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> sauce dat

Uvalde Classroom Door Wasn’t Locked, Texas Chief of Public Safety Says


pretty well discussed on here already. but here's the sauce FTR.
George Conway says Capitol riot committee doesn’t ‘need any new bombshells’ because they already KNOW Trump led a ‘multi-faceted criminal conspiracy’: GOP lawyer tears into ex-president after wife Kellyanne accused him of ‘cheating by tweeting’

scrap verb (1)
scrapped; scrapping
Definition of scrap 
transitive verb
to abandon or get rid of as no longer of enough worth or effectiveness to retain
Definition of scrape (Entry 1 of 2)
transitive verb
 to collect by or as if by scraping
I don't know if any of this shit is true, but back then, when Rudy was touring the states, the Kraken was rumored to be released, and there was hope that SCOTUS or Pence would step in, I knew Trump was gone when I saw Jared and Ivanka move. Their abandoning of the ship told me all I needed to know that Trump would no longer be president. But if they exited stage right because they didn't believe in the steal as the article claims, that's unknowable, and pure speculation without them confirming.
Been pondering the serious psychological disconnect that normies must make, in order to accept that Covid and masks were all a head-fake.  Easy for me, I was already suspicious of the govts, medical industry, and globalist agendas.  

But if they were crusing along just perky (still are), how the hell can they come to grips that the whole giant clown show has been lying since…. since forever?  This is a rabbit hole that will break their soul.  Think of what they have invested so far, to have been ignoring the obvious for this long.  Convincing themselves daily to go along with the lies, that it's not so bad, and that all those deaths happening now are just a coincidence.  That the shot they gave their kid PROBABLY won't hurt them….that all the VAX advice they gave out PROBABLY didn't kill anyone….  

This is gonna shatter them, if in fact the truth ever really becomes accepted.

"As you have seen him go, so shall be return…" "…Tongues (pillars) of fire tested upon them"
How did "The Lord lead Israel through the wilderness? Oh that's right, "pillar of fire"
Putting together the picture yet?
No? Just gonna call me Satan again? Ok Satan, whatever you say.
> And then God told Adam to convene a court and convict Cain, keep him in solitary confinement for 20 years and then execute him in the name of God, right?
God was the judge and jury.
God decided what Cain's punishment should be.
God knows the hearts and minds of all people.
God is the perfect Judge.
He is Perfectly Just and Perfectly Merciful.
North American Aerospace Defense Command

#NORAD and @USNorthernCmd were honoured to host @CanadianPM, @SecDef, and @AnitaAnandMP today at our headquarters at Peterson Space Force Base and at Cheyenne Mountain Space Force Station – home to our Alternate Joint Operations Center. #WeHaveTheWatch


9:48 AM · Jun 8, 2022 · Twitter Web App
Your a shit talker.  narcisist. dishonest.  your intention is aligned with Mike Rothschild.

there's I've told your fortune

/fortune  &

Your a fucking retard.  Continue and I'll ignore you. you have no value add, just witch hunt.
Records Show Arizona Woman Who Was Indicted For Illegally Collecting Ballots in 2020, Ran Sophisticated Ballot Harvesting Operation

As previously reported, Guillermina Fuentes, 66, was indicted in 2020 for illegally harvesting ballots for Democrats in Arizona.

A second accomplice, Alma Yadira Juarez, also pleaded guilty for her role in a local ballot trafficking operation during the 2020 primary election.

Local residents busted the Democrat operatives and exposed their ballot collecting scheme.

David Lara and Gary Snyder, who were featured in Dinesh D’Souza’s documentary “2000 Mules” recorded and photographed ballot traffickers stuffing ballot boxes on the day of the August 4th, 2020, Primary Election.

The evidence was presented to the Arizona Attorney General, resulting in a guilty plea by Alma Yadira Juarez. Guillermina Fuentes, who serves on the San Luis School District Board, faces four felony charges. Juarez admitted to prosecutors that Fuentes, 65 gave her the ballots.

According to records obtained by the Associated Press, Guillermina Fuentes ran a very sophisticated ballot harvesting operation in the border city of San Luis.

The Associated Press if finally catching up with TGP’s reporting on this story.

Fuentes used her status as a well-known Democrat operative to convince voters to give her their ballots or let her fill out their ballots.

AP reported:

    An Arizona woman indicted in 2020 on accusations of illegally collecting ballots apparently ran a sophisticated operation using her status as a well-known Democratic operative in the border city of San Luis to persuade voters to let her gather and in some cases fill out their ballots, according to records obtained by The Associated Press.

    Guillermina Fuentes, 66, and a second woman were indicted in December 2020 on one count of ballot abuse, a practice commonly known as “ballot harvesting” that was made illegal under a 2016 state law. Additional charges of conspiracy, forgery and an additional ballot abuse charge were added last October.

    Investigators said it appears she used her position as a powerful figure in the heavily Mexican American community to get people to give her or others their ballots to return to the polls.

    The alleged illegal ballot collection by Fuentes and her co-defendant happened in plain sight outside a cultural center in San Luis on the day of the primary election, the reports show. Fuentes was at a card table set up by supporters of a slate of city council candidates and was spotted with several mail-ballot envelopes, pulling out the ballots and in some cases marking them.

    The ballots were then taken inside the cultural center and deposited in a ballot box.

Religious composition of the U.S. Supreme Court
7 Catholics, 2 Jewish. It is said that The Supreme Court should reflect/mirror America yet while the U.S. is still at least 42% Protestant there is not one Protestant on the Court.

77% Catholic yet only 21% of the Nation is Catholic.
22% Jewish yet only 1% of the Nation is Jewish.

In 2012 Chief Justice John Roberts was seen "vacationing" in Malta. 
Is John Roberts a secret Knight of Malta? 
Does he hold dual allegiances to America and to Rome?
Who are the Knights of Malta?
Who are other Famous and Powerful Knights of Malta, why does this matter and why are most anons unaware of the Knights of Malta and their position in the Deep State hierarchy?

John Roberts Arrives In Malta

Community college returns to virtual classes – over cost of fuel!
Students 'have to make a decision about buying groceries or buying gas'
Bob Unruh By Bob Unruh
Published June 3, 2022 at 11:54am
 There's a CHINATOWN in STOCKTON CA?! Checking out the once 3rd LARGEST Chinatown in CA (三埠)
9,746 views  Mar 7, 2021  Did you know that not only does Stockton (the city not the street) have a Chinato

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