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Truth Social: 108227938055486879
 Dan Scavino🇺🇸🦅 / @DanScavino   04/29/2022 15:07:33 
 ID:Not Available 
Truth Social: 108216926405916716
Image Name: 9b4710e40f971472.jpg
Filename: 9b4710e40f971472.jpg

Sign up today for updates from The Patriot Post, delivering conservative news and analysis to million of Americans!


  Dan Scavino🇺🇸🦅  reTruthed…
Could certainly be the case.

I also believe that AIDS/HIV is also a man-made bioweapon…annual flu viruses created for vaccine profits and that CRISPER technology was discovered and used in the US biolabs more than a decade earlier than recorded.

> https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/06/fbi-raids-three-churches-texas-georgia/
While the reason for the raids remains unclear, local media appears to be heavily speculating that it has to do with activities involving the bases.

Fort Hood and Fort Stewart. Anon remembers being told years ago that Fort Hood had Russian owned strip clubs just off base. FBI may be onto a new vector. You know. Lonesome wife with husband in the Army confides in church her pain and gives up details.
I'm may be late for the party (missed the last Q post), but I still brought a gift.  I hope it's not a duplicate.

It appears John Durham posted a response to Q's post.

"Pierre Beso" in gematria is "John Durham"

Here is the post and the documents he included in his post.  See thread for screenshots of links he provided.


> John Durham call January 6 

> Do you belive in concidence ?

> New January 06 [DISCLOSURE]

> https://www.justice.gov/oip/foia-library/foia-processed/general_topics/call_logs_11_05_21/download




> https://www.justsecurity.org/76117/the-official-and-unofficial-timeline-of-defense-department-actions-on-january-6/

> January 6 Part of the FBI’s ‘Operation Cold Snap’

January 6 Phone Calls document:

As We Always Suspected: Law Enforcement
Admits They Have Informants Inside Patriot
Front Group – Arrested 31 in a Uhaul
on Way to Protest

Gateway Pundit, by Jim Hoft

Posted By: Imright, 6/11/2022 10:14:37 PM

On Saturday 31 members of the Patriot Front group, an alleged white supremacist group, were arrested in Idaho on the way to a protest. They traveling to a gay pride event with shields in the back of a Uhaul. Kristinn Taylor reported on the Patriot Front arrests earlier tonight.(Photo) Following the arrest today a local police officer admitted that they knew about the planned protests because the Patriot Front was infiltrated by law enforcement.
WE are everywhere and anywhere, you’ll never know, you’ll never see us, but we are united in Truth!

Whoever did this in CA, thank you

So basically we went from talking about Nazi Bioweapons yesterday to a completly disruped board talking about three lines of Q horse shit.

The Q larp is equal to the damage Rothschild himself would do.

Since he's infatuated with QAnon and he's an EXEPERT on conspiracy theory.

I ain't buyin this Q Larp for one second, Q larp has self destroyed research.

All you fucking talk about now is this Q horseshit.

I was really hoping to avoid this retarded shit.  But as of today Qresearch now has defenders of Q Larp cat laser chasing
Anons Check it out I am running for Us Senate, and I was kinda worried about the primary 
But I just got to see the video voters guide it is here 


I am not going to tell you who I am its obvious to you fuckers,[Only one with IQ over 80] 

But fuck that you got to watch this one dudes video he is running on ready for this 

not kidding 
Anons He says he worked for the DOE 
he is triggerd TOP KEK 
He is second to last on the Us Senate Candidates 

If the Secret Service answers to the cabal, then the Secret Service has been holding our Presidents captive.
Secret Service "protection" for life, so don't do anything about us.
Twitter temporarily suspended Peterson's account after he dead-named Page and claimed that the actor’s “breasts [were] removed by a criminal physician.”

He said he would rather DIE than delete his 'hateful' comment
Inflation Continues To Rage (Taylor Rule Implies 22.10%

your cognitive dissonance has 
metastasized into complete
reality disconnect.
if you have dependants
social services should be
your hubristic defenses only
prove one`s words.
carry on
You mean the Khazarian Mafia which has been wearing "Jewish Camoflouge" for the last two centuries are up to no good again.

Understanding this huge truth explains why Zelensky wears the Star of David and a Swastika at the same time.
Liz Harrington / @realLizUSA
 06/27/2022 19:37:56 
Truth Social: 108552065958268515
This is brutal. Well done, @KariLake!

Kari Lake Bears Down on Bret Baier

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