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ever since the end of season 1, the show has been appealing to tumblr feminazis more and more and more. they have ruined best gem by making her a thirsty lesbian over someone that die and is projecting her lust onto her child. the two ghey midget rocks, etc.

steven universe is shit. I am no longer interested in new episode because of what they turned it into. I'll still watch it out of curiosity to see how they can ruin it more (possible ghey lesbo "romance" between new best gem and fat purple dyke" but yeah, it's all shit.

> Peridot x Amethyst
Not even hinted at. There's more fuel for Amethyst x Greg than that.

The only ships with any gas in the tank for Peridot are Lapis Lazuli and Steven. Much more for the latter. Besides Connie, Peridot is by far the easiest to ship Steven with, followed by Lapis Lazuli.

Lapis x Peridot x Steven, let's do that shit, make it a hot threesome.

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blame jim, all he had to do was say "sorry i rangebanned everyone accidentally"

but nah, he had to go full phil fish and act like it was a rightful act of cleansing evil to get all the /pol/tards riled up into staying in a cucked imageboard.

im more of a cartoon guy but the Zaucer of Zilk

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ive never been much of a comic guy, but i decided to read injustice because it was recommended to me and it was an interesting thought, and wow-ee. it was doing okay (the writers failing to explain batmans philosophical principles for not wanting the arkham patients killed irked me, but as i said before, im not a comic book guy, and i can understand why they wouldnt want to have a wall of text covering up the comic. but they dont mind cramming in a wall of contemporary 4th wall political bullshit, so they can no longer stand on this argument)  to  until i got to this scene. what happened to his face? gotta love the political shoehorning, too. how long has it been this bad?

semi related to this, which comic is the one where batman snaps the jokers neck in the batmobile, and is it worth reading?
i must say early on i was getting some emperor of mankind vibes from supes,
>  golden suit
>  genetically enhanced super solders
 but as always, superman is too much of a braindead pussy faggot to do it right; instead of doing this for any cool reasons like intergalactic manifest destiny or a belief in humanity's supremacy, hes just a tyrannical little cunt who cant handle the joker's bantz.

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