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Geezus, another piece of shit forum run by the motherfucker everyone loves to hate. DM the fag and get in there and spy and cause a little mayhem. I'm sure it is fucking pathetic.

Hey Storm, this right here is the new media sharing place- your new shithole can be a cuck hangout.
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Wow seeing his rant about why he quit. He claims to have quit due to what was said by zerophive. He didn't quit he was forced out. The way he acts and conducts himself is the reason he was run away from bubblepop. He wants to start a smaller forum because his retarded ass knows no one will follow him there. Good luck with your new Storms bubble hideout shithole. I am sure you will have a few cam models follow you there for a short time until you can't get them any business for custom vids. Please off yourself or at the very least stay the fuck away from the internet and the bubblegum community.

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Since this stupid community chases women away, and fewer and fewer women want anything to do with this fetish. Some of you werido fucks are going to have to rely on cartoons.

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That's the point, Storm. Being addicted to porn is horrific enough since constant orgasms drain the body of vital nutrients and atrophy brain function. Getting content for free is one less burn than paying for it and getting neurological damage in the process.
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I laughed my ass off seeing the whole Sierra dump conversations deleted. This forum is no different than Storms bitch ass bubblepopnet forum. You only differ that you openly share paid content. Why delete the conversations if you don’t care or have anything to hide. And for the record Storm and his micro penis and fags like Gmaxx and Zerophive little fag humping asses will always come back here because his pathetic forum has shit for content. Don’t become moderating assholes like Storm

This incessant arguement shit makes me even more ashamed to be a part of this "community" then I already was. It's a fucking fetish board, what's lower than this? No one gives a shit about anything, I can take all the content I want. You act like it'd be a problem that no creator would contribute content to this "community," we have enough already. Take whatever you want, and share it for the world.

Just curious if anyone on here is part of Storms faggot bubblepop forum. Rumor has it he is ass chapped we talk about him on here and he’s doing all he can to get models to shut down their clip stores. His pussy white knight syndrome won’t get him laid or bubbles in real life and he knows it. All he can resort to is ban hammer or blocking people and saying they were trolling. He doesn’t have any clue to how respond or react when someone comes at him with articulate conversations and reactions to his bullshit. He is a big part of what is ruining this community.

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