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PROPHECY- The Destruction Of My City Of Sin, Las Vegas

"I will destroy it all.  Nothing will be left but dust and ashes.  The city of sin will be gone.  Test they will their particle beam weapons going way beyond nuclear weapons.  All will be gone in a flash!  The U.S. Army are traitors galore.  They have eyes on the city.  All will be dissolved away.  Remember Maui?  They have weapons way more powerful, particle beams from space.  Satellites will test them on you, Las Vegas, from command centers deep underground.  You evil city of sin have no chance of surviving this evil attack.  City of sin must go, detestable in my sight.  My judgment is arrayed against it through traitors in the U.S. Military, in the Army galore.  They will destroy you, O Las Vegas.  It will come in an instant without warning.  All will be gone but dust and ashes.  They hate you with an intense hatred.  I have spoken, the Living God.  Amen."

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Prophecy To My Lukewarm Church 
“To My Lukewarm Church: You are detestable in My sight, says the Living God.  Why won’t you do My will?  All you care about is yourselves, My Church.  You are lost forever, unless you do the works as at first.  Oh how you have abandoned Me, resisting My prophets, rejecting them, having nothing to do with what they say.  Why do you resist Me, says the Holy Spirit?  All you care about is what you want, not in doing My will in worldwide evangelism.  That you will have no part of, for all you think about is self, and what you can get.  A homebody existence is what you want, with no challenge to get out there and do My will.  For that you shall be damned forever, wicked Church of Mine!  Furthermore, why do you just sit there and do nothing, oh My Church?  Hear the masses calling for Me, the Living God.  Yet you just sit there at home, refusing to go obey Me, says the Living God.  I called you to go overseas and preach My Gospel, yet you prefer your life of comfort and ease, refusing to go.  For that I Am incensed at you wicked Church of Mine!  Hear the prophets speak: I shall destroy you, O wicked, lukewarm Church of Mine, refusing to go obey Me, to preach My Gospel all over the world.  For that I shall damn you to deepest Hell, O wicked and worthless Church of Mine, useless for any legitimate purpose in My Kingdom!  Depart from Me, into eternal Hell,  O wicked Church!  Your LORD has spoken.  Amen.”

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The Destruction Of My People Who Have Forsaken Me, The Living God

"I will destroy, My son.  The level of wickedness has gotten too great all over the land.  My people must be destroyed, they no longer serve Me, they serve themselves.  The pastors have brought them far away from Me; paths of righteousness have been forsaken.  Every man does what is right in his eyes, not My will.  My will goes neglected, few do it.  This nation, this mighty land of yours will be but a memory, gone forever.  My people have forsaken Me for wealth and prosperity; they must be destroyed.  Few will be left who call themselves Christians; My will must be done; few will do it; few will be left when I Am finished with this land of selfishness and greed, My son.  Few will serve Me; all care about their own, not My things.  My Church lies forsaken; few will serve Me in Spirit and truth.  All have forsaken Me for wealth and prosperity; they must be destroyed.  The LORD has spoken, My son.  Amen."

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Destroy My Evil Empire Of Sin, My Son
“My son, I Am going to destroy My Empire.  It will be forever gone!  Never again will America rise to rule the world.  I put a stop to it.  It will be forever gone!  My son, escape the land of destruction and go to a foreign country.  Destroy My Evil Empire of sin and wickedness, My son.  Forever it will be gone!  Destroy, and leave nothing left.  My people refuse to repent, and will not obey Me.  The sinners too.  They will not obey, nor repent.  They have got to go to eternal damnation.  They will not obey nor repent.  They are damned forever!  I will make sure it all gets destroyed.  Nuclear bombs will ravage the land.  The plagues will kill off My people.  I have said it, the Living God. Destroy America, My son. Your LORD has spoken. Amen.”

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PROPHECY— The End Of My City Of Sin New York City Forever! 
"It'll all be blown away, My son. My nuclear bombs are ready to do the devastation they were meant for. New York will be blown away, never to exist again, My son. It will be but a memory, its towering skyscrapers blown away in the nuclear conflagration. Get ready! Life as you have known it will never be the same again! Money will be scarce, so will be food. There will be few humans left alive from the nuclear disaster I have planned, says the Living God. New York City will be but a memory, never to exist again! Multitudes will be gone, forever entered eternity in a moment's notice. Prepare! What lies ahead is a life of hardship. Gone will be all the modern conveniences that you all depend on. Your way of life will be changed forever. Expect an early death in the years of hardship and famine, My son. My wrath is manifest to all through nuclear explosions.  Prepare!  The end is upon us.  Your LORD has spoken.  Amen forever!"

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The Punishment Of My Wicked Child Molesters Forever!
“I know all sin, My son.  All is naked before Me, including all that child molesters do.  They are great wickedness before Me, My son, abusing little children for their own sexual pleasure.  And that goes for Bishop Kicanas too.  I know that child molester, and he will burn in Hell forever for what he has done, molesting My little children in the Catholic Church.  They grow up to be scarred forever, and need My healing.  I will give it to them.  All child molesters will be rounded up and executed, put into My furnace of fire where they will burn forever, My son!  My wrath is heavy against them, and they will be forever punished in My Presence.  That goes for all child molesters, My son, not just Bishop Kicanas.  Expect them to meet their end in fiery Hell forever, for My wrath will never cease punishing them forever and ever, My son.  Your LORD has spoken.  Amen!”

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PROPHECY- The Prophetic Judgment of Tel Aviv-Yafo, Israel 
“It must be destroyed. They refuse to serve Me. Few will be saved. What they have done to Gaza must be done to them. Its sin has come before Me. It must be judged. Few will be saved. Its sin must be judged. Its sin has not escaped Me. It must be judged. Few will escape My wrath. It must be destroyed. The LORD has spoken.”
“It must be destroyed, all of it. They refuse to serve Me. They’re My people, but they refuse to obey. They must be destroyed. Not a one will escape My wrath. What they’ve done to Gaza must be judged. Few will  be  saved.  Your  LORD  has  spoken.”

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PROPHECY— The Punishment Of My Son, Wicked Jim Bakker
“Punish My man, for he refuses to turn from his sin.  Covetousness abounds in My man’s heart, Jim Bakker.  I have called him to repent and turn from his salesmanship, but he refuses to turn away from his wickedness and serve Me the right way on the streets.  That he refuses, so he will be punished forever in My Presence.  Repent Jim Bakker, you haven’t got long to live before I take you from this Earth for your greedy covetousness.  You are an offense in My sight, and you cannot stop selling to My people.  I will punish you forever and ever in deepest Hell; My hucksters of sin will be there forever and ever!  Repent while you can, O wicked salesman, for you refuse to preach My Gospel, but to sell your wares.  You are an offense in My sight, wicked salesman.  Repent now, O wicked Jim Bakker, for I will punish you forever and ever!  Your LORD has spoken, amen.”

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PROPHECY— The Punishment Of My Wicked Charlatans Forever!
"My wicked charlatans are everywhere, My son!  They're everywhere, My son.  Religious charlatans infest the Church; they have no power.  They never took the time to get to know Me.  They are useless; they have no power.  They love Me for money, but will not obey Me to give up all on the streets.  They must be in a church or ministry; they will not give up all to serve Me.  They must be in a comfortable house; they will not go to where the people are.  My religious charlatans are everywhere: they infest the world, the Church, are on the airwaves: they have no power, nobody is touched.  I Am not with them: they have forsaken Me from the youth for money and popularity; power they do not have because they never took the time to get to know Me, their LORD.  They refuse to know Me; they love money and wealth; they love the Church world: it controls them.  Charlatans are everywhere; they are in it for wealth and fame and popularity.  Notoriety is what they got; they have no power to help My people: I Am not with them; they have been rejected long ago by Me for being useless servants, wicked charlatans destined for eternal fire!  I make it so.  All men of sin shall go there, including My wicked charlatans.  Your LORD has spoken.  Amen and amen forever, My son!"

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PROPHECY- The Punishment Of My Wicked Thieves Forever!
“They will be punished, My son.  The Sovereign Wealth Funds are Mine, says the LORD.  How dare they in the Federal Government steal what is Mine, belonging to the Russians.  Return what you have stolen back to the Russians, or else I will punish you forever, says the LORD.  Obey Me, for I Am A God to be reckoned with.  Do not test Me, for I punish all sinners in a living Hell, forever burning in flames of My design.  All wicked sinners who ignore My warnings, thinking I do not exist, shall surely be punished forever and ever in a burning Hell, My son.  Return the stolen Wealth Funds, or else you shall surely receive the wrath of God in your lives, and who is that man who can resist Me?  I hold all in My Hands, even your puny lives are before Me.  I shall punish all, and it is not a light thing to test the Living God, Amen!  Return what you have stolen immediately back to the Russians, or you will face Me in the middle of the night snatching your soul away to eternity to face judgment forever.  And who is that man who can resist Me, or alter his fate before Me?  Surely the Living God has spoken to you through His prophet.  Repent before it is too late, and you stand before Me for judgment.  Surely all Sovereign Wealth Funds are Mine, and you shall be punished forever for your theft.  It is a very fearful thing to fall into the Hands of the Living God to face judgment and wrath forever!  Repent now!  Your God has spoken.  Amen and amen.”

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