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This is officially a Protestant Board

Wesley Swift Archive

Pastor Bertrand Comparet Sermons

Repent now, Hell is real.

Invite the love of Jesus and the Holy Spirit into your heart, it’s all you need.

Christian Identity is just White Nationalists/Nazis desperately wanting to have their cake and eat it too.

On one hand, on some level they acknowledge Christianity as the truth.  On the other hand, their pride cannot suffer the concept of Christianity being strongly rooted in a Hebrew/Judaic background, and that they would have to humble themselves by acknowledging being Gentiles adopted by the Mercy and Grace of God.  Not to mention it clashes and creates a paradox with their White Nationalist worldview that they wish to force Christianity to conform to.

Thus, they resolve this cognitive dissonance by making up this elaborate fan-fiction about Gentile Europeans being the REAL Jews all along (in spite of the fact that the European Romans and other non Judaic peoples, like the various other non-Hebrew tribes of the Middle East, are singled out as Gentiles.)

Who started this meme of referring to EO and RC churches corporately as "apostolic"? I have only seen it on 8chan and 4chan.
It's a contradictory usage, the eastern orthodox and the roman catholics each claim that the other schismed away from the apostolic faith. Even more, the term "apostolic christian" is heavily associated with anabaptists, who are a product of the radical reformation.

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