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/bmw/ - Bureau of Memetic Warfare

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> Is this our bunker?
Yes. Let's put our seal on the door.
> I'm fine if it is... but how do we tell ppl on 8/bmw/ about it?
If they found 8/bmw in the first place, they are the kind of people who will find their way to the bunker.

Without content you will always suck.  This domain, that domain, whatever.

thumbnail of RWDS_ringtone_orig.wav
thumbnail of RWDS_ringtone_orig.wav
RWDS_ringt... wav
(7.29 MB, 0x0)
RWDS Ring tone clip I cut.  It's in its rawest form (derived from flac, from the source).

There is a secret within the file.  Your best tool of finding it is steghide on Cygwin.

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