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tl;dr of the last few months:

> Mass shooters tied to 8chan (esp. Christchurch)
> Public pressure mounts against 8chan
> several companies on the technical end drop support for 8chan as a customer
> US Congress schedules a hearing for Jim, the owner
> Site is announced to go down until at least Sept 5 (yesterday)
> Posters (esp /pol/) scatter to all over the web, especially endchan, 4chan, 08chan
> Jim provides a statement that if 8chan comes back up, it will have new safety measures

Now is the time for us to reevaluate our situation. If there is credible reason to think that 8chan will be compromised when it comes back online, we should not return.
If not, is this our new permanent residence?
Here's the basic requirements of a imageboard site for us:
> English speaking
> Ability to post on VPN and/or TOR
> Stable
> Has a christian board, or allows user creation of one

> clearnet posting
> custom flags
> supportive of many filetypes
> embeds
> sfw only

< No user created boards

> User created /christian/ board already up
< darknet only on zeronet
< inconsistent posting because p2p
< general suspicion of the security (justified or not)

> User created boards
< darknet only
< slow, few posters

> User created boards
> Tor/VPN posting
> Clearnet posting
> Many filetypes
> English
> Mostly stable (down for a while recently)

I'm definitely in the "suspicious of darknet sites" camp, and find Endchan to the be best option, at the very least in the short term.


> Alternative option: Christian dedicated site

This right here would be the best option ever.  The problem though, as covered before, is things like expenses, and getting good people willing to take on this task.
I doubt that the admin of nanochan would allow a Christian board unless we had a sizable population move over, and even then the posters there would demand that it be excluded from the overboard, or deleted entirely.

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