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thumbnail of Stop Worshipping My Enemy Satan.jpg
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PROPHECY- Stop Worshipping My Enemy Satan

“My people are enemies, My son.  Devil worshippers they are without them even knowing it!  So deceptive is My enemy Satan that he has fooled millions into worshipping him.  My son, pray that My people come back to Me.  They love the flesh, all the things of the world of the enemy that he has for them.  Oh repent!  Stop worshipping Satan My enemy, My people!  Oh how My wrath burns against them!  They ceased worshipping Me decades ago in preference for Satan the Devil.  They love the world more than Me, worship it in their hearts.  They love the things of the Devil more than Me, they worship it!  Oh repent My people!  Cease loving the things of the world and come to Me.  Stop worshipping Satan in your hearts.  Your LORD has spoken.  Amen and amen.”

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