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Quiero aprovechar para hacer algunos anuncios antes de que llenen mi bandeja de gmail

- No, la beta todavía no comienza, está programada para el 11 de diciembre
- Por lo tanto, no es el fin del mundo si no se abren hilos nuevos hasta entonces, la idea es divertirse después de todo
- El 30 de noviembre va a iniciar oficialmente la actividad QR, pero no hay problema si empiezan antes
- Vamos a cerrar la creación de hilos hasta este viernes por mantenimiento de rutina
- Las donaciones son totalmente voluntarias, Boliviachan siempre será gratis y no quiero llenarlo de ads estúpidos, así que siempre son bienvenidas las donaciones.

fucking named cropped out
it could be the administrator account that performed those action 
admin and all GV's have delete/ ban priveleges site wide

Jim wont show us the namefield on this screenshot because it shows it was him or one of his GV's

"Biden made FREQUENT trips to synagogue MINYANS and services in Wilmington, Del., with his Rabbi Leonard Gewirtz."


In 2013, Biden had a Jewish Sukkah built at his home, by CHABAD


"On the holiday of Sukkot, Jewish people spend time in the sukkah."


> But it is all part of the process of "showing them"
People that use that as part of their reasoning are a total clown show.  Gluttons for punishment.  Once I know something is a fraud, I'm not going to participate unless I know the fraudulent aspects have been corrected…whether it's voting, or anything else for that matter.

> When will people finally say, enough is enough, the System is rotten to the core?
They won't.  It's that whole "gluttons for punishment" thing I mentioned.


Catturd ™
The creepy porn lawyer is in prison and Stormy Daniels owes Trump $300,000.

How did that hoax work out for you? 😂
1:34 PM · Jun 2, 2022·Twitter Web App

Hello Fuck Heads - Got him

Fischer is a libtard and he's pissed the kid is a lefty

Joel Fischer 🇺🇸
Throw away the keys.
8:16 PM · Jul 4, 2022·Twitter for iPhone

Human umbilical cord plasma proteins revitalize hippocampal function in aged mice
Ageing drives changes in neuronal and cognitive function, the decline of which is a major feature of many neurological disorders. The hippocampus, a brain region subserving roles of spatial and episodic memory and learning, is sensitive to the detrimental effects of ageing at morphological and molecular levels. With advancing age, synapses in various hippocampal subfields exhibit impaired long-term potentiation, an electrophysiological correlate of learning and memory. At the molecular level, immediate early genes are among the synaptic plasticity genes that are both induced by long-term potentiation, and downregulated in the aged brain. In addition to revitalizing other aged tissues exposure to factors in young blood counteracts age-related changes in these central nervous system parameters, although the identities of specific cognition-promoting factors or whether such activity exists in human plasma remains unknown. We hypothesized that plasma of an early developmental stage, namely umbilical cord plasma, provides a reservoir of such plasticity-promoting proteins. Here we show that human cord plasma treatment revitalizes the hippocampus and improves cognitive function in aged mice. Tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases 2 (TIMP2), a blood-borne factor enriched in human cord plasma, young mouse plasma, and young mouse hippocampi, appears in the brain after systemic administration and increases synaptic plasticity and hippocampal-dependent cognition in aged mice. Depletion experiments in aged mice revealed TIMP2 to be necessary for the cognitive benefits conferred by cord plasma. We find that systemic pools of TIMP2 are necessary for spatial memory in young mice, while treatment of brain slices with TIMP2 antibody prevents long-term potentiation, arguing for previously unknown roles for TIMP2 in normal hippocampal function. Our findings reveal that human cord plasma contains plasticity-enhancing proteins of high translational value for targeting ageing- or disease-associated hippocampal dysfunction.

There once was a LARPING faggot named Q, A few useless clues the riddlenigger did spew. 

A one year delta turned into two, three, and then four, Anons are suckers for punishment so let's wait ten more. 

The grand plan of 8kun and open source design, Is nothing more than a place to shitpost in your spare time. 

Promises of big name arrests had repeatedly been made, But future disproved past and they were never repaid. 

Pissy smell Hill was supposed to be caught in October by the team, But all we got for Christmas was a shitty Santa meme. 

Skippy the pedo was another promised indictment, But he's still Scott Free and tortures minors for excitement. 

We got strung along by Q's promise of hope, For nothing to habben so now we just cope. 

The Great awakening fell flat on it's face, To your friends and family an outcast and disgrace. 

A natural death has been the only justice so far, Maybe Q could hang just one traitor and at least raise the Barr? 

Did you really believe the elites would be put in a cage? Trump pointed his finger "you'd be in jail" - but it was just for the stage! 

Whether you know it or not Donny is related to boiled cabbage Hill, You claim to be awake but took the blue pill. 

Fauci made a new strain in the lab just for fun, To use on the public when Q's job was done. 

A few million people had to die just for "optics", While Trump played golf with his friends in the tropics. 

But don't worry frens Q said "this is war", While globalists rape our country like an old dirty whore. 

Make no mistake we all think Q's plan is just fab, So we wait in line like good little sheep just for the jab. 

Don sat on the fence while he gave more to Israel, Ever wonder why his cabinet and team leads were so miserable? 

Trump sent more to them then in all of past history, Are his zionist friends really a mystery? 

He signed an EO to protect his tribe from a slur, Undone in a year by Joe his victories were a blur. 

You thought Donny would deliver us to the land of milk and honey? The country burns while his face shines on zionist money! 

Grabbing women by the pussy is common behavior, Do you really think Trump is humanity's savior? 

A cognitive dissonance when faced with this proof, Cry all you like every word is the truth. 

Look back on the years of defeat and dismay, You really think the military will come save the day? 

With this ballad of truth you might call me a shill, But only the learned chose the red pill. 

For thousands of years they've won at this game, red vs. blue it's always the same. 

History repeats itself all through the ages, Those who can see are the wisest of sages.

"12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

Evil comes in ALL COLORS

So the mystery:
Donations to Ukraine for Russian target practice?
Army boys ramping up in Europe?
Fort Hood is in Texas, there's some fast transport ships in Texas. Hmmm, could go East or Panama Canal route to either Korea or Taiwan.
Why only 19 days?

 04/23/22 (Sat) 07:39:2

17-Mar-2018 12:03:41 PM PDTQ !UW.yye1fxo8ch/greatawakening
How bad is the corruption?
FBI (past/present)
+29 (16)
DOJ (past/present)
STATE (past/present)
Removal is the least of their problems.
Twitter Bots>GOOG operated (not Russia)/Narrative & Political SLANT
Who knows where the bodies are buried?
Election theft.
Last hope.
Congressional focus.
They think you are STUPID.
They think you will follow the STARS.
They openly call you SHEEP/CATTLE.

Q day to 23

Patriots are fighting and winning the election integrity war, the school board war and the wall street hedge fund war. Congress is running out of allies that aren't being attacked and severely beaten by everyday Patriots who fight every day like it 1776 all over again.

Patriots are in control. Everyday Patriots are in control - Nobody will save Patriots - they will save themselves.

Prince Andrew Tests Positive for COVID-19, Won't Attend Queen Elizabeth's Platinum Jubilee Events
Prince Andrew has seen the Queen in the last few days, but he has not seen her since he tested positive, a source confirms


Thank you anon. I was able to find one of the doctors that prescribed the protocol for her. She is 6 days into this and still so very sick. She has been taking the Z Stack and still got covid.  They prescribed both Ivermectin and HCQ.

oh so you believe biden is not legitimate, better hand over your guns, oh wait what is this qanon shit you posted better hand over your guns.  This is total bullshit at this point why are people even pretending this is not a war if they are violating civil liberties to this degree.

NASA Retweeted
NASA's Launch Services Program

After a nominal first stage flight, the upper stage of the rocket shut down early and failed to deliver the TROPICS CubeSats to orbit.


Polish ruling party chief leaves government post
Jarosław Kaczyński says he wants to focus on the upcoming elections.
Jarosław Kaczyński, leader of Poland’s ruling nationalist Law and Justice party (PiS), on Tuesday resigned from his post as deputy prime minister — but he’s still running the country.
“I am not in the government at the moment,” he told the Polish Press Agency. “I have already submitted the appeal to the prime minister and it has been approved. As far as I know, the president also signed it.”
Defense Minister Mariusz Błaszczak will replace Kaczyński as deputy prime minister.

Liz Harrington/ @realLizUSA
 06/04/2022 09:45:07 
Truth Social: 108419501776254938

Don’t miss Kara McKinney’s opening monologue from last night on @OAN 

If you think this stops at one stolen election, you are going to be very sadly mistaken!



All that was said was that it was in Idaho.  I wondered why, said to myself, that could only happen in Coeur d'Alene (core-da-lean, said quick by the locals the da is softened, even dropped.  It's: core-a-lin.  Anyway, spent close to a year going in and out of Coeur d'Alene back in the early 90's.  It's a different place, very close to, and similar to, Spokane, Washington,  It was weird then, can't imagine how it is today.

Do you ever wonder the purpose of certain bots here? I mean, they spam identical posts multiple times everyday, but they're not demoralizing shill content; it's just random shit.
I wonder why.
Ever hear of number stations? They were stations that would broadcast numbers constantly. Supposedly secret messages were encoded in the broadcasts. That's what I suspect these spam posts are; modern number stations.

Fitton overstating the Marco Polo video of Hunter chastising a Russian Hooker (not even good looking who ended up with some money that Potato wired to the Crack Head. Fitton is a dodge master. His biceps are fake.


https://rumble.com/v1am5pe-republican-candidates-for-arizona-governor-debate-karu-lake-rules.html 🦍📡🇺🇸✴️✴️✴️✴️👁👁🤬 PHOENIX - On June 29, four Arizona Republicans seeking the party’s nomination for governor met for their first and only televised debate.

The debate, which airs on KAET-TV (PBS), came just a week before early ballots are mailed out, and a day after former Congressman Matt Salmon announced his decision to drop out of the race. 

Earlier in the day, Salmon announced his endorsement of Karrin Taylor Robson, one of the four major candidates running in the primary.

Besides Taylor Robson, the other three candidates featured on the debate are former news anchor Kari Lake, who has the backing of former President Donald Trump and is ahead in the polls, Paola Tulliani-Zen, and Scott Neely.

The race is taking clearer shape with one week to go before early voting begins. Polling has shown Lake leading for the entirety of the campaign,


This Democrat’s Car Keeps Getting Attacked

'Defund the police' advocate Cori Bush says her vehicle has been shot at three times since 2014

Andrew Stiles • July 2, 2022 11:40 am

If local parents don’t let boys into little girls’ bathrooms, locker rooms, and showers, then the feds will make sure the poorest children in their community don’t get the school-provided lunches American taxpayers pay for. As many as 30 million kids use these programs, meaning millions could go hungry.


Choose Jesus, for (You) are a Spiritual Babe…

For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and everyone who humbles himself will be exalted.

When the Highest King Becomes a Servant, the Lion Shall Lay Down with the Lamb.

> What if you invert moralities, to make what would otherwise be perfectly ordinary a social taboo, so that even if one should avoid incriminating oneself it is only through denying themselve

monika lewinsky scandal/ normalization of blowjobs

which is still illegal in like 16 states

nail on head anon
[they] have a motive to normalize the behavior that is held as blackmail against [them]

once the behavior is sufficiently normalized the blackmails ceases to hold any power 

until even MORE debased blackmail is obtained

its a slippery slope
and it looks like we are sliding all the way down this time


Pelosi receives Communion in Vatican despite abortion stance


Pelosi attended the morning Mass marking the feasts of Sts. Peter and Paul, during which Francis bestowed the woolen pallium stole on newly consecrated archbishops. She was seated in a VIP diplomatic section and received Communion along with the rest of the congregants, according to two people who witnessed the moment.

The issue is significant given Pelosi’s home archbishop, San Francisco Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone, has said he will no longer allow her to receive the sacrament in his archdiocese because of her support for abortion rights. Cordileone, a conservative, has said Pelosi must either repudiate her support for abortion or stop speaking publicly of her Catholic faith.

(We may have evidence that patriot front is connected to Ukraine. The speaker says abolish police but this guy is still a shill and this look is kek)
@WokeSocieties is working on some research about them now. 



Adam Weishaupt (1748–1830) became professor of Canon Law and practical philosophy at the University of Ingolstadt in 1773. 

He was the only non-clerical professor at an institution run by Jesuits,whose order Pope Clement XIV had dissolved in 1773. The Jesuits of Ingolstadt, however, still retained the purse strings and some power at the University, which they continued to regard as their own 

Christians of good character were actively sought, with 
Jews and pagans specifically excluded,along with women, monks, and members of other secret societies. Favoured candidates were rich, docile, willing to learn, and aged 18–30.[13][14] 

Having, with difficulty, dissuaded some of his members from joining the Freemasons, Weishaupt decided to join the older order to acquire material to expand his own ritual. He was admitted to lodge "Prudence" of the Rite of Strict Observance early in February 1777. His progress through the three degrees of "blue lodge" masonry taught him nothing of the higher degrees he sought to exploit, but in the following year a priest called Abbé Marotti informed Zwack that these inner secrets rested on knowledge of the older religion and the primitive church. Zwack persuaded Weishaupt that their own order should enter into friendly relations with Freemasonry, and obtain the dispensation to set up their own lodge. At this stage (December 1778), the addition of the first three degrees of Freemasonry was seen as a secondary project.[15]
With little difficulty, a warrant was obtained from the Grand Lodge of Prussia called the Royal York for Friendship, and the new lodge was called Theodore of the Good Council, with the intention of flattering Charles Theodore, Elector of Bavaria. It was founded in Munich on 21 March 1779, and quickly packed with Illuminati. The first master, a man called Radl, was persuaded to return home to Baden, and by July Weishaupt's order ran the lodge.[15]
The next step involved independence from their Grand Lodge. By establishing masonic relations with the Union lodge in Frankfurt, affiliated to the Premier Grand Lodge of England, lodge Theodore became independently recognised, and able to declare its independence. As a new mother lodge, it could now spawn lodges of its own. The recruiting drive amongst the Frankfurt masons also obtained the allegiance of Adolph Freiherr Knigge.[15]

“Provided with material by Weishaupt, Knigge now produced pamphlets outlining the activities of the outlawed Jesuits, purporting to show how they continued to thrive and recruit, especially in Bavaria. Meanwhile, Knigge's inability to give his recruits any satisfactory response to questions regarding the higher grades was making his position untenable, and he wrote to Weishaupt to this effect. In January 1781, faced with the prospect of losing Knigge and his masonic recruits, Weishaupt finally confessed that his superiors and the supposed antiquity of the order were fictions, and the higher degrees had yet to be written.[16] “

Why do people die? Why is it that to see the Kingdom of God you must be born again? Why did Jesus tell them they can't go where he's going but will come later? What do you think growing pains means?

Asteroid Bigger ThanLondon Eye- again in the news:

they did this several times in the past:
-July 17, 2020
-Nov 16, 2021

> MX-324
It was powered by Aerojet XCAL-200 rocket motor that used monoethylaniline and red fuming nitric acid and developed a thrust of 91-kg (2,000-lbf).The pilot lay in a prone position, enabling the design to be a true all-wing aircraft with no protruding cockpit. After an initial glide test on Nov 30, 1943, the MX-324 made its maiden powered flight on July 5, 1944, at Harper Dry Lake, California, with test pilot Harry Crosby at the controls. It was towed to an altitude of 8,000 ft by a P-38 before being released. It then fired its engine and flew for more than four minutes before gliding to a safe landing.

In addition to the single MX-324, two unpowered MX-334 gliders were built and tested, the first making its maiden flight on October 2, 1942 at Muroc. In the case of both the MX-324 and MX-334, plywood was used for most of the airframe with the exception of the load-carrying center section, which was manufactured from welded metal tubing.


Too vague, why not just say love others like yourself then? They way you're talking sounds commie, are you saying Jesus was a commie? He certainly whipped the merchants in the Synagogue and flipped their tables. Did Jesus whip himself and flip his own tables?

B-1B Lancer

Carrying the largest conventional payload of both guided and unguided weapons in the Air Force inventory, the multi-mission B-1 is the backbone of America's long-range bomber force. It can rapidly deliver massive quantities of precision and non-precision weapons against any adversary, anywhere in the world, at any time.


NYC to Offer Monkeypox Vaccines

New York City will offer monkeypox vaccines beginning Thursday.

According to NBC New York, NYC represents more than 20% of all monkeypox cases in the US.

“The vaccines will be administered at the Chelsea Sexual Health Clinic (303 Ninth Avenue in Manhattan). The clinic will open Thursday, and will be open on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, and Sundays from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. moving forward.” NBC reported.

NBC New York reported:

    New York City will begin offering vaccination against monkeypox to at-risk groups on Thursday, as authorities scramble to contain a global outbreak.

    As opposed to the early days of COVID, when there was no effective treatment, there are already multiple vaccines that work against the orthopoxvirus that causes the ailment.

    Some 28 people have tested positive for the virus in the city since early May, almost all of them men who have sex with men. In total New York City represents more than 20% of all cases diagnosed nationwide.

    The move to offer the vaccine follows similar efforts in cities like Montreal and Toronto.

    The Health Department today announced the opening of a temporary clinic to administer the two-dose JYNNEOS vaccine to eligible people who may have had a recent exposure to monkeypox, the city announced.

The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued new emergency guidance on monkeypox last week about how to identify the virus.

The US now has 72 reported cases of monkeypox in at least 18 states, NBC reported.

The CDC released new guidance on Tuesday about how to identify the virus based on symptoms.

“Descriptions of classic monkeypox disease describe a prodrome including fever, lymphadenopathy, headache, and muscle aches followed by development of a characteristic rash culminating in firm, deep-seated, well-circumscribed and sometimes umbilicated lesions. The rash usually starts on the face or in the oral cavity and progresses through several synchronized stages on each affected area and concentrates on the face and extremities, including lesions on the palms and soles.” the CDC said in its guidance.


I remember this now.  I thought it was a clown offramp for on-the-fence Anons.  I should've paid more attention to the trip thing…then again, it wouldn't have changed anything up until this past month and even then, we've been on our own for a year and a half.  I have no beef…my own infosec is just OK, not great…as a result, my life has been needlessly more interesting the past 5 years than it would've been otherwise.

Thanks for the refresher.

> What is at stake?
> Who has control?
I wanna say patriots…
At what was the regularly scheduled time before they "postponed".
> Who was surprised?
No one.
> Who will be surprised?
> Use your logic.
Why such obvious lies?
> Can emotions be used to influence decisions?
Or whom?
> How do you control emotion?
During primetime?
> Define 'Plant'.
"They couldn't possibly be stupid enough to livestream this person… they even have tape to pre-consider!"
> How do you insert a plant?
Omarosa? "Hello fellow kids! I am one of you!"
> Can emotions be used to insert a plant?
Emotions? People wanna hear all the right things, right? Considering the number of leakers, we would have immediately known about Trump throwing plates, flipping tables, and assaulting Secret Service. All obvious BS.
> Who is Cassidy Hutchinson?
Someone close enough to refer to Meadows as "Mark".
> Trust the plan.
As if we have an inclination to do otherwise?
Plan is the only thing that makes sense.
> Q
That is what you say.

Donald J. Trump/ @realDonaldTrump
 06/06/2022 17:32:35 
Truth Social: 108432664528072152

Billions and Billions of DOLLARS is being pulled out of NEW YORK STATE. Our Corrupt Attorney General must act now and do something to stop this from happening, because it is simply not sustainable!!!


Federal Jury Convicts Four Navy Officers of Bribery

 Former U.S. Navy Captains David Newland, James Dolan and David Lausman and former Commander Mario Herrera – all of whom once served in the Navy’s Seventh Fleet - were convicted on all counts by a federal jury today of accepting bribes from foreign defense contractor Leonard Francis. The jury did not reach a verdict on the charges against Rear Admiral Bruce Loveless.


Mike Pompeo

My belief in America is as strong as it has ever been. I believe wholeheartedly that we are an exceptional nation — and I know that the American Dream can be a reality for every one of us. Stay in the fight for our nation!

3:31 PM · Jun 14, 2022·Twitter Web App


> this should piss anons off, its constant seeing biracial couples, families, gays etc

Most anons are more concerned with election integrity and food plant fires. just submit a work ticket and we'll take a look it when we get a chance.

Yeah but it didn’t change hands until Jan 21.  Last post was December 8.  And there weren’t several people typing a post on the same keyboard.  One person made the posts, even if a group of people were contributing at some level.

I still can’t understand why there weren’t people upset enough about this to ask what exactly these performances were about. I would like to have heard the whole thing explained in detail. I mean the words actually coming out of someone’s mouth.

Race is the illusion
The dark ones incarnate into all races
The body is a vehicle to carry the soul
If you are to know your enemy, you must rethink your entire belief system.
You incarnate over and over leaning lessons and so do they.
You are deliberately kept from this knowledge and kept in fear your whole from death to make y9ou easier to control.

POTUS at Faith and Freedom Coalition said “and we will retake the White House in 2024”.  Earlier he asked the audience if they wanted him to run for President in 2024, the cheered YES for a couple of minutes.  But he never made the commitment to do it.  He also said, “If I choose to run”, and I think he “if I choose” again.

This bothered me, I thought hell No, we won’t last until 2024.  So what if the Devolution plan is in force?  And it lasts for two years?  What if POTUS is CiC for another two years, the military does its thing, they all clean up the government. If you look at Myanmar, its been more than two years the military has been in charge and they just finalizing the prosecutions.  What if Trump only takes control for two years, and then another Republican is elected in 2024 and that was the plan all the time?  

POTUS just turned 76, if he ran and won he’d be 82 at the end if his term.  Would the leftist public and media ever allow him to be POTUS again. 

My choice would be devolution and he wins another 4 years, but hes being very careful about the words he chooses.

Any anons have thoughts on this, or alternative ideas

> You can't just frag people for the fuck of it during peacetime or your military would fall apart.
If they're going to send you to Europe (again) to fight for the Liberal World Order, maybe our Military should fall apart. Or do you guys really think Putin is the bad guy?

On June 3, 2022, Gregg Phillips interviwed on X22's Patriot Game broadcast.  It is a two hour interview, well worth the time to watch, and at 41:56 he reveals that the data dump being made publicly WW in July will be everything that the 2020 election investigation has discovered, both domestically and internationally.

They are calling it "Rip Cord", and as you can imagine, there are many individuals and groups who don't want this to happen.


True to form, the criminals are laying out their game plan to shut this shit down!  Right Fucking now!

Reveal News dot org published this hit piece:   She Helped Create the Big Lie. Records Suggest She Turned It Into a Big Grift.
by Cassandra Jaramillo June 8, 2022

"Over the last two presidential election cycles, True the Vote has raised millions in donations with claims that it discovered tide-turning voter fraud. It’s promised to release its evidence. It never has. 

Instead, the Texas-based nonprofit organization has engaged in a series of questionable transactions that sent more than $1 million combined to its founder, a longtime board member romantically linked to the founder and the group’s general counsel, an investigation by Reveal from The Center for Investigative Reporting has found."

In their opening statement, it is clear the criminals are going to go after her financially and will be spreading rumors to paint her as the slut that they are, "its founder, a longtime board member romantically linked to the founder".  It is not too hard to see they are clearly suggesting an affair going on between Catherine and Gregg Phillips.

Reveal News claims to have done a thorough investigation and based on their findings one of their experts declared, “This certainly looks really bad,” said Laurie Styron, executive director of CharityWatch.  Reveal News is suggesting "the Texas attorney general and Internal Revenue Service should investigate."

The documents they claim to have reviewed are tax returns which "are riddled with inconsistencies and have regularly been amended. Experts who reviewed the filings said it makes it difficult to understand how True the Vote is truly spending its donations."

Reveal News claims to have reached out for comment but, "Engelbrecht declined to be interviewed for this story, routing specific inquiries through Bopp and her accountant. Bopp wouldn’t answer questions about the loan and who approved the contracts, saying that was confidential financial information."

Reveal News reached out to Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, first to give him a heads up about about a "court filings in a donor lawsuit against True the Vote" and to get his office’s communications about True the Vote through Texas public records law.  Paxton allegedly agreed to look into the court case, but refused handing over any documents "citing attorney-client privilege."

And of course they are going to go after everywhere and anywhere this information is being broadcast:  "Meanwhile, True the Vote’s work continues to get airtime in Trump’s speeches. At a rally earlier this year in Southeast Texas, the former president celebrated Engelbrecht as a champion.

“What a job she’s done, thank you, thank you, Catherine,” Trump said. “If you have any information about ballot harvesting in your state, call Catherine Engelbrecht.”"

Reveal News offers move evidence of perceived impropriety, offering their take on both Catherine's and Gregg salacious pasts.  It is worth the read simply to be aware of the tactics that are going to be employed to try and get ahead of "Rip Tide".


Army Vet Pat Sajak giving this ol' veteran a shot of Hopium beings the fact that popcorn could technically served today (Friday) with the overturning of R vs W news this morning and DAYTIME Emmy's (Red Carpet event) tonight (10 Q soap opera references in crumbs)….Just the vibe at this point rocks and "feels good man" if anything….


<>Kek. Imagine being this desperate for ANY kind of Delta. Not how Delta verification works, faggot. And Deltas are between Q & POTUS.
Imagine being so desperate that you need to spend five years trying to discredit a "larp" and failing miserably.

-muh salt rotation–

this guy was one of the people in the 70s that believed in conspiracy theories, the Tri lateral commission, satanism, and understood every totalitarian regime change WW.  He must have given up challenging it all, he went back to London and integrated.  I have no contact with him, because I couldn't believe how profoundly stupid he became.  

In a way I hope my commitment to truth and reality will help all those I've known in the past and the future.

And truthfully I'm not a people person.  I've never understood what it meant.  Kek

Dude on X22 Report says he has night vision goggle and sees spaceships flying around at night!
They are intelligently controlled!
They aren't airplanes and they aren't helicopters!


“died in his sleep.”
age 32

found under google search:    
suddenly died 2022


Comedian Nick Nemeroff died suddenly Monday at age 32, his family announced.

“It is with profound sadness that we announce the sudden passing of our beloved brother Nick Nemeroff,” the statement on Instagram read.

“Nick’s dedication to standup comedy was formidable, and produced amazing results.”

No cause of death has been revealed.

However, Canada’s CBC News reported that his manager, Morgan Flood of Grand Wave Entertainment, said that Nemeroff “died in his sleep.” 
The Canadian-born comedian made appearances on “Conan,” performed at the Just For Laughs festival in Montreal and was part of CBC Gem’s “The New Wave of Standup.” Nemeroff was recently seen on Season 2 of CTV Comedy’s “Roast Battle Canada.”

His first comedy album, “The Pursuit of Comedy Has Ruined My Life,” was released in 2020 and led him to be a Juno Award nominee in 2021 for comedy album of the year.

Nemeroff attended the Royal West Academy and graduated from the radio and television program at Toronto Metropolitan University, formerly known as Ryerson, according to Deadline.

“He drew acclaim in Canada and the US, becoming both a ‘comic’s comic’ and a hit with crowds who were enamored by his unique cadence, labyrinthine deadpan, and fresh take on misdirection-driven comedy,” his family wrote on Instagram.

“If Nick was on a comedy show, he was guaranteed to leave with new fans. And he deserved to, because comedy was, in many ways, his life,” the statement continued. “Endlessly sweet, supportive of others, humble about his many skills and achievements, Nick lived his life doing what he loved, and that is how he will be remembered. RIP Nick. We love you.”

Nemeroff’s agency, Grand Wave Entertainment, released a statement on Twitter, writing, “We are deeply saddened by the sudden passing of Nick Nemeroff.”

The date and time of the funeral have yet to be announced. His family asked that, in lieu of flowers, “donations in his memory may be made to the Planned Parenthood chapter of your choice,” explaining that “one of the last things Nick did was to donate money to Planned Parenthood.”

Several of Nemeroff’s friends and comedy colleagues took to social media to mourn his loss.

“It’s a devastating day for those who knew him,” comic Jon Dore wrote. “Nick Nemeroff was a beautiful man. My condolences to his family and everyone in the comedy world. I admired him greatly.”

“SNL” cast member Sarah Sherman tweeted that he “was the sweetest and funniest guy ever,” and encouraged her followers to listen to his album.

“One of the absolute funniest guys and just a totally gentle and genuine human being too. This one hurts,” comedian John Cullen said.

“This is incredibly sad news @nicknemeroff was so original, kind, and so funny,” comedian Matt O’Brien wrote. “I can’t believe this.”


Not only does she want to restrict the rights of law-abiding citizens, but at the same time she wants to roll out a program to wipe out offender criminal records.

Yep. Make people into criminals while clearing the records of actual criminals.


> Everyone sees it anon, they just have a team of IP hoping shills consensus cracking 24/7. They were shitting their pants when the Q poster last night got a Zero Delta, and they rushed that fake drop out to cover it up.
Think how many people were woken up by a Q alert to read the shit and say "What the fuck?"

Take a deep breath and a break; Go look at the sky and pray some thanks.
it's a temperament.
called "tough love"
Normies lost their reflexes against all kind of insult.
They tolerate what should be stopped.
Including the overseas illegal wars for nothing, that only DJT had the balls to say should end, and who tried (but was disobeyed) to end them.
Including infringement on our rights.
The leftist are very conditioned about what they are offended by; for instance Trump?
It was presented as a style issue?
For them their judgment on style ("being kewl") is everything.
For a sane person it 's a form of insane idolatry, vanity and ignorance.

> The Jews won ww2.
Define "the Jews".

If you mean bankers, then yes.
Not only were the bankers not prosecuted by the Nazis instead treated very well, but other elites weren't neither prosecuted by Nazis, nor the US allies (some also Nazis)., which is kinda weird, I mean they say they totally were enemies, and you would expect if "THE JEWS" won, that the ONES USING JEWS FOR FORCED LABOR and medical experiments would get the death penalty, but didn't.
Why is that?
Not many explanations for that.

Almost as if "the Jews" doesn't exist.
It's elites and regular Jews. And these 2 groups have nothing really in common.

Colorado State Patrol seizes enough fentanyl to kill 25 million people

The fentanyl powder seized by the Colorado State Patrol had the potential to kill over 25 million people

Officers with the Colorado State Patrol seized 114 pounds of pure fentanyl on a highway on June 6.

An official with the Colorado State Patrol told Fox News that the agency stopped a car that was headed toward Denver on Interstate 70 near Georgetown when they made the discovery.

The 114 pounds of pure fentanyl powder was found below the passenger and driver seats, reachable by a trap door, and were in 48 one-kilo bricks.

Officers with the Colorado State Patrol seized 114 pounds of pure fentanyl on a highway on 


Do anons still believe the scope of what is happening on this Earth at this time is contained within MSM narratives and politics? The insanity is purely for the deepest sleepers, so I hope you haven't been continually subjecting yourself to it unnecessarily. If you are doing so to help said sleepers, that is one thing… but I hope you have remain detached and haven't been sucked BACK IN.

My daily stop to this board has become hell, purely because of your long-winded, rambling, incoherent bullshit.  It's here all the time.  You're here ALL the time and add ZERO substance to any discussion.  Grab some tampons and take your weepy vagina somewhere else.

Donald J. Trump / @realDonaldTrump
 06/25/2022 14:06:04 
Truth Social: 108539436360743549
 06/25/2022 13:25:52 
Truth Social: 108539278264366253

  Donald J. Trump  reTruthed…




Fighting The Commies, [02.07.22 08:12]
WATCH: Biological male cyclist claims testosterone does NOT give 'unfair advantage' to trans athletes

FULL STORY: https://fightingthecommies.com/FFI

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