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It is actually ridiculous how much bullshit this girl dancing around in her anime cosplays has caused. It's absurd that a person sat down and wrote this shit.
There was a post on his mother's old Facebook account. July 2019. Picture of a cake with "Happy birthday Seth" on it. Captioned something like "My beloved son is turning 20 today". Sadly Rhonda deleted the account since then so there's no way to retrieve this photo. Maybe somebody made a screencap, but not me. I don't have it. 

Honestly I live for wacky conspiracy theories about Seth and Bonbi, but theories about his age are just stupid. There is no doubt in my mind that he's 20 now (turning 21 in July).
> Phil has been Bonbi's guard dog from very early on
> Over time Cintor, and later Black spoke with Phil and worked to dissuade him from taking any further actions against Anon. 
> Phil came to understand that Anon wasn’t malicious, so much as he was simply an idiot that didn’t realize how badly his actions made him look.

Fun fact: Phil had certain information which was legally actionable even before the pedophilia was confirmed, and did nothing substantive. Not even contacting her parents, let alone legal authorities. This was all allowed to happen. Most of what leaked during the Twitch dumpster fire was already known by the time of these happenings in mid-late April. Also Youth, Black, Phil, and Cintor claimed that they shared logs of Bonbi and Seth's private conversations with Youth, and what he saw convinced him he was wrong. This was supposed to be the reason for people to believe the retraction. If they and Youth hate each other, and Youth was so moved by what he saw that he would retract what he said in the dossier, then it must be extremely convincing, right? But that was another lie. Youth got selected leaks of private messages from Blambidonkers, who had obtained those logs because Seth was using a logger which had a back door in it.


There is no "definitive proof" but everything from his email addresses (like momsbrat99) to Facebook posts indicates he was born in 1999, specifically July. His mom posted on Facebook last July saying he was turning 20. Another post of an old picture of Seth and his older half-brother indicated he was born in 1999 as well. That account was deleted a while back.
Man. Discord is tiresome really. I've never used it but that UI is so tiresome looking. How do little kiddies get hooked on this kind of UI? 

It is so tiresome to think what others are thinking. I wish people were more smart. These dumb people are so unpredictable. Their logic is all over the place. 

Please give me advice on how to deal with all this... It's all tiresome really. Distancing myself from it is hard to do when I'm already invested in the journey. 

I'm so lonely aswell. I think she is exiting her lolcow phase. It's tiresome when it doesn't go my way. If only she was held more accountable for her past. I want to see more of an impact on her public face rather than 'in the shadows' exposing. It is tiresome.
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You mean this one?
Not sure if there's a screenshot of the post that came with it, still looking through archives

It was speculated the steaks were sent my Masamune as part of his efforts to buy his way into contact with bonbi, though it's possible they could have even been from bonbi herself
yeah I gathered, but why?
is it a post he liked?

ah ok, found the video and it's just trumpists complaining about mah draconian government trying to save their retarded asses from global pandemic

pretty funny he's following the hodge twins tho lol
you think he's seen the one about his daughter?
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> is it a post he liked?
i think so? idk how facebook works
> you think he's seen the one about his daughter?
doubt it, but who knows. i've only seen one hodgetwins post on his timeline so maybe he's not following them too closely. also i think that video was paid only on vimeo or something

in other news, i just got locked out of my facebook account and they're holding it hostage until i hand over my phone number. thanks zuckerberg
This is some playground bullshit, where it not for the seriousness of what the Nonce has done. Catty bunch of motherfuckers sitting around getting high on their secrets and lies godamn.
a lot of the inner-circle discordniggers do, that's why they would rather piss about flaunting dox for clout than actually taking what they know to the police to prevent the sexual exploitation of a kid
This is the entire crux of the matter. These people never cared about Bonbi. They care about their petty social games. Bonbibonkers is just the excuse for the discordniggers to engage in their lies and deceit.
It's pretty enraging when you understand these nobodies would rather let something terrible continue happening so they can keep living out their sad online fantasies of being important, instead of compiling the information in a comprehensive format and at least *trying* to alert true authorities, who just might be able to put an end to it all.

The truth does not fear investigation. The fact that they were begging people not to alert the police is all you need to know about the veracity of their statements.
Honestly, I don't blame them. I would understand why they would not alert the authorities when they've probably been involved/said questionable things.

I'm by no means defending them. On God, I have an immense desire to see everyone using Discord burn; but, as far as an outside stance is concerned, all I can do is understand why they don't act...

It's all tiresome though. How do the mass sheeple win? I wish upon a day I get granted wolf-esque powers so I can rampage on my local sheep. My pent up anger is tiresome to hold.
Because he's full of shit. However this would put him at 14-15 years old posting this red pill stuff. I've seen it before but it always made me second guess the idea that he was 19 (now 20). Not like it matters since he's legally fucked either way.
> interesting
not really, just some overwatch rule 34
Very normal behaviour for an incel really...

Is anyone willing to start a doxbin for him? Just so the information is neatly organised in one place instead of these random pastebins being scattered around...
bonbi will never take accountability as long as bbg continues to cower and act passively

bonbi needs to be publicly confronted on tik tok where her normie fans could find several tik toks exposing her love for baby fuckers, and the dangers she poses to the young cosplaying community 

I know how you feel, and it is tiresome and repetitive, but this drama shit has been here for over a year. at this rate 2ch should take the initiative and actually make something happen, instead of just passing around useless dox while they laugh at our attention in the background
Nothing will change. The years will continue to drone on. The possibility for legal action is completely out the picture now. No court would be interested in saving one girl because of an anonymous tip with discord images as proof.

Only direct physical action against either Bonbi or Seth works. But, that's just a fantasy. No one will bother doing that.

In short, there is absolutely nothing that can even happen. Even online. Exposing her audience to her past doings won't amount to anything. Her viewers would just continue to shower her with attention and brush off the drama. No one is invested enough to care that much. Perhaps a few words of disgust will get passed around for a couple weeks. But it will simmer down and things will return back to normal.

Nothing will change. She will grow up. She will know that nothing bad can happen to her. Because she will learn it's all bark. The best course of action is to distance yourself from it all. If you want a feeling of community then that's why /bbg/ exists. She's essentially nothing but a long movie to kek at.

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