/bird/ - Birdie

Anything related to Birdie / Jack / Damagedcoda6669 and his fanbase.

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anons when 2 seconds of no birdieconfess. why must we bend to the will of the man?!!!!?????!!!! (Terry)
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how much longer until terry dips for good? it's been 4 days and it's clear he doesn't want to maintain it either.
what the fuck are you trying to do here? you guys look so fucking retarded 💀
Looks like he finally woke up. The amount of Toshi hate is insane, they never fail on complaining about literally whos.
"you guys" 
you clicked on the link so i mean........................................................................................................................................................
I'm sad that the only good thing about Moralton Animatez is gone now. That #clayisover mini series had some genuinely enjoyable stuff.
al is such a fucking attention slut that harbors and clings onto jack for attention. of course he stull mentions jack in his coummnityu posts. hes a stupid retard that cant hold up internet popuarity by himself, because of how two dimensional he is + ugly ass art
why did they force birdie to drink the soy (she was soy but controversial which is HOT and makes my pussy wet) WHY SOPHIA YOU LOOK SO RETARDED I NEED FO HAVE SEX WITH AN EMOTIONALLY UNSTABLE AUTISIC WOMAN!!!

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