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I'm noticing a theme, it's a silver lining about living in a post Christian west: the theological debate between Protestants in the culture is almost totally centered on concluding what the Bible teaches. Evangelicalism has won the cultural debate.

Mainline Protestantism is hemorrhaging members and everyone (at least on the right) sees it as the joke it is. In our parents and grandparents generation we evangelicals would be arguing against people's childhood indoctrination coming from episcopalianism or Lutheranism, but now a cultural Protestant will consider your explanation on its own merit.

This of course is just my judgment about the state of the mission field.

Mainline Protestants used to be like Roman Catholics in their view of church authority, but now they're open minded enough to consider your exposition of the Bible. I pray that Roman Catholics will adopt the same prudent attitude, but I don't see it happening soon since being Roman Catholic is a more central identity to them and their church isn't quite as cucked as mainliners.

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