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half his age as well
not going to fall into the false trap of supporting degeneracy no matter how many talking points they push one side or the other
it's all about filling a vacuum of least resistance for them while collecting a paycheck for doing so
> hey, anon, this guy says all the things the so-called right says
> surely you'll support him right
> well he's also a literal faggot
> so that means you support faggots too then, right
it's pluralism
Fucking dumbasses who walk by SIGHT instead of walking by FAITH. 
EVERYTHING COMES FROM THE UNSEEN FIRST, whether fear or faith. The world has been programmed upside down and inside out by LUCIFERIANS. that’s why up is down and down is up. Fukken scared, weak, FAITHLESS humans. What a bunch of losers. Defeatist cowards, kmao. I need a drink. Already took the pot.
Top Microsoft executive is accused of watching lesbian pillow fight PORN on VR goggles in front of stunned colleagues and fondling female co-workers without their consent

    Alex Kipman, 44, of Seattle, has been described as one of Microsoft's 'golden boys' and allegedly has dozens of complaints of sexual harassment
    One of the complaints includes a time when he watched 'VR porn' of skimpily-clad women participating in a pillow fight in front of colleagues 
    He also allegedly has inappropriately touched female employees as well 
    Despite the allegations, the Microsoft executive has apparently gone undisciplined for his actions 
    CEO Satya Nadella vowed in 2014 to extinguish the 'golden boy' culture, however,  employees say they haven't seen much change

A top Microsoft executive has been accused of watching virtual reality pillow fight porn in front of his stunned colleagues and fondling female coworkers. 

Alex Kipman, 44, of Seattle, has been described as one of Microsoft's 'golden boys' - but CEO Satya Nadella has vowed to end the firm's tolerance for 'talented jerks', and new allegations about Brazilian-born Kipman suggest his days could be numbered. 

Microsoft has refused to confirm or deny the sordid allegations.  

Several former and current employees have allegedly accused the innovation executive of getting away with inappropriate behavior, which reportedly includes inappropriately touching female coworkers and watching a 'VR porn' pillow fight in front of employees. 

The sexual display was mirrored on nearby TV monitors for all the late-night employees to see.

The VR video reported featured women dressed in skimpy outfits who were participating in a sexualized pillow fight, according to Insider.

'It was in the office, in front of women. Incredibly uncomfortable,' a source told Insider. 

Virtual reality porn allows viewers to feel as if they're in a sex scene by donning special goggles. 

Several employees filed a complaint against Kipman for dozens of occasions of inappropriate behavior last year, but the executive - who lives in a $7million Seattle home - has yet to punished for it. 

Ending the attack on the 2nd amendment starts with banning the prescription of anti depressants as a treatment for mental distress.

Big Pharma pulls the trigger. The evidence is there. Ever shooter = anti depressants prescribed. 

Big Pharma works with Hedge Funds to fix Wall Street
Big Pharma = Covid Hoax
Big Pharma = Masks
Big Pharma = use of medical and financial terrorism to strike at the foundations of the US Constitution.
Q told us that evil people are in charge of our government.
That fact should be becoming more and more obvious to people on a daily basis.
Our Country is going to hell in a hand basket. That should be obvious to anyone who is paying attention.
The Great Awakening is people waking up to the fact that they are slaves who are controlled by Evil Masters.
When the price of gas goes up, the price of everything goes up.
Doesn't matter if you don't have a car. You will be paying more for everything you buy, and your taxes will go up for everything that the government spends money on.
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class at the KAF Academy and I have over 6 gorillion confirmed planefag notables. I am trained in several types of surveillance and intel gathering tactics and I'm the top radar operator this side of CENTCOM. You are nothing to me but just another soy boy glider pilot . I will track you and your family's every move with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, Capt Sully. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of KAF Alumnae across the world and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, . The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing called your brian. You're fucking dead. I can be anywhere, anytime and I've flown in and out of 'Nam, Laos and the Golden triangle so many times you've no idea of the resources I can tap to track you and the waste of what you call your life . If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you faggot glider pilot-how does that feel?. My pilots will drop a fury of ordinance all over the pathetic place you call your home.  You're fucking dead kiddo.


> That shit link, can be monitorized…and find out what IP come to see that

Best anons are those calling other anons names, when they in fact deserve these names themselves, anon.

Do you know what netstat is & does?

Have you ever observed what happens & which connections are made when you click one of these embedded utube links?

Not only does your IP make a connection to google/utube servers – no better even:

Google/youtube know that you play that embedded video from 8kun.top.

Try it out! You might learn something.
All that equals 17.

Elon Musk
Tesla AI Day pushed to Sept 30, as we may have an Optimus prototype working by then

8:52 PM · Jun 2, 2022·Twitter for iPhone

those that have 'sex as a child' are raped and lose Jesus as their soul to instead become as a dog mentally that doesn't understand to kill itself instead of 'normalizing' child rape.
those that have had 'sex with a child' are child rapists and lose Jesus as their soul to instead become as a dog mentally and have to be killed unless they commit suicide to prevent them from raping more children.
those that are inbred never had Jesus as their soul because inbreds are a product of child rape and can only ever 'know' being a dog mentally and have to be killed unless they commit suicide to prevent further epsteins and maxwells eating and raping children.

sex is only for adult man and woman in a marriage to start a family!
protect your children from degeneracy or your children will eventually kill themselves or get murdered.
kill all dogs as all inbreds are pedophiles to be drowned.
No children in the city as the city is strictly for adults!
Right baker is tapping out as no bakers are stepping up.
New baker claim bread, note takers step up.
over and out, save your country or wait until it is too late.
information warfare means you have the info.
\make yourself heard !!!
The storm is here, hide or get out and help !!!
God Speed Ahead - o7

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