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The Prophetic Judgment Of My People Australia

"Speak to My people Australia, My son. I have great things
for them if they would only obey. Yet wicked people resist Me
at every turn. My son, what shall I do? Call My people to
repent. I have called them to the Mission Fields. Maybe they
will obey. Hear them calling for Me, for saviors. When will
they repent? They love the world. I must punish them. War
will consume their land. They will not obey. They love the
world more than Me, wicked people of sin and depravity.
When will they obey? I had great things for My people
Australia if only they would repent. But they won't. They
refuse. Into Hell My people shall go wicked Australia. Into
Hell they shall go eternally. They will not repent, nor serve
Me, wicked people of sin and depravity. Obey. Your LORD
has spoken. Amen and amen wicked people of sin."

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