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The End Of My People Forever! 
“My people don’t love Me because they love the world.  Already disease germs have been released in the air to kill off My wicked people.  They won’t obey, My son.  Refusing to do My will they shall all go straight to Hell forever.  They refuse to obey.  They want the world, not Me.  Look at this place— worldliness everywhere.  I blessed them, but they refuse to use it for Me.  They shall all be rounded up and go to Hell, the furnace of fire.  There they shall stay until I deal with them on Judgment Day, meeting Me, the Living God on that great day of terror.  There they shall give an account of their lives wasted on selfish ambitions galore.  They will not repent but shall be damned forever for refusing to obey Me, the Great Living God!  Your LORD has spoken, Brian.  Amen and amen forever!”

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‘Why Won't My People Obey Me?’ Says The LORD

“My son, I love you.  Do My will.  Why won’t My people obey Me?  They refuse.  They love this life.  They will not give it up, My son.  Therefore, they shall be damned.  They will not give up all to serve Me.  Already viruses are prepared, and bacterial germ cells by the enemy to destroy you, O My wicked people!  When will you give up your wicked ways to serve Me?  I speak to sinners, and My people, the Christians.  They will not obey.  They love the world and the world system.  They will be decimated, useless people of sin and corruption!  The nation will come to nothing, except for My overcomers.  You are one of them.  Expect to do My will in a nation of darkness and death.  They will not obey.  I ordain them to death, damnation forever! Your LORD has spoken. Amen.”

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thumbnail of The Death Of My Bilderberg Group Forever!.jpg
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PROPHECY-- The Death Of My Bilderberg Group Forever! 

“The Bilderbergs are My enemy, My son.  I set out to destroy them in all they do, says the Living God.  They are a blight on all humanity, and must be destroyed, My son.  Plane crashes, car crashes, stoppages of the heart, and all manner of calamity shall destroy My wicked rulers, My son.  Wicked Bilderberg is a stench in My Presence, and must go, My son.  To Hell the entire lot of them, and all their successors. They are a blight that must be controlled, and eliminated through My power, says the Living God.  I have My eye on them, and nothing can stop Me from eliminating this plague on society.  They want to destroy the world— I will destroy them, says the Living God!  Nothing can stop Me!  I have all power on Earth to destroy puny Earthlings who oppose Me!  I Am the Living God!  I will stop their hearts in the middle of the night and whisk them away to eternity, says the Living God.  All billionaires of evil shall meet the same fate.  Expect to meet the Living God, and what a terror that shall be to all sinners everywhere who die without Me!  Your God has spoken.  Amen.” 

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Your Pretty Face WILL BURN IN HELL!!! REPENT NOW!!! ---> Ask JESUS To Forgive You Of All Of Your Sins

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PROPHECY— My Son, I Will Return When No Man Is Expecting Me
"My son, My people are far from Me.  They have gone astray after all the things of the world.  Few are close to Me.  It is a dark time.  Like the Dark Ages, few served Me.  They have gone astray far.  They have ignored My Spirit, and want nothing to do with My prophets.  It is a dark time, My son.  The Antichrist will arise in the midst of all of this mess of self-interest.  Few follow Me in Spirit and truth.  They will be saved.  The rest damned.  They want self, and all the things of self.  Self-interest reigns supreme in peoples' lives, selfish ambitions galore.  That is why there are universities everywhere.  The people want self; they want Me not.  Did I not say in My Word all care about self-interest, not in Me?  It is a dark time, My son.  Few serve Me.  The Rapture will happen an instant around the globe, and few will make it with Me to Heaven.  The rest will be damned to face the Great Tribulation.  Few will serve Me in this age— all care about self-interest; few in Me and My things.  Selfishness reigns supreme.  Few will make it in to My Kingdom.  Many are too selfish to serve Me.  They will not make it.  Your LORD has spoken.  Amen and amen!"

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The Action Bible God's Redemptive Story Sergio Cariello Free Download!!!

Converted from the .epub into .pdf file.  1535 pages.



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The Russian Nuclear Sneak Attack Against My Cities Of Sin
“My son, the Russians are out there.  They cannot be stopped.  The subs are patrolling the coasts, ready to lay off any American coastal city they want with a sneak nuclear attack!  My son, it is My judgment.  Their sins have reached the heavens.  They must be destroyed!  Its wickedness is before Me, and I cannot stand it!  The Russians are a tool in My Hand to destroy My enemies with nuclear attacks; nuclear warfare is the wrath of God against My wicked sinners!  Stay out of Florida—they won’t repent.  California too shall be gone—its cities laid waste.  New York is detestable in My sight—its wicked sinners must go!  They won’t repent.  Neither will Boston—it must go!  The wicked cities of sin will be destroyed by My Russian nuclear missile attack—its sins are before Me and must be judged!  Millions will go straight to Hell—their day of reckoning has come!  I cannot stand their wickedness any longer—Russia shall clean house!  Washington shall be gone!  So shall Houston—its presence is a blight on the land.  All big cities are appointed for destruction—My wrath shall reach them—millions shall be gone!  Expect My wrath to decimate the sin cities of the land!  My wrath shall reach all!  Expect it!  Your God has spoken!”

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PROPHECY—The Punishment Of Mega Churches Of Sin And Wickedness
"Rock music is detestable to Me, My son.  Many practice it in wicked churches across the land.  They are detestable to Me.  The music of Heaven is not that.  Mega churches have got to go.  They practice rock music to entertain the people.  They love it.  Mega churches have got to go.  They are not of Me.  They are wicked, My son.  I will punish them.  They want members more than Me.  They will entertain the people for membership.  They are not of Me.  I will punish them.  They want members more than Me.  I will punish them all.  Mega churches are a blight on the land.  I will punish them all.  They have got to go.  They love money more than Me.  Many will go to Hell.  They love people more than Me.  All have got to go.  They will be punished forever.  Few follow Me in truth and Spirit.  They have got to go.  Your LORD has spoken."

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Prophecy Against My People Hillsong 

“Tell them I Am against them, for I will not tolerate such vanity in their worship.  For they are full of worldliness and vainglory, devoid of the Spirit.  They have departed from the Living God in pursuit of a grand agenda of pleasing the world in their worship, which I cannot tolerate.  Greatness is their goal, not pleasing Me in worship, for the anointing they have departed from in order to have great numbers and many churches throughout the world.  People pleasers will be destroyed by My Hand and their congregations scattered throughout the world, for they serve not Me but vainglory and success in numbers.  My son, self is an offense to Me, and self-driven ministry is a great offense, damnable to Hell.  I call Hillsong to repent of their worldly ways, for it will be destroyed by My Hand, and its people scattered.  Thus says the Lord of Hosts.  Amen.”

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