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Ahi tienen rodeados a los profugos de la  justicia, te lo dejo aca todo

Rand Paul To Introduce Amendments To Senate Gun Bill


> but then, nobody knows how, and clearly retard force 1 had no idea it even happened, but CMZ whitelisted the FUCK out of Q's trip
That's not how whitelists work. Whitelists only allow you to post a "whitelisted" trip on said board. There is no such as excluding a trip from the SALT rotation. The fact Jim lied about this is the second biggest red flag next to the secret SALT rotation to begin with.

Mass protest in front of London Israel embassy

A large number of people on Friday staged a mass protest in front of the Israeli Embassy in London, condemning the continuous Israeli aggression on Palestinian worshippers at Al-Aqsa Mosque.

The protesters also called for an immediate end to Israeli occupation forces and settler attacks on Palestinian residents of the holy city and worshippers at Al-Aqsa Mosque.

The Palestinian Forum in Britain, the Muslim League in Britain and the Palestine Solidarity Campaign jointly organised the event.

The protesters called for Israel to end its occupation of Palestinian territories and stop settler raids on Al-Aqsa Mosque.

Meanwhile, the protesters called for the UK government to stop selling weapons to the Israeli occupation.

A number of Neturei Karta members, a Jewish organisation that opposes the Israeli occupation of Palestine, raised placards calling for freedom for the Palestinians and the liberation of Palestine.

"We are here to confirm sending a message of solidarity with our brothers in Jerusalem, Al-Aqsa Mosque and the besieged Gaza Strip to the Israeli occupation," said Zaher Birawi of the Palestinian Forum in Britain. "We tell you that you are not alone."

Birawi also expressed: "We are sending our thanks and support for the Palestinians who defend the Arab and Islamic nations in addition to Al-Aqsa Mosque – the third holiest place for all Muslims on earth."

He called on Israel to stop its attempts to impose special and temporal partitioning of Al-Aqsa Mosque, and he stressed that Israel must maintain the status quo in the holy city of Jerusalem.


The Step into Power

JJK: Beloved Jesus, now I know why I was numb all morning. With this message, I am not surprised that I was completely turned off?

JESUS SANANDA: Good day, beloved brother, I bless you, I bless every being who now understands my nearness.

Yes indeed, this revelation is therefore very significant so that you can take the next step into your power.

It is very essential to know what constitutes a human existence and how it comes about. And who receives the permission to do so from the Being. Only the greatest angels, that’s who.

JJK: So, we have all been logos of many creations, builders of many worlds, and even the stars in the sky that we now look at with fascination come from our energy field?

JESUS SANANDA: That’s right. Here is revealed to you the next level, a new dimension of your omnipresence. The other side of multidimensionality and how much everything has come from one origin – from yourselves.

Whenever it is said that everything has emerged from God, it automatically means you, because everything has emerged from you when you were still fully aware of your divine power and also applied it in accordance with the divine principles.

Yes, always it is you, truly, you are the greatest of all angels in the whole universe.

JJK: There the “feelings of inferiority” disappear all by themselves. The end of powerlessness, of self-limitation, a person reads that?

JESUS SANANDA: Not quite, Jahn! But the possibilities for it stand well, since this information vibrates so highly, so that a human being is also lifted into this vibration and reaches there again and again, if he remembers it.

Conditionally therefore, because many people simply cannot believe this. They cannot and do not want to believe it, because the self-restraints still have a powerful effect.

But for all those who are already well cleared, this is a message that liberates very much at the moment.

JJK: And now it goes back and everything starts all over again?

JESUS SANANDA: In a way, yes, but only in principle, because the principle of creation, that every evolution takes place step by step, must be met. But what you are creating now is new, you have never experienced it before, it is absolutely unique.

In the creation there are no repetitions, only the human being is full of it, so he really is on the time and space line of being.

He not only repeats his lives, but a single life is full of repetitions. As long as until that is discarded, since one knows how to use the NOW for himself.

So then you begin to create new worlds, are trained again to make stars and more.

Yes, the journey back is just as exciting as the journey here on Gaia TERRA XX .

JJK: And except for BABAJI EA’H SAT NAM’, no one in being has completed this journey in both directions?

JESUS SANANDA: Yes. Therefore HE has a sphere of activity that is unique in creation, HE is truly GOD HIMSELF.

JJK: I also find the magnitude of this change very impressive.

“War of the Worlds”

The whole universe, the whole creation is affected because there was this play between light and dark in many places?

JESUS SANANDA: Yes. It was truly a “war of the worlds” that was going on, but that is almost over.

Tell us something we don’t know. 
You don’t sound as smart as you used to. 
[Q] power implosion 

Too little too late
If you had anything real to offer you would have done by now.

thank you for your kindness, anon. just going through a lot rn. trying to take care of basic needs like feeding myself and drinking water feels like a gargantuan task. but you're right, i need to get outside and keep my focus on God.

> Rogue nuke stash…maybe the U1 yellow-cake found its way to Ukraine somehow?
I think we're getting warm.  Ukraine would have nuclear tech (they have reactors like chernobyl) and the facilities, and the requisite level of corruption too.

There was talk in the CBTS threads about using US (each producer is isotopically distinct) mined uranium to be reprocessed into weapons grade and used for a false flag.  This was part of the long game behind the Uranium One deal.
(Some of my details may be garbled due to the passage of years and a couple of drinks tonight).

Fences are going up around federal buildings in downtown Dallas as well as other facilities and windows are being boarded up.


Why was Esau hated?
He stood with satan in the first earth age. 
He was sent north so he could not benefit from living off the fat of the land. He is the Red Nation of Russia who will come against all of Israel (caucasians) in the end times. 
It is Biblical!

Since our economy is fucked and we are likely to enter high inflation I want to buy stock in stable companies with actual assets and a solid balance sheet. I have a few ideas but wonder if any finance anons have some favorites.


many of their plans and terms trends catchphrases are all belong to us

NWO?  =  New Guard
Ordo ab chao = WE are restoring proper order
Ga. Guidestones = WE are the ones left to inhabit earth

their narrative is ours
we own their future

Donald J. Trump / @realDonaldTrump
 06/04/2022 20:51:30 
Truth Social: 108422122081166659
Wow! Peter Navarro, our brilliant Harvard educated White House Trade Official who was by far the toughest advocate for Tariffs, Taxes & powerful Regulations on China, was just handcuffed, shackled, and put into prison because he didn’t obey the orders of the Unselect Committee of political THUGS, many of whom were involved with Impeachment Hoax #1, Impeachment Hoax #2, the Mueller Report Scam and, of course, the now fully debunked RUSSIA, RUSSIA, RUSSIA Con. They’ve gone CRAZY!!!


Jesus the creator of humans was on earth to tell humans that those that inbreed have to be killed because they no longer have Jesus God as their creator because inbreeds from inbreeding have instead an infinite inbreeding demon of incestuous child rape as the 'creator' of the dog shit that is inbred jews and the reason why Jesus ordered drowning for child rapists is because inbreeding = child rape and inbred jews will only continue to rape and eat children as seen with maxwells and epsteins because inbreeding = 'too inbred to care' inbreds unless child rapists are drowned first as ordered by Jesus. 

it is impossible to 'outbreed' 'too inbred to care' as all inbreds have only the infinite inbreeding demon of incestuous child rape where humans instead naturally only have Jesus God as their creator trying to save humans from the endless hell of 'too inbred to care' where all inbreds reside. 

drown all ((dogs))) as dogs are of the same incestuous child rape inbreeding demon as jews are from inbreeding and dogs are trying to 'have' the dog 'owners' 'mentally inbred' enough to pick up dog shit until the dog is dead while infants get their genitals mutilated

Never have a dog around children as all inbreds are pedophiles and can only try to make others 'too inbred to care' pedophiles unless drowned first. 

sex is only for adult man and woman in a marriage to start a family!
protect your children from degeneracy or your children will eventually kill themselves.

Ban genital mutilation of infants!
never promote bad behaviour
only time to think

The 10 states with the highest rates of genital mutilation of infants compared to countries with same rate

    West Virginia (87.00%)     Equatorial Guinea (87.00%) Oman (87.70%)
    Michigan (86.00%)            Mali (86.00%)	                   Kuwait (86.40%)
    Kentucky (85.00%)
    Nebraska (84.00%)
    Ohio (84.00%)                   Guinea (84.20%)	
    Indiana (83.00%)
    Iowa (82.00%)
    Wisconsin (82.00%)
    South Carolina (81.00%)   Bahrain (81.20%)
    Pennsylvania (79.00%)     French Polynesia(78.00%)

https://worldpopulationreview .com/state-rankings/circumcision-rates-by-state

never promote bad behaviour
only time to think
Ban genital mutilation of infants!

Hunger is the mother of anarchy. ~ Herbert Hoover

Of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, the one named War has gone - at least for a while. But Famine, Pestilence and Death are still charging over the earth. Hunger is a silent visitor who comes like a shadow. He sits besides every anxious mother three times each day. He brings not alone suffering and sorrow, but fear and terror. He carriers disorder and the paralysis of government, and even its downfall. He is more destructive than armies, not only in human life but in morals. All of the values of right living melt before his invasions, and every gain of civilisation crumbles. -HH

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> 1 potus truth yesterday 

> WIN 

Connects to prayer drop from 09/20/2020?
"References violence aimed at Your children"

Anons, check thePERFECTandZEROdecodes from last week.

> 09-20
> 09-20
> 09-20

> We need to start a containment board for clockfags so real anons don't have to see their bullshti.
Translation: The Q clock confirms the validity of real Q posts working in a circular fashion. This destroys our narrative so lets try to make it illegal to post them here.

nancy looks really freaked out
she looks like she's aged
some code; can't bear watching her
but there's definitely material to unpack
"this is deadly serious" she says
"terminating a pregnancy is just the opening act"
there's something else hiding behind it.
She claims a right of abortion as a Constitutionally protected right; lying again.
And that the election this Nov. will be to stop the abortion procedure from being banned Country-wide.
total projection when she says

The decision was to "criminalize heath care choices"
which is exactly what the NWO she works for is doing around the lethal injections.

Facebook just makes up any shiit they want to get rid of you, if they want to;
You can't expect it to make sense, because it won't.
They are just fucking with people; twit too. And YouTube too.
They make zero sense; they just like to fuck with you; sorta like the crooked Dems whom them work for.


> Fuck right off faggot

ID:8e2c4c posts are all NOTABLE

Some of us anons have been following this shit for over twenty years.

ClA FBl Oklahoma City Waco Payne Stewart Etc.
911 was not a wakeup call when you already knew about Operation Northwoods.

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We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only.  We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." 


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Barsoomian is the constructed language of the fictional Barsoomians, the sapient humanoid inhabitants of Mars in the Barsoom series of novels by Edgar Rice Burroughs. It was developed from Burroughs' examples and descriptions by Paul Frommer for the 2012 film John Carter of Mars; Frommer also created the Na’vi language for Avatar.


> https://brutalproof.net/2021/03/cias-orion-creating-schoolyard-shooters/

It's true that I'd seen this before but the project title had escaped my memory (suspiciously so).

Thank you for posting the reminder and context, I appreciate it and it will likely teach others something

Image 2. Google translate gave me this output when I scanned it and translated.

Rice .  2. Signs on the bed side of the bricks:1 - Kyiv, Church of the Tithes;2 - Smolensk, Borisoglebsky Cathedral of the Smyadynsky Monastery;  3 - Vladimir - Volynsky, Assumption Cathedral;  4, 5 - Polotsk, church on the moat;  6 - Vitebsk, Church of the Annunciation;  7 - Pskov, the church of Dmitry Solunsky - 

Not sure what it means but ok.

House Rating Changes: Eight More Moves, Including Six in Republicans’ Direction

It's going to take more time to gauge whether the Supreme Court's decision to overturn Roe v. Wade will meaningfully narrow Republicans' enthusiasm advantage. But early district-level polling and primary turnout continues to paint a bleak picture for House Democrats, with President Biden's approval badly underwater in competitive seats and surprising opportunities for the GOP in places like Rhode Island and California's Central Valley. This week we're shifting six races in Republicans' direction and two in Democrats' direction. There are now 38 Democratic-held seats in Toss Up or worse compared to 10 for the GOP. We're maintaining our fall outlook of a GOP net gain of between 20 and 35 seats. 


Helps a little. You are here perhaps for the same reason I keep coming back here. To see if my thinking and theories are close to the rest of the anons thoughts. But this place is so loaded up with bullshit it's hard to filter through it at times…

Adel was appointed to the office in October 2019 to fill a vacancy and she was elected to the office in November 2020.

The family’s statement did not elaborate on the cause of death but said that relatives requested that the “the press and the public honor her, her legacy and our family by respecting our privacy at this difficult time,”

Adel, a Republican and the first woman elected as Maricopa County attorney, had been criticized over issues that included dismissal of 180 misdemeanor cases because charges were not filed before the statute of limitations expired.

She also faced scrutiny over whether an acknowledged alcohol abuse problem had affected her ability to do the job.


> My thoughts are in line
With your own axiomatic logic of dividing yourself from humanity first such that you 'see' a benevolence of it, when in truth it has held humanity back for the sake of those trying to divide from humanity to rule it.
Your logic self refutes, it is one destructive psychological projection masquerading as 'historical insight'.

It only 'persists' when the sources of the dialectic are trusted as speaking about anyone or anything other than their own warped minded selves.



> Where does it say insect porn?
Once you begin to eat the bugs you will understand the appeal of pheromones. Then you will appreciate 'bug night' and be delighted by what we have planned for you at the WEF.

Man who carried Vladimir Putin's nuclear controls briefcase found shot at his home

Vadim Zimin, the retired colonel in the Federal Security Service, had been in charge of the briefcase carrying the Russian nuclear controls which always accompanies the Kremlin leader




I am 147 = One for the 7 Churches.

107 is the atomic mass of silver 47.

The two false witnesses were Judeo Christian values. Each value is false in this context. Jews should have taken Isaiah 7:14 and Matthew 1:23 as a bridge to Christianity. Those that say Judeo Christian values are clueless and foster the synagogue of Satan. 

The seven churches have been overshadowed by the two false witnesses. Be proud, we have restored the knowledge of the real two anointed witnesses, Elijah and Moses, and real Christian values devoid of Satanic influences. Revelation 2.9 and 3.9. We are no longer hostage to the fake Jew mind control.

I understand wanting Q to manage a minimum of what they did before but this constant onslaught of words is really fucking wearing and just makes you look like "Methinks the lady doth protest too much" (sure you're a fine manly anon, you know what I mean). My frenly advice is drop your best pasta on breads to alert new readers, but then don't try to hammer it home non-stop, but, of course I'm just some anon asshole on the internet so you do you.I'm not certain yet what to think about the new Q posts, coming in just after Kash seemed to say they'd retired Q to just a brandname. The wording feels different and the content is bland.

Last night I got on Truth Social briefly for the first time in a month or so. Of COURSE I missed the Q posts and I thought it was a LARP when I saw the notis there. SMH..
Congrats on the (You)

this will be playing out over a decade or longer, as far as I can see
Q wont post until Trump is back in the wh
and the wheels of justice turn slowly
one FF after one drama after one truth laid bear

I think of those, that made this happen since JFK and understand the time it takes

my advice to you
2 moar weeks

Brian Cates - Political Columnist ★★★
Forwarded from 
Resist the Mainstream
🔴 US Marshal-Led Operation Sees Over 700 Arrested in Mississippi

It wouldn't hurt reading this again.




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Biden finishing the job because he's the perfect one to do it: old, throw-away puppet president. 

They can't lose - he will do whatever they want. They have two+ years to to go and look what was done so far.

> Who is Cassidy Hutchinson?
> Trust the plan.
> Q

> what do?
noice catch

== >>/14/
 Date/Time Constraint selected: T 03:23:
 Full Search Query:  {T 03:23:}  
 = Q Drops: 4

> then why did Q reply to that proof 
> do you think Q did not notice the fakeQ CAP's in the proof?

da czech'Tz { tz = TimeZone'd }

Thank you for the very informative answer.

I still cannot understand why "it had to be this way". On one hand, I can see a case to be made that the standing military (senior officers) had become hopelessly corrupt, beyond salvaging … evil, in many respects … a mere tool of globohomo, so that this "coming out of the closet" we are seeing now was inevitable … but how many rank-and-file personnel were destroyed by that damned jab? I was never in the military, but for two years I worked in a bar outside the main gate of a major Army air base, and I met many good-hearted, well-meaning, patriotic servicemen and women. It pisses me off that any of them had to be sacrificed and discarded as part of this damned "plan".

Q references to the 7th Floor

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 345235 No.13668 
Jan 7 2018 03:39:46 (EST)
7th floor is no more.

Q !UW.yye1fxo No.8 
Jan 13 2018 22:09:38 (EST)
BIG news week?
Future proves past. 
What news was unlocked?
Do you believe in coincidences?
> U1
What public disclosure occurred re: U1?
> DEFCON 1 [non-nuke FALSE]
Where did POTUS stop [post] ASIA?
:[AGAIN] direct pre-knowledge. 
:[AGAIN] warning ALERT.
Think BDT.
> Shall we play a game?
> How about a nice game of CHESS?
Why is this relevant?
What comes next?
> "…Because of the Democrats not being interested in life and safety, DACA has now taken a big step backwards. The Dems will threaten “shutdown,” but what they are really doing is shutting down our military, at a time we need it most. Get smart, MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
FOCUS on POTUS' Tweet above.
If D's shutdown the gov't - what happens to the US MILITARY? 
What specifically occurs? 
Think budget.
Why is this relevant? 
[CLAS_EO_        ][2]
> Missing 1
> Missing 2
> Missing 3
FIND missing [3].
Future proves past.
NOTHING is a coincidence.
The MAP is the KEY.
PLANNED for [3] years.
[CLAS_GITMO_    J   z9-A][89]

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 7f44ec No.120050 
Jan 21 2018 21:22:07 (EST)
Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 7f44ec No.119877 
Jan 21 2018 21:12:19 (EST)
The flood is coming.
Emails, videos, audio, pics, etc.
FBI accidentally deletes texts?
No Such Agency accidentally releases IT ALL>
Shall we play a game?
Expand your thinking.
Planned [3].
Moves and countermoves.
Strategy warfare.
This week will be revealing.
SNOW WHITE [1, 2, and 5] offline.
7th Floor is no more.
Just because you can't see it, doesn't mean BIG things aren't happening.
2018 will be GLORIOUS.

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: fe6cd6 No.10503446 
Sep 2 2020 10:33:22 (EST)
Files do not go 'missing' unless 7th floor direct involvement.
Follow the logs.

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 4cf122 No.10770890 
Sep 24 2020 13:35:34 (EST)

Tracking events?
Scope exceeds illegal spy campaign?
7th floor [FBI] team removed/terminated [7th floor is no more]?
What other investigations [same team] 'touch' [alter outcome]?
How are other investigations 'bridged' to 'illegal spy' campaign? 
There is a reason why this was leaked today.
The 'Election Infection' cannot stop what is coming.

So What is on the 7th Floor of Perkins Coie?

Kek….check out the comments at the bottom of this yahoo article. Over 1800+ comments w/some pretty hilariously bad takes….Facts matter.

www. yahoo.com/news/turning-point-095210374.html

btw..,yahoo .com comments are turned on, they just dont put it on the main page.  If you click the article and scroll to the bottom they are magically there.  Happy 4th anons


The old onion link for TOR appears to be obsolete.

Does anybody know what the new onion link for posting over TOR is, and if not, how does Q know it?

Is it posted anywhere?

30 Migrants in Camouflage Found Hiding near Border in Texas

Big Bend Sector Border Patrol agents tracked down 30 migrants attempting to make their way into the U.S. interior. They wore camouflage and were hiding in brush near Van Horn, Texas.

Big Bend Sector Chief Patrol Agent Sean L. McGoffin tweeted a photo of a group of 30 migrants found hiding in the brush. Electronic surveillance systems alerted Van Horn Station agents to the group moving through the area approximately 30 miles from the Texas-Mexico border.


Hostility towards Jews in history:

Here is a fully sourced and packed with verifiable facts info-graphic on the real reasons why so many different people in so many different places and different times became hostile towards Jews:
Pic related:

Zundel's prophecy:
https://www.bitchute.com/video/kDXtZPqVmEEY/ [Embed]

Jewish mindset in pic related:

Honest Rabbi explains to Jews why Hitler did what he did (whatever is was that he really did) and why he was justified to do it:

Jews know they (as a group) are acting as enemies of the Western people:

More on the Jewish mindset:

Jews as a group are ungrateful and don't care about being good guests to their host countries:

Pic related on how Jews justify their predatory behavior by saying they subvert and want to control the whole world "in the name of "peace"":


Do you seriously think that would be killer could tell something like "Oh, the Chuck messaged me, that he will pay me 10k$ for the head of SC Justice"??

> Blaming meds is quite a common theme amongst them. They use it to tie the knots, like "oh look at me, I am depressed, seriously mentally ill and I can not be charged. Don't even try to interrogate me on who hired me to carry out the "hit".

So now what, CIA will search for his "therapist"?? Like they comes to a this therapist and?
"Sir, why did you prescribe him this medicine?"

This is a joke, the guy knew what and for whom he was carrying out the hit job. They always know.

Ok I was a Q doubter but now the identity has been confirmed as real to me, Q is real. Cassidy Hutchinson was not a Democrat plant she was a Trump plant and she sabotaged the shit of of the Jan 6 committee. She also did not lie, she was probably told tat information with a wink and a nod so she is protected from blowback.


BREAKING HEADLINES, [01.07.22 11:27]
North Dakota Gives Green Light to Bill Gates' Farmland Purchase

READ: https://breakingheadlines.news/DGROVA


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