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The Destruction Of My Nation Of Sin 
“Tell My people I Am against them.  In all they do is sin and wickedness.  The plowing of the wicked is sin, My son.  I will destroy their country with nuclear forces.  Already they are deployed against you.  In just a minute it will all be gone.  Your cities will be demolished by nuclear bomb attacks.  Already they are hidden among you.  Yet you go on and do not care.  In one hour it will all be gone, demolished forever.  The land will be too radioactive to work, and nothing will grow.  That is My hand of judgment against you, O wicked people.  When will you repent and come out of your wicked ways?  But still you prefer your sin and wickedness to serving Me.  You love it and will not repent, therefore you shall be destroyed forever.  In the pit of Hell you shall roast until you stand before Me on the Day of Judgment.  Then you shall be thrown into the Lake of Fire.  Repent O people, the time is late.  Your LORD has spoken.  Amen.”

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