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thumbnail of wolf and lamb.jpg
thumbnail of wolf and lamb.jpg
wolf and lamb jpg
(29.18 KB, 480x360)

I guess people have also mismemorized Lord's prayer. It wasn't trespasses but debts all along.
Same with wineskins I mean bottles.
Clearly I've lost my marbles and deserve hate and rejection.

Trespasses is the choice of the book of common prayer. Most english speaking churches have used "trespasses"

Almost every translation uses "wineskins"

You deserve rejection if you're claiming that the difference between your memory and history makes the God of the bible untrustworthy, which is what you're claiming ("where is your god now?")

Sorry guy but if you don't understand imageboard lingo then maybe you shouldn't feel so cocksure about sending people away.
Debts makes no sense.
Bottles for a 1611 authorized KJV makes no sense, it's a modern word.
Wolf makes absolutely no sense in context of it's lack of presence in language compared to lion. There's no such thing as mass schizophrenia and you can still find ministries, pubs and hotels named "Lion and the Lamb". Just look how many quotations most having to do with warring entities coming to peace 

Something's happening and as uncomfortable as it is for you it's not going away.

> Bottles for a 1611 authorized KJV makes no sense, it's a modern word. 
It's not, but even if it were the 1611 KJV is written in early modern english

I'm not uncomfortable, because nothing is happening that is concerning. People corporately misremember things.

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