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Yo solo lo conoci por mandar a la mierda a los gremiales y me cayó bien, pero un amigo camba me dijo que era mucho robo su gestión
Does she honestly think that will absolve her of her crimes?  God is coming for all of them, faking repentance will not save her soul.
Governance: enabling universality and guaranteeing autonomy
Access: 'hybrid CBDC' for access by non-local banks
Regulations: separating settlement and non-settlement processes
Successful development of prototypes
Project Dunbar worked with R3 and Partior to successfully develop prototypes on the distributed ledger technologies of Corda and Quorum, respectively. The prototypes proved the technical feasibility of implementing a shared multi-CBDC platform. While there are still further questions to be explored and challenges to be resolved, the successful development is a first step towards the vision of a shared platform for international settlements using multi-CBDCs.

Demo: R3 Corda CBDC Sandbox
Demo: Partior CBDC Sandbox
The details and conclusions of the project were published in a report that supports the efforts of the G20 roadmap for enhancing cross-border payments, particularly in exploring an international dimension of CBDC design.  

Related information
Press release: BIS Innovation Hub and central banks of Australia, Malaysia, Singapore and South Africa develop experimental multi-CBDC platform for international settlements
Press release: BIS Innovation Hub and central banks of Australia, Malaysia, Singapore and South Africa will test CBDCs for international settlements (2 September 2021)
Multi-CBDCs: Designing a digital currency stack for governability", by Monetary Authority of Singapore

2 of 2
> olga please marry me
Looks like a baby bump on her Instagram, Anon:
This may be your chance!
Nice try Satanist defender.
Once it is revealed how much they have been using race and religion to divide people, the normies will finally see whose warped psychology they have been trusting to 'shape' how they're supposed to think about people.
> Qclock tying news to drops every day 
Thank you clockfag.

Warroom opening this morning
"All 13 clocks must strike at the same second" - John Adams

"the Gathering Storm"

So, idea:

What if the scare event/Precipice moment is Russia outright declaring war on the US?
THEY ARE PAID AGITATORS, it's not about a real person's views, they are paid to disrupt so the ds tantrums work, but they won't, the cat is out of the bag, their games are seen and the brainwashed, who finally woke up, can never go back to sleep, game over, it's just a matter of timing, now. More to come, more blows to see, struck in our favor.
> Jesus as a nigger
YOU don't know shit about Jesus' skin color or ethnicity!  THINK before you speak, anon and stuff your SELF AGRANDISATIONS up your ass where it belongs!
Last night
What happens when you corner an animal?

How do you capture a very dangerous ANIMAL?

no longer dangerous?
anubis is the 'anti-christ' the 'khrist of the inbred' or 'the least inbred' of the inbreds, a jackal ~ jakob and can only learn that as it is a product of inbreeding it should never exist as how the inbred judas was made to hang by Jesus God.

inbreeding = child rape = endless death = godless creature to be drowned.
If you knew you are eternal and have had thousands of lives you wouldn’t be scared of anything.
If everyone knew they had a soul contract and your life was pre planned they would have no fear and would not be controllable.

The dark ones desperately want to control you and will do whatever is necessary to keep you in fear and this knowledge away from you.

You are eternal, this life is a series of lessons.
You are powerful beyond your wildest imagination.
Don’t let them control you.
If bad shit keeps happening over and over it’s your lesson that you need to learn.
Look at everything you do from a outside perspective, like an angel watching you. 

Don’t get so emotional, these are lessons.
You have had thousands of lives
Not sure.  I might have old images saved, but not sure.  That was an annoying time with so much being deleted and anons getting banned.
BREAKING: Bannon's attorneys have subpoenaed Nancy Pelos and the nine Jan 6th Committee members.
Were they live streaming to somewhere? 
How far did they get? 
Does any of them know what is up with that weird Clobert guys almost an ear thing on his head?
I want fucking answers!!!

Do you hear that Kinsinger?  Do you hear that Liz?  Donald J. Trump recognizes you for what you are: the true enemy of the people.
What is at stake?

Who has control?


Who was surprised?
> the media was surprised that sservice were willing to testify that cassidy was lying?
Anthony Fauci says that he's experienced rebound in Covid symptoms after taking a Pfizer's antiviral Paxlovid - which studies now show is NOT effective for people who are vaccinated

"VIVAL" can be likened to slaking the thirst of dry and thirty people.
What good is hydrating if one later has to be rehydrated?
Renewal is a periodic signal.
Times and Seasons.

Durham spending released at crossroads
of his investigation

Washington Examiner, by Jerry Dunleavy

Posted By: Imright, 6/4/2022 1:46:49 PM

John Durham’s special counsel office released its most recent financial statement just days after a defeat in the criminal investigation’s first trial as the prosecutor is gearing up for his next trial centering on Christopher Steele’s discredited dossier. From the start of October 2021 to the end of March 2022, the Special Counsel’s Office spent a total of $1,656,466, a slight decrease from the second report released last year, according to the new financial statement, which is the third one released by Durham’s office. Of the total for the new reporting period,


Trusting our cause is just, and having prayed for the fortitude to brave spiritual wickedness in high places, WE CITIZENS

OF AMERICA make this announcement to the SHAREHOLDERS OF US CORP, including THE CITY OF LONDON,

THE BRITISH CROWN and THE VATICAN, and their OPERATIVES in the media, government and society.

A 2nd Declaration Of Independence

by the 50 united states of America…

With the utmost respect and admiration for the founders of America, and the framers of the original Declaration Of Independence, the American people humbly emulate their thoughtful measured response to certain perpetual and ascending tyranny and despotism. We too believe it is the moral obligation of those privileged with knowledge and opportunity to work on behalf of THE PEOPLE,   that THE PEOPLE are served best when their benefactors choose unity over division, nationalism over globalism, sovereignty over submission, and liberty over oppression, that all human beings are equal in their innate value, that America was founded under God, that the God of America is just, peaceable and tolerant, that our natural rights as sovereigns come from God, and that our God-given rights may not be revoked, suspended, negated or abridged without due process. What distinguishes the 2nd Declaration Of Independence from its progenitor is the object from which we seek independence.

Regrettably, to our great misfortune, shame and dismay, and despite the recurrent warnings, and accorded safeguards, a cabal of foreign investors and privateers have managed to gain possession of our land, our wealth, our labor, our well-being, our future, and even our children. 


#20921 https://controlc.com/f9574862

When you have to IPhop 3 times cause catlog just wont work.
14 years - fox is sure upping their game in the No Shit, Sherlock! Dept.!

Big Pharma Spends More On Advertising Than Research And Development, Study Finds
Date:January 7, 2008
York University
A new study estimates the U.S. pharmaceutical industry spends almost twice as much on promotion as it does on research and development, contrary to the industry's claim. The U.S. pharmaceutical industry spent 24.4% of the sales dollar in 2004 on promotion, versus 13.4% for research and development, as a percentage of US domestic sales of US$235.4 billion. The study's findings supports the position that the U.S. pharmaceutical industry is marketing-driven and challenges the perception of a research-driven, life-saving, pharmaceutical industry.

The researchers’ estimate is based on the systematic collection of data directly from the industry and doctors during 2004, which shows the U.S. pharmaceutical industry spent 24.4% of the sales dollar on promotion, versus 13.4% for research and development, as a percentage of US domestic sales of US$235.4 billion.

As well, note the authors, the number of meetings for promotional purposes has dramatically increased in the U.S. pharmaceutical industry, jumping from 120,000 in 1998 to 371,000 in 2004, further supporting their findings that the U.S. pharmaceutical industry is marketing-driven.
Thus, the study’s findings supports the position that the U.S. pharmaceutical industry is marketing-driven and challenges the perception of a research-driven, life-saving, pharmaceutical industry, while arguing in favour of a change in the industry’s priorities in the direction of less promotion, according to Gagnon and Lexchin.
Their study, “The Cost of Pushing Pills: A New Estimate of Pharmaceutical Promotion Expenditures in the United States,” appears in the January 3, 2008 issue of PLoS Medicine, an online journal published by the Public Library of Science.   https://archive.ph/nmgc    = 
Jesus the creator of humans was on earth to tell humans that those that inbreed have to be killed because they no longer have Jesus God as their creator because inbreeds from inbreeding have instead an infinite inbreeding demon of incestuous child rape as the 'creator' of the dog shit that is inbred jews and the reason why Jesus ordered drowning for child rapists is because inbreeding = child rape and inbred jews will only continue to rape and eat children as seen with maxwells and epsteins because inbreeding = 'too inbred to care' inbreds unless child rapists are drowned first as ordered by Jesus. 

it is impossible to 'outbreed' 'too inbred to care' as all inbreds have only the infinite inbreeding demon of incestuous child rape where humans instead naturally only have Jesus God as their creator trying to save humans from the endless hell of 'too inbred to care' where all inbreds reside. 

drown all ((dogs))) as dogs are of the same incestuous child rape inbreeding demon as jews are from inbreeding and dogs are trying to 'have' the dog 'owners' 'mentally inbred' enough to pick up dog shit until the dog is dead while infants get their genitals mutilated

Never have a dog around children as all inbreds are pedophiles and can only try to make others 'too inbred to care' pedophiles unless drowned first. 

sex is only for adult man and woman in a marriage to start a family!
protect your children from degeneracy or your children will eventually kill themselves.

Ban genital mutilation of infants!
never promote bad behaviour
only time to think

The 10 states with the highest rates of genital mutilation of infants compared to countries with same rate

    West Virginia (87.00%)     Equatorial Guinea (87.00%) Oman (87.70%)
    Michigan (86.00%)            Mali (86.00%)	                   Kuwait (86.40%)
    Kentucky (85.00%)
    Nebraska (84.00%)
    Ohio (84.00%)                   Guinea (84.20%)	
    Indiana (83.00%)
    Iowa (82.00%)
    Wisconsin (82.00%)
    South Carolina (81.00%)   Bahrain (81.20%)
    Pennsylvania (79.00%)     French Polynesia(78.00%)

https://worldpopulationreview .com/state-rankings/circumcision-rates-by-state

never promote bad behaviour
only time to think
Ban genital mutilation of infants!
Backup Channel
That is why they stage these things.
No pesky family members asking difficult questions.
Same as MSD 17.
Same as Las Vegas 58.
5. No nation can be allowed to remain militarily stronger than its
adversaries, for that could lead to peace and a reduction of debt.
To accomplish this balance of power, it may be necessary to
finance both sides of the conflict. Unless one of the combatants
is hostile to our interests and, therefore, must be destroyed,
neither side should be allowed a decisive victory or defeat.
While we must always proclaim the virtues of peace, the
unspoken objective is perpetual war.
5/5  5:5?
Trump was going to allow us to sit atop the heap.  The left try to keep a balance.  Did it in the Middle East with Iraq and Iran, doing it now with Russia and Ukraine.  maybe tomorrow with China and Taiwan.
How dare you preach peace and tolerance
That's not profitable for the war machine
That's not profitable for the Temple of Sin and Sacrifices
Exactly. Make a list, check it twice and remove the filth quietly (and effectively) They play the stupid show and tell game, no reason to participate.
msndc talking peckerstuffers gonna be outraged , and baby killers gonna support the hate while calling for war.  
muhConstitutional right to sodomite
Help us Jesus 
The media is owned by the enemy 
And the people can't stop gobbling up its constant lying. They hopelessly wait for their side to be showcased and their captain Trump is only whining about it, like that can solve anything. The people are past the point of praying and the enemy is pushing for a tipping point to destruction.  Little help…now

The decision revealed at this time is very telling. They would never have made this decision at this time if they didn't know for certain it would forever be held that abortion is not a constitutional right. The anger the Democrats are revealing now buttresses this thought; calling for the dismantling of the Supreme Court and the Constitution itself is their only hope now: the complete destruction of the country.
repeat of drowning actresses….
Was some shit a few years ago,
one of whom left their kid in the boat.
Something like that.
Father God, I prayed to you to protect our President Donald Trump, his family his people protecting him the same; I prayed that We, the people keep the faith, gain the faith in you Lord.  It has come to fruition, in ways I could never have imagined; here we are, healthy, and wise, wiser than we could ever have been before.  I thank you, Father God I worship your power of creation and forgiveness of each and every one of us.  I am humbled by the things I have learned and the ability to know your love for each and every one of us.  Through the blood of Jesus Christ, I cry with all my heart, I love you.
Schumer’s Threat Of Violence Against Kavanaugh Comes True; Schumer Should be Arrested for Terrorism


OpinionTrending Commentary

On March 4, 2020, Charles Schumer, Democrat Senator from New York, specifically threatened newly installed Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh when he yelled the words “I want to tell you Kavanaugh, you have released the whirlwinds, and you will pay the price.”

And what was Brett Kavanaugh’s crime? He had recently been installed as a justice on the United States Supreme Court and had survived lies told by Democrats about himself and his past as a student. But the Democrats could not get over Kavanaugh succeeding to be approved for the justice position by the Republican president, Donald Trump, and Schumer erupted in rage with his threat, that has now been fulfilled by someone intending to kill Kavanaugh. Democrats lie easily in order to get and retain power, but when a Republican is successful in spite of their lies, they become apoplectic and dangerous.

Yesterday we learned that a demented Democrat believer was actually taking action to kill Kavanaugh, and I want a full investigation into Schumer’s past actions, his cell phone records, his government and personal emails, and his landline phone calls.

Chucky Schumer has been acting a little strangely lately and seems a little unbalanced in his speech and his actions. Schumer’s words are exactly what CNN’s Don Lemon meant when he said that the most dangerous people in America are white male terrorists, and I want Schumer investigated for his untimely but sincerely meant words in March, 2020. This investigation may also uncover a relationship between Schumer’s threats on Kavanaugh and the endless riots that were committed all summer long in 2020 by Democrat criminal rioters who have never been punished for the billons of dollars of property they destroyed and the dozens of lives they took that summer.
“2000 Mules” was screened at the #TexasGOP convention. Last night, this resolution was passed by the largest GOP in the nation.
it looks like the algorithms got confused by the current demonic entity occupying the seat.. i see bits of it in his image.
Posting no longer gives an error message. The logical explanation is they broke something else fixing it. Look up alacrity daemon and you'll see. Ron talked about it a few times.
i mean i see patriots in controlabsolutely no argument thereAbortion / EPA / 2A  all fantastic wins in the space of a couple days so i am not doubting the plan   What i really want to know is whether we even need Q anymore?  i think we know what we need to do without the lil Orphan Annie secret decoder ring bullshit
Any correlation between the baby deaths and the death vax?  Sealed agreements make one suspicious that maybe the Abbott investigation showed a connection to the vax.
outnumbered highlights ff's and calls out baby killers and their threats against the American people as preventable and any violence resulting in death a successful political outcome

> the tide has turned

forgive me if I don't dance at dan twats

I was there for dog sleds down a hill "who am I to deny your freedom" and many many others
She's scared of what? She literally has her own FBI agents working for her sleeping with her and Bill in their beds with them every night.
anubis is the 'anti-christ' the 'khrist of the inbred' or 'the least inbred' of the inbreds, a jackal ~ jakob and can only learn that as it is a product of inbreeding it should never exist as how the inbred judas was made to hang by Jesus God.

inbreeding = child rape = endless death = godless creature to be drowned.
I was thinking “Salon” is such a stupid name, why would anyone read it.

Didnt Bidan dole out a ton of money to all media, basically the US is paying liars to lie to us, with our money. Talk about Orwellian
He was always a libtard, look at his movies, his festival, his writings.  The movie Sneakers was a biography for his best friends. 
Hollywierd is 90% Satanists
that was a corona bottle i pissed in for schumer
and then aliens took it away from the bush family 
now turd goblins use stock photos
Reeepost pedovore alert

NPR is a known evil nest of subversive satanic pedos. 

One of their pedo producersPAULA POUNDSTONEwas arrested on a public street in Santa Monica, drunk, in daylight, having oral sex with her minor foster child in the back of her car.



This pedovore cultist "P.P" not only got away with a slap on the wrist, community-service-sentence, she retained custody of her minor foster children  and  she was subsequently whitewashed by and hired as a performer and producer by the fulminant pedovores running NPR.

The female cop who arrested her? She was forced off the department. 

> The 41-year-old standup comic was sentenced to five-years probation for child abuse and infliction of injury upon a child. She was also ordered to serve six months in an alcohol and rehabilitation facility



Aussie researchers discover 'parachuting frog' in remote jungles
A team of Australian researchers has discovered a new species of parachuting frog, hidden away in the remote jungles of Papua New Guinea and Indonesia, Xinhua News Agency reported. The group of …

They [Cabal] want to destroy America rather than give it back to the rightful owners.

Anons won't let them do that. Anons have a right and a responsibility to do more and reach higher.
We are witnessing a 2nd Trump term right now, just as Mike Lindell told us.

Fronted by bidan. Who plays the fool to make Trump look good.

SoTrump gets his exact gun control plan - age limits + red flag laws, while being able to blame democrats
very true
no one wants a holocaust of global proportions.
these fcukers keep pushing and pushing.
They have everything to lose

In sum, investigations into and implicating CANADIAN PRIME MINISTER TRUDEAU were hindered during the election campaign that first seated Trudeau in the Prime Minister's Office. This continued after the Liberal Party of Canada formed the government and had considerable influence on the Department of Justice and on the RCMP.

In this case there were two murders (preceded by apparent torture) and material evidence of violations of the Lobbying Act that connected the Liberal Party and its leader to a dodgey fundraising that had been held by the murder victims. Further, these victims owned a large drug company that was capable of responding to the calls for C19 Early Treatments using generic drugs like HCQ. That capability would have jeopordized the emergency use authorization of the C19 shots that the Trudeau government promoted through cocercive tactics and political interference in the practice of medicine.
Exercise Turning Point 

To learn more & watch the whole video, click here: https://dvidshub.net/video/848154/exercise-turning-point-expeditionary-rapid-airfield-damage-repair


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