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I know this isn't probably the right forum but I don't know which other forum I can request for this content. 

So I recently discovered I have a fetish for Women Blowing Hot Water Bottles and from what I've discovered my fetish for this far surpasses the Bubblegum Blowing fetish I had for several years.

Then I seem to have found a few elite woman who are capable of doing this kind of feat and one of them can even lift a car with her breath.

I would please like to request for these videos to be posted in here or in volafile if anyone here would be kind enough to do that. I would greatly appreciate it.















It would be preferable if you guys would upload a 480p version but 720p is also great too.

Also if anyone here is part of Women Blowing Hot Water Bottle or Lung Power fetish communities I would like to have a link so I can be a part of it.

Thank you very much!

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so, not to be a bother, but I'm looking for clips...I believe they're from clips for sale. I NEED these clips because I cannot afford the $40 for the three of them. I know you guys are broke, retarded virgins like me, anyone want to help out a fellow road man and give me the clips for free...you guys can pay for them and I'll wack off to them. Thanks fellow bubble buddies
If you're the "NEED THESE CLIPS" guy then you need to fucking stop bro.We're all bubble bros here and we try to share content when something is asked, but if after MONTHS of posting the same shitty simp message, again and again, you don't see those fucking videos on the vola, maybe it means that nobody has them.Try to use your little bubble brain please.

Amigo, nadie tiene esos clips. Si los llegamos a tener, lo publicaremos en Vola.
Por favor intentemos restaurar Vola con buenos videos, ayudándonos como Bros Bubbles!

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You’re right, all women are cuntoids, that’s why we pound it to dudes, right on brother. Us big bubble boys upload our shit for free for all the other gay boys in the vola

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It depends, i've got something but maybe not the best ones(?)Like Genie's bottle i've only got 1 vid.I was born in the middle 90s so nothing much i can do about it ^^"

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