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All my knowledge of this is second-hand, but here it is as I understand it:

Spider-Man: Reign (the comic that plotline comes from) is a story set on some other Earth in the Marvel Universe that was basically designed to be Spider-Man's equivalent to The Dark Knight Returns.  In an effort to make it edgy and give Spider-Man a reason to be angsty, the writer had it that Spider-Man's sperm (and for some reason specifically his sperm) was radioactive as a result of the spider bite which gave him his powers.
Why do I hear this from every single normalfag? It's always that exact phrase too.

Explain to me how someone with radioactive blood isn't a walking cancer machine.
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Game Grumps and other retarded youtube celebrities who don't know shit about Spider-Man canon.

Anyhow who's ready for Spider-Man to Job for Captain America like he did in Civil War?

Oh and the new suit looks like shit too.
I think it looks okay, I just don't know why they didn't use the ASM 2 costume when they clearly had access to it.
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Just saw more trailers featuring the wall crawler. Man is he jobbing and being nerfed so fucking badly. We're talking about a man who has precognition, can lift several tons, and can survive direct explosions, being pushed around by a guy with a cyborg arm, and a shitty super soldier who can barely lift cars.

This is why I have stopped giving a shit about crossover events since Marvel's civil war back in the 2000s. Nobody bothers to research jack shit about a superhero before writing a cross over. Nobody bothers to take into consideration a hero's power set limitations.
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Saw leaked clips, and yeah it's shit. Spider-Man never uses his Spider-Sense, swings slow as fuck, barely does any acrobatics. His strength is inconsistent, one moment he inflicts literal ton's worth of damage, the next he's barely at Cap's level of strength. What a fucking load of shit. This is why I hate western crossovers, there's just no fucking respect for power levels. 

Instead a character's popularity dictates how strong he is within the storry.
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> implying I said cape shit has been good

It used to be good, back in the silver age, even arguably bronze. Past that though it's been garbage after garbage. Since editors, and writers just don't bother to do research on the universe they're writing for. Their just looking for their next pay check, or worse, they're trying to write the most shocking stories ever to expand their shitty careers.

I'd say manga has been superior to comics since the 90s to be honest, in the 80s they were catching up.
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Comics will soon go through a crisis that makes the '90s one look like it was nothing in comparison. There is no way this idiotic pandering to women/SJWs will pay off.

If not for superhero films making a killing, DC & Marvel would go bankrupt fast if they keep this up.
> hurr dey were always bad
> provides no argument as to why

And if you do, please don't start pisting gold and silver age Batman and Supes. That's some of the worst arguing I've ever seen and discredits great works such as ROM, The Question, Spider-Man, Dick Tracy, etc etc.
The worst arguing would be to use silly voices in greentext and write blacktext that references that greentext as if it was actually said. By yourself. That's really shitty formatting.

Not to mention you work from the blinb assumption that comics used to be good unless proven otherwise. Your nostalgia goggles must be made for chrildren and too tight around your head.
The evidence that comics are for retards is building up rather nicely. Arguing for what is obvious would just be unelegant, while any proof that comics can be somehow good is still MIA.
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Any Superhero comics or any medium really that actually realistically portray a super hero? No, I don't want bullshit like Kick Ass or Samurai Flamenco's first two arcs. What I mean is an actual work where the MC has ACTUAL super strength or powers and there are repercussions to his actions in the world. 

Like you can see the enviromental damage his fights cause take a toll on a city or his environment. You can see that the government is actually hunting down his ass due to wanton destruction caused and wants to experiment on him. More over you see his personal life crumble around him significantly. 

Things likes this is what drew me in about Spider-Man, every action he took had immediate effects to those around him. Granted the other aspects I talked about were just magically resetted and sometimes even forgotten about, but not those to his personal life. Of course One More Day shat all over that, but oh well it's why I stopped reading him anyhow. To get back on track, what I want is a superhero story where it's not just the Hero's personal life that crumbles down, but the environment around him too.

So far the only things close to this that I've read are Guyver and ARGUABLY Berserk, but is there anything more like this out there? Or is it just impossible to find a super hero story that doesn't exist in a vacuum? Again any medium is fine, it can be a video game, ACTUAL BOOK, anime, manga, I'll be okay with it.
Okay I spoiled myself about this a bit and the spoilers make this sound interesting, so I'll check it out.

> Anybody who's green is kind of a safe bet.

Huh? Talking about the Hulk? Not really, it wasn't until the World War Hulk arc that we actually see people getting tired of his shit and the damage he causes actually have an effect to those around him. I will agree that the Hulk's life is probably shit, specially with all of those split personalities LITERALLY taking over his body and mind.
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Apparently this series is based on a book, I've been trying to download it illegally before buying it but I haven't had any luck finding it. I know this ain't /r/, but if you happen to know where I could find it, it would be appreciate it if you could point me to the right direction.
I'm a retard, I've been trying to DL the book, the series I've been able to watch for free pretty easily I must admit. But the book is pretty hard for me to find.
if you're going to beg at least give something better go go on than "Roswell book the show was based on"
post a link or something to the exact book you are looking for, preferable with an isbn
I've determined that its a series of books and this is the best link for reference so far
Noice, DL'd it, really liking the TV series, granted I'm only 7 episodes in due to University killing my spare time. But now I can just read where it all began. Maybe it's just me, but reading books is just less time consuming. You can just sit down, read it, bookmark it and resume it at any time.

I feel pretty bad right now though, have you ever wanted to play a 3d version of Jagged Alliance? Because I have a copy of Silent Storm in my HDD I can upload for you if you want.
If that doesn't interest you how about a download to the fortress building RTS Castle Story? I also have an installer for the Original Deus Ex and one for Ys The Origin.

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