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It's cold outside
But I'm not worried for tonight
I shut my eyes and I'm alright
And If I fall, you'll catch me
They are waiting now
For me to stand and make them proud
I know I'll make it through somehow
When I have you to guide me
I am alone, surrounded

And now I see
I am alone, surrounded
I am the silence in the roar
Just a flicker in the dark
Is this the calm before the storm?
If I fall, you'll catch me
Push me back up on my feet
Be the strength inside of me
A burning fire that you feed

And I didn't know
It wasn't clear to me before
The gravity of what you are, you are
You see the good inside of me
Even when I cannot believe
I see it all through you, your eyes

No uncertainty
This is exactly what I need
I may be losing sleep
But at least now I see

I am alone, surrounded
I am the silence in the roar
Just a flicker in the dark
Is this the calm before the storm?
If I fall, you'll catch me
Push me back up on my feet
Be the strength inside of me
A burning fire that you feed

No question, no doubt
You've got me figured out
I'm standing tall because I've got you right here by my side
You're right…I just kind of assumed your "girlfriend" had to be a dog, or some kind of other animal…or inanimate object.  Because there isn't a (biological) woman of the human species that would put up with your whiny bullshit for more than maybe 30 seconds.  I highly doubt she'd wanna date some dude whose period syncs up with hers.
I went to a grad party today, there wasn't much talk of anything other than the price of everything.  $100 a tank I heard all day. Retards dressed like retards protesting faggots in that part of ID is a total glow storm.  You're broken once again. Go home or wait til next bread

So relaxing
When the Lies Come Home
After lying for months, the media are preparing the public for Ukraine’s military collapse.
< June 17, 2022 12:01 am
The 1000 year is completely obscured by our history…

Constantine is the most probably "Christ"…
His city, Constantinople, stood as the CENTER OF  CHRISTIANITY FOR 1000 YEARS

First council of Nicaea created Christianity and united us…
Second council DIVIDED the church and allowed worship of icons (think Hollywood and Bieber)…

We fell and fell hard…

They were shooting directly at the journalists: New evidence suggests Shireen Abu Akleh was killed in targeted attack by Israeli forces”. Thus read a CNN headline on May 26, 2022, for an article describing what may have been a “targeted killing,” – that is, assassination – of Al Jazeera journalist Shirleen Abu Akleh, a 51-year-old highly esteemed Palestinian-American journalist who had covered Israeli repression of the Palestinian population for about 25 years before she was killed.

With this killing and its aftermath, one knows that it is all hands on deck for an Israeli government cognitive campaign in the perpetual cognitive war Israel wages against the world, as will be explained below.

According to the CNN article, Abu Akleh was killed by a bullet to the head at around 6:30 a.m. on May 11, while standing with a group of journalists near the entrance of Jenin refugee camp as they covered an Israeli raid. “We stood in front of the Israeli military vehicles for about five to ten minutes before we made moves to ensure they saw us. And this is a habit of ours as journalists; we move as a group and we stand in front of them so they know we are journalists, and then we start moving,” a Palestinian reporter, Shatha Hanaysha, told CNN, describing their cautious approach toward the Israeli army convoy before the gunfire began.

Video recordings of the surrounding area showed the killing shots could have come only from the Israeli soldiers in specially designed “sniper” vehicles that were in direct line-of-fire positions to Abu Akleh that morning. Eyewitnesses told CNN that they “believed Israeli forces on the same street fired deliberately on the reporters in a targeted attack. All of the journalists were wearing protective blue vests that identified them as members of the news media.”

“Lawful targets” in a “Cognitive War”

The “blue vests” might have been what ensured the journalists would be targeted by Israeli forces, if Israeli forces see journalists as “lawful targets” in the war they continue to wage against the Palestinians, in what is in fact a continuation of the 1967 War. That is, an unrelenting military occupation in violation of international law, which constitutes a continuation of the “war.” And the evidence shows Israeli military/intel forces do see journalists as “lawful targets,” as part of the “Cognitive War” they wage against the Palestinians, but more particularly against the global population in an attempt to legitimize their military oppression of the Palestinians in their ongoing effort of “population expulsion” of the Palestinians from Palestinian territory. As Benjamin Netanyahu’s father, Benzion, proclaimed shortly before he died, this is the objective of Israel Zionists like him.

In fact, while Abu Akleh was the only journalist killed that day by Israeli forces, she wasn’t the only Palestinian journalist shot. A group of four Palestinian reporters was fired upon as well, with one also injured in the gunfire. That was not because Israeli forces had an obstructed view; footage showed a direct line of sight between the reporters and the Israeli convoy. That only one of the four was hit, besides Abu Akleh, is probably taken by military superiors as a sign that their marksmanship must be improved.

> Women all over the country are aghast at you right-wingers for taking away their reproductive rights.
They still have their reproductive rights.
They can still go fuck whoever they want, like the whores that they are.
It's just now instead of disposing of a baby like they would throw away an old pair of knickers, they have to be responsible.
Imagine that, those whores having to take responsibility for their actions.
Only sluts are crying about this. Oh and the connected business's that profit from death.
They are especially big mad.
Good luck for your 'comeback'
I dont think it will pan out how you think it will.
> every time Q came back he confirmed in one way or another with tweets from Scavino or Trump.
Either way…you'd think there'd be at least a little more skepticism, but there isn't.  How is requesting verification, amongst alllllll the fuckery (past, present, beyond) a shill thing to do?  Seems to be quite a few that chime right in and say that we're assholes for asking questions.  Who are the real fuckin' shills in that scenario?  Did everyone hit their heads on each others' heads or some shit?  Is it the mere desperation for Q to be here that the questioning/verification phase just gets a pass?
Lazy & sloppy.  Not the same anons that were in the thick of this shit digging and questioning FUCKING EVERYTHING.  smdh.  
Fuck me.
It's child abuse and removing parts of the genitals. Tons of nerves that exist for pleasure.
It's fucking up the children.

If you are against genital mutilation of girls, you should also be against genital mutilation of boys.
> America died of self-inflicted injuries.

NO IT DIDN'T.  We The People of America are about to take back our country from the internal enemy who has owned our country for at least this oldanon's lifetime.  Doubt it?  Take a look at their propaganda machine.  Watch it on Thursday evening and then see what happens.

4 hours ago - Politics & Policy
Most members of white supremacist group arrested in Idaho live out of state
Ivana Saric

    Ivana Saric

The big picture: Only one of the men in the truck was actually from Idaho, with the others hailing from South Dakota, Wyoming, Texas and Oregon, among others, per the Idaho Statesman.
check'd …ok and i agree with this in theory.  Yes we should have had a delta by now.  Media is taking it as a fact.  That is interesting enough, the way certain shills have behaved, interesting as well especially certain types that have been silent for a while .
and its is gay shit like this that makes it look coordinated.  Accuse your enemy of what you yourself are doing.
US tries to hide its activities in post-Soviet space - Russian Foreign Ministry

Zakharova stressed that the numerous explanations that the United States is collecting biomaterial and monitoring the epidemiological situation "only reinforce and strengthen the fears of the Russian Federation in the context of compliance with the BTWC, including the facts revealed in Ukraine"

The United States is trying to justify its unseemly military biological activities in the post-Soviet space with fake news, official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova said in an interview with TASS.

The diplomat drew attention to the "Fact Sheet on WMD Threat Reduction Efforts with Ukraine, Russia and Other Former Soviet Union Countries" published on June 9 on the website of the US Department of Defense, which contains statements about the allegedly peaceful nature of US activities in the biological sphere on post-Soviet space.

"We consider this material to be fake news and part of an information campaign launched by Washington to justify the United States' military biological activities in the post-Soviet space in order to divert international attention away from their true non-transparent and unseemly nature, which contradicts Washington's international obligations, including those under the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention (BTWC)," Zakharova stressed.

"For obvious reasons, the United States prefers to remain silent about ongoing work in the post-Soviet space and does not provide information as part of the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention (BTWC). Assertions that the activity of the Pentagon and related structures is focused exclusively on health issues, are not true. Obviously, health care does not require the participation of the US military," she said.

Zakharova stressed that the numerous explanations that the United States is collecting biomaterial and monitoring the epidemiological situation "only reinforce and strengthen the fears of the Russian Federation in the context of compliance with the BTWC, including the facts revealed in Ukraine".

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