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thumbnail of PROPHECY Of The Korean Destruction By My Hand Of Wrath And Anger Against Them.jpg
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PROPHECY Of The Korean Destruction By My Hand Of Wrath And Anger Against Them

"Korea shall be destroyed, My son. They offend Me. Few serve Me there in Spirit and truth. Most are religious and have no power. They shall be destroyed. My wrath shall be poured out on the sinful nation of Korea. It is full of lewdness, debauchery, wickedness, witchcraft, and other sins. You shall pray against it. Few serve Me in Spirit and truth, My son. Most live in sin in Korea. You shall pray against it. However, they shall start World War Three when they invade China. Pray that this does not happen. However, My wrath is against them, both Koreas. They shall be devoured by the fire of My wrath for they are sinful above all else. Pray that this does not happen. Your LORD has spoken. Amen and amen, My son."

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