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thumbnail of My People Shall Be Eliminated In The Revived Roman Empire.jpg
thumbnail of My People Shall Be Eliminated In The Revived Roman Empire.jpg
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PROPHECY-- My People Shall Be Eliminated In The Revived Roman Empire

"It will happen, My son- the revived Roman Empire. Many countries will lose their sovereignty to be a part of it. It is My end-times plan. Your country will fall and become nothing in the face of it. Europe will rise to world-domineering status. Many will be a part of it. Christianity will be eradicated in the face of it as the Antichrist rises. My people have no power to stop it and will be eliminated from the Earth. I have decreed it, the Living God. Few will serve Me in the end times to stand against Satan. I have decreed the great elimination because My people have no power to run the race. Many will fall by the wayside, having no endurance to finish the race set before them. Few will enter My Kingdom in the face of the Antichrist. Your LORD has spoken."

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