin(not contest) Mabel and strawberry are really great, but look at all her ooc makeup. She looks appalling when she dyed her hair pink, and that family dinner she went to was also really bad too. It’s like she tries adding a lot of reds and pink they don’t go well with her.

I think so, I'm not against the live post updates as much as being forced to use them, it feels a bit invasive and something I'd prefer to post without
Aside from that it could potentially cause problems with people accidentally typing private information into the chat, or simply be abused by trolls
The site seems like a good foundation, but is probably ill-equipped for the shitshow it's about to host lol

> janny incapable of setting out clearly defined rules to moderate responsibly and efficiently
> janny repeatedly having temper tantrums and power-flexing like an incompetent baboon
> janny wonders why all the threads turn to shit
Many such cases.

Congratulations! You became a Real Fan™! Thank you for facilitating the relationship between a mentally unwell young woman and her unemployed, poorly groomed...but expertly grooming...pedophile boyfriend!

He definitely won't. This year there's gonna be no joined community effort at all. Maybe I'm an evil fuck, but I'm kind of enjoying the thought of Bonbi being little heartbroken on her birthday because of that. I mean one year you get at least 50 people coming together, making something for you and next year you get... nothing. That's gotta sting at least a little.

Between the mods on redditchan and bonbis own actions she's successfully managed to demolish a huge chunk of her fan engagement and community
From here it'll just be a slow decline into obscurity and irrelevance
I hope she looks forward to being nobody again, she's earned it

I can’t want till she’s 18 and thinks it’ll be ok to bring him out into the open, because if she thought it’s been bad up to now OH BOY she’d better be ready for that category 5 shit show.

I mean that's basically what she did with the twitch reveal
Drama surrounding the pedo was at it's lowest in a long time, so perhaps she thought she could get away with the flex
Part of me thinks she even may have done it intentionally to revive her own controversy for all that sweet sweet attention she needs

I'm still here, it's just quiet because there's no bontent to post and 2chen has more active posting
endchan is still a better chan for archival atm, 2chen seems a bit haphazard in whether posts actually exist or not lol

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Guys, why not to try to get shelter on 2ch? There is nice (but dead) thread abt our Goddess:

You can revive it. Moderators don't often care about situation on the int board, and Russian trolls will not be a problem due to low English speaking skills.

Anyone else wondering how literally 100% of shitposting seems to have dried up overnight?
Maybe every single spammer suddenly decided to behave after months of dedicated autistic shittery?
> Or maybe the aidf mods just decided they didnt need to falseflag the general any more

Given that the alternative is just another fallout bunker like this one without the established board traffic of 4chan, it probably isnt a viable long term option if new posters cant find their way to the board
Its just frustrating when threads/posts are regularly interrupted or erased entirely for seemingly arbitrary reasons on the whims of a moderation team that appears personally invested in being as disruptive as possible to a specific subset of site posters

Notably cuckposting, sethposting, rad's usual level of spam, and pretty much all the "weird creepy shit" the general was supposedly banned for

Maybe janny somehow managed to ban every single low quality spam poster out of existence, they don't appear to have migrated anywhere else
Just odd how curiously effective janny's temper tantrum seems to have been

> cuckposting, sethposting, rad's usual level of spam
I think those were all the same dude, the cuckposter. The RAD from bbg shitposts in a different way. And the creepyposting seems to have died I guess since most people moved to the new site

im guessing the people managing the mega folders are on here now so. i found 52gb of bonbi stuff that i just kept downloading from mega and dropbox since before her first disappearance but the folders are fucked and some files either corrupted or probably lower quality versions of current stuff. would you autists want me to upload it for you to go through and see what can be added and whats trash?

The content of those messages doesn't look like there would be any reason to delete them intentionally (unless bon and em are just doing it to keep us autists entertained)
Looks more likely its just a glitch with the messaging system

and another folder. this is completely unsorted. the rest of bonbi stuff ive got is literally just bbg bulk downloads that dont seem to be duplicates of anything

Let this serve as a reminder that we shouldn’t let a sweet, innocent, and pure soul overcome us gentlemen. Even if the strap-on is fully fastened, and they are pounding away at your very manly hood. Stand strong and do not falter, for soon you will prevail.

Though there was one that etched terror in her heart, for she knew it would come, as it always had, as it always would. Seeking only vengeance and retribution to level the scales once again. Many warned her it would come if she didn’t change, but in her fervor she went to far and wronged the one that would set forth without pity. Swift and unrelenting, it would crush all, spreading despair like a disease, none would be left unbroken by it’s savagery. It’s rancorous hatred was insatiable, incorruptible, unyielding, only by the paying of her debt would it be satisfied, but such a price would end only one way.....

one flicker of light will banish all darkness! bonbi is the light that is eternal. she don't need your forgiveness or pity. cuckspammer will be banished by the blinding light! and he will stop spamming bonbi hate and seth cock fantasies.

You fool the time is nigh, for mercy belongs to the lord, and she has abandoned thee. Before the end she will know it’s name, for none shall escape it’s hunger unyielding. For what is light but lurking shadow? What is hate but jilted love? Tis perhaps the countdown to oblivion, the once pure child, whose path she must find has chosen her path, like others before her, slave to desire, such a dire presage, but strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, for few there be that find it....

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bonbi's ancestors will take no shit from your filthy god. your god is the god of slaves and domesticated people. the native spirit is untouchable by your god no matter how you terrorize and force it on people. what kind of good wish to torture and kill children for being victims? your god is sick! and we will not submit!

It is not god nor is it some holy retribution, no for god forgives; It only knows barbarous cruelty, but that Jewish god will again be called upon, only she’ll not be given the chance to utter the words....Tis perchance her last dance alone, for when those turn to god for interpretation when there was no reason to be found. When religion failed some turned to science, grasping vainly as new questions flourished while old answers withered. Rotten or pristine all come to it eventually be it child or man, tortured or appeased, victim or assailant. It shall drink at this river, drying it all!

This might not mean much, but it irked me. I posted this in /ttg/


and it was deleted some time later. No real names, no posting of the actual leak. It's creepy as fuck.

Many thought to stand against it with all the hatred they could muster, all the merciless brutality they could conceive, but it proved to be worse. All eventually trembled as it chills the hearts of those it passes before their inevitable bloody ruin. She doesn’t fear incels or holy recompense no, the only thing she fears is it.....

The men in this land don't dare venture from the safety of their homes...
In this land the men are jealous of the wolves and their presumptuous and lawless lives, for wolves have no forethought or shame of their actions and are unbounded by the rules and idiosyncrasies apparent in an ethical society.

Brutal, merciless, cruel... They all may have heard these words before, but it will teach them what they truly mean. Trembling at it’s approach just as she will when in it’s forbidding presence, only then shall they realize their grievous mistake....

It is an uncompromising, relentless being of barbarous cruelty, that knows no mercy mentioned by this abrahamic god you profess. In the end she will know the difference, for the only thing she fears is it....

Has anyone checked that tiktok clone app, where she was told to go back to tiktok very rudely. In case it wasn’t obvious I don’t know the name of the app, but was wondering if anyone was keeping an eye on it for new videos.

I've checked it occasionally but she hasn't posted since
I feel kinda bad for the app creators, it sounded like there were recurring problems with weirdly toxic posters trying to gatekeep content off the app

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