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thumbnail of The Punishment Of My Evil Elites.jpg
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PROPHECY-- The Punishment Of My Evil Elites

"The WEF has got to go, My son.  It is evil.  I will eradicate it from the Earth.  Its leaders are evil; they want to destroy the planet.  I will eradicate them.  I will destroy them all.  The evil elite will be destroyed from off the face of the Earth.  I will destroy all who want to destroy humanity.  They are evil.  Expect their elimination.  Tell all they will be destroyed.  I will depopulate them from off the planet.  They have to go.  Tell all that they will fail in their attempt to start World War 3; I will destroy them; they have got to go.  A blight they are, destroying humanity with evil drugs, vaccines, and all manner of wickedness.  Their technology will not go far; I will destroy them.  Their AI machines will fail their objectives; all the works of Satan will fail.  They give themselves unto the Devil; destroy them I will. Their wealth will fail them in the end, fail to rescue them from the evil calamities coming.  The LORD has spoken.  Amen and amen.  Distribute far and wide."

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