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Russia and Saudi Arabia are making $2Bn from oil exports every day. They are not buying US stocks or bonds, and Russia isn't really importing much of anything these days, so what exactly are they recycling it into

"biggest reveals… in history''?? God forbid ANY faux clown would cite Mr. New World Order itself, poppyfields. 
One of the times he said it - 
September 11, 1990: Address Before a Joint Session of Congress (VID: 31:40)
 https://millercenter.org/the-presidency/presidential-speeches/september-11-1990-address-joint-session-congress    archive.is/PQQJk

Funny how Communist MSN (along with all the others) never fails to promote anything an emotional faux clown half-assed says, isn't it  - while OAN remains, of course, suppressed.

Charlie Kirk, [05.04.22 19:00]
[ Video ]
Bombshell: Pfizer Saw So Many Adverse Events, They Had to Hire 2,400 NEW Employees to Process Them

Dr. Naomi Wolf: "[Pfizer] hid, they concealed, they redacted from disclosure, forced by court, the fact that they were processing so many adverse events in the first three months… that they had to hire 2,400 new employees. They hid that; they concealed it… the volume of bad outcomes, dangerous outcomes… there were so many [that] they couldn't keep up with it with their own staff."

Follow my channel: t.me/CharlieKirk (https://t.me/CharlieKirk)

Here is the Updated List of US-Based Food Manufacturing Plants Destroyed Under Biden Administration
By Jim Hoft
Published June 11, 2022 at 8:15am
< https://rumble.com/v1avitv-devolved-vol-5-revelations.html
Devolved 5
Dauntless Dialogue’s video series highlights the conclusions made by Patel Patriot from his Devolution series of articles based on crumbs of Q brought into focus by Anon Research.

Truly this episode by far is the best of the series.
Recommended viewing to all Humans of planet Earth. Especially those highly advanced. You know who you are.
The best is,
Yet to come.
WE shall enjoy,
The Showing

< https://rumble.com/v1avitv-devolved-vol-5-revelations.html

These following comments were post from that rumble page. Seemed a few were in recognition of anons contribution but may not have the technical wherewithal to come and express those sentiments here.

ChrisErickson, 2 days ago
I'll be 66 this fall. To put all this information together the last couple of years…. God's Prophets, Sean Stone's Best Kept Secret series, this series here, (excellent series, hats off to you Patel Patriot and team) the Re-Awaken America tours and many other things, is extremely sobering. I now can see all this evidence through-out my entire life right under my nose. I'm awake although many I know around me, family and friends think I'm just plain crazy. I am grateful to my God and to each of you Patriots here. 
I may not personally know each of you, but I feel a kinship that give me great comfort. God Bless each and every one of you. God's Speed!

sangel, 1 day ago
Yep 56 here & I agree with you. Started waking up 15 yrs ago slowly. 2016 heard Mark Taylor's prophesy about DJT it lined up with what God was showing me. Kicked into full gear Nov 1 2017 with Q. It been a very exciting ride. I know 1000 % this is all God Almighty & DJT, Q, anon's, military are all His boots on the ground hand's & feet. Soon all will see & know that it is God. So grateful for the opportunity to be alive & see that we are living out the pages of the Bible in real time! Grateful for DJT, Anon's, Patriots, our military, and every person fighting for freedom!

Walt614, 1 day ago
67 yr old Cold War Vet here.We were placed here for exactly this time and purpose. I too am familiar with the false sense of alienation that comes from being surrounded by the gaslighted & brainwashed masses. 
But THIS is why YOU were chosen.Stand your ground & be vigilant. It is in our hands now, as it should be, because as you know, We are facing a losing Satanic force and God WINS.

Mattie3, 1 day ago
72 yrs old here; retired elected public servant from one of the most corrupt blue states among Obama's 57 states!!!  
I am not shocked by what is happening; because I've lived through it for most of my life.  Donald J. Trump was working his way to this presidency long before he took that great ride down the escalator with Melania.  
What I believe is that President Donald J. Trump continues to walk amongst us, continues to work with the military, continues to work with and speak regularly with other foreign leaders, (including Putin and Bin Salmon and BeBe Netanyahu, etc., etc., ) and is completely aware of what is really happening daily.  
We are living in a Devolved State of our Government to protect our Constitutional Republic, thanks to President Donald J. Trump.  
The Best is Yet to Come.
Testing sharing a clip. A funny word I keep hearing on here and makes me question if it is Good.

I cant embed.  can i convert a clip?

Aussie researchers discover 'parachuting frog' in remote jungles
A team of Australian researchers has discovered a new species of parachuting frog, hidden away in the remote jungles of Papua New Guinea and Indonesia, Xinhua News Agency reported. The group of …

> https://bidenlaptopemails.com/

Subject:FW: Office of Vice President Biden Intelligence Briefing for Wednesday, June 13, 2018


Biden in the News
Biden Rips Trump’s Agreement With Kim.
The Washington Times (6/12, Boyer) reports that former Vice President Joe Biden blasted President Trump’s “deal with North Korea on denuclearization Tuesday, saying Mr. Trump got taken to the cleaners by Kim Jong-un. ‘Talking to dictators is one thing; embracing them is another,’ Mr. Biden said” in a statement. He added, “So far, this is not a deal that advantages the United States or makes us safer.” Biden, “who hasn’t ruled out a bid for the presidency in 2020, said Mr. Trump’s deal has ‘reduced our leverage and signaled a weakening of our alliance in return for vague promises to begin nuclear negotiations – the same kind of promises that the North Korean regime has made to American presidents of both parties in the past – and broken repeatedly.’” The Los Angeles Times (6/12, Cloud) also reports Biden’s reaction – in a story headlined “Trump’s Decision To Halt Military Exercises With South Korea Leaves Pentagon And Allies Nervous” – and The Hill (6/12, Anapol) reported that Biden said Trump “gave Kim ‘many sought-after wins up front without getting anything in return.’” Biden “also argued that the deal between Trump and Kim shows an inappropriate embracing of a dictator, and that it does not make the US safer. ‘While we should never refuse to speak with our adversaries, neither can we ignore the horrendous human rights abuses North Korea’s leaders perpetrate against their own people,’ Biden said.”

        Mediaite (6/12, Feldman) reported that Biden “is also troubled by the lack of prep Trump said he took in advance of the meeting: ‘By his own admission, the President did not prepare for the Singapore meeting – an inexcusable and irresponsible approach to a high-stakes negotiation. Going forward, I hope that the President and his team will focus on what’s necessary for our safety and security– – the complete, verifiable, and irreversible denuclearization of the Korean peninsula. That is a goal we all share.’” On CNN’s NewsroomImage removed by sender. Video (6/12), host Brooke Baldwin read Biden’s statement.
Theranos, even as a front company, was more of a business than Bitcoin. There's no one you can prosecute for Bitcoin vanishing. Fund managers will claim ignorance like everyone else. 
That's the way the algorithm laughs. 01101000 01100001 00100000 01101000 01100001 00100001
> … and careful. In your desperation you could end up worse than you are now.

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