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thumbnail of The Punishment Of My New World Order Crowd Forever.jpg
thumbnail of The Punishment Of My New World Order Crowd Forever.jpg
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PROPHECY-- The Punishment Of My New World Order Crowd Forever!

"Tell them they are on My 'hit list,' My son.  Evil Satanists will be rounded up all over the world and executed, but especially in Europe, where they are the densest.  The evil New World Order crowd shall perish by My Hand for attempting to start World War Three, says the LORD.  They shall be gathered up by My angels and tied in bundles and cast into the fiery furnace, where there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth forever!  Evil Satanists shall be gathered up by My Hand, including all in the occult along with all witches and sorcerers.  You had better wish that you had repented by the time that I come for you.  Make peace with Me while time still persists, O evil ones of the land, for I shall end your New World Order setup agenda, and you shall have wished that you had never met Me, the Living God!  Oh repent, you evildoers while time still persists.  Your LORD has spoken.  Amen and amen."

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