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/conspiracy/ - conspiracy

all things conspiracy, conspiracy theories

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  1. Array ( [_id] => 581ede7994b271c33ef3391d [user] => odilitime [time] => 2016-11-06T07:40:41.293Z [global] => 1 [boardUri] => conspiracy [type] => boardTransfer [description] => User odilitime transferred board /conspiracy/ to Endwall. [cache] =>

    Type: Board ownership transfer *Global*


    Board: conspiracy

    Time: 11/06/2016 (Sun) 07:40:41

    User odilitime transferred board /conspiracy/ to Endwall.

  2. Array ( [_id] => 584532bb01510bfd62125c33 [user] => Endwall [type] => deletion [time] => 2016-12-05T09:26:19.464Z [boardUri] => conspiracy [description] => User Endwall deleted the following threads: 12 and the following posts: 13, 15 from board /conspiracy/. [global] => [cache] =>

    Type: Posting deletion


    Board: conspiracy

    Time: 12/05/2016 (Mon) 09:26:19

    User Endwall deleted the following threads: 12 and the following posts: 13, 15 from board /conspiracy/.

  3. Array ( [_id] => 58453344b8c3d2f1620cc8f1 [user] => Endwall [type] => deletion [time] => 2016-12-05T09:28:36.672Z [boardUri] => conspiracy [description] => User Endwall deleted the following threads: 16 and the following posts: 17, 18, 19 from board /conspiracy/. [global] => [cache] =>

    Type: Posting deletion


    Board: conspiracy

    Time: 12/05/2016 (Mon) 09:28:36

    User Endwall deleted the following threads: 16 and the following posts: 17, 18, 19 from board /conspiracy/.

  4. Array ( [_id] => 5b161892f3d83261045933e3 [user] => Endwall [type] => fileDeletion [time] => 2018-06-05T04:58:58.204Z [boardUri] => conspiracy [description] => User Endwall deleted the files of the following threads: 21 from board /conspiracy/. [global] => [cache] =>

    Type: File deletion


    Board: conspiracy

    Time: 06/05/2018 (Tue) 04:58:58

    User Endwall deleted the files of the following threads: 21 from board /conspiracy/.

  5. Array ( [_id] => 5b1618adf3d83261045933e6 [user] => Endwall [type] => fileDeletion [time] => 2018-06-05T04:59:25.637Z [boardUri] => conspiracy [description] => User Endwall deleted the files of the following threads: 54 and the following posts: 57, 57, 57, 57, 57, 57, 57, 57, 57, 57, 57, 57, 57, 57, 57, 57, 57, 57, 57, 57, 57, 57, 57, 57, 57, 57, 57, 57, 57, 57, 57, 57, 57, 57, 57, 57, 57, 57, 57 from board /conspiracy/. [global] => [cache] =>

    Type: File deletion


    Board: conspiracy

    Time: 06/05/2018 (Tue) 04:59:25

    User Endwall deleted the files of the following threads: 54 and the following posts: 57, 57, 57, 57, 57, 57, 57, 57, 57, 57, 57, 57, 57, 57, 57, 57, 57, 57, 57, 57, 57, 57, 57, 57, 57, 57, 57, 57, 57, 57, 57, 57, 57, 57, 57, 57, 57, 57, 57 from board /conspiracy/.

  6. Array ( [_id] => 5b1618ccf3d8326104593412 [user] => Endwall [type] => fileDeletion [time] => 2018-06-05T04:59:56.584Z [boardUri] => conspiracy [description] => User Endwall deleted the files of the following threads: 43 from board /conspiracy/. [global] => [cache] =>

    Type: File deletion


    Board: conspiracy

    Time: 06/05/2018 (Tue) 04:59:56

    User Endwall deleted the files of the following threads: 43 from board /conspiracy/.

  7. Array ( [_id] => 5b161969f3d83261045934c6 [user] => Endwall [type] => fileDeletion [time] => 2018-06-05T05:02:33.803Z [boardUri] => conspiracy [description] => User Endwall deleted the files of the following threads: 42 from board /conspiracy/. [global] => [cache] =>

    Type: File deletion


    Board: conspiracy

    Time: 06/05/2018 (Tue) 05:02:33

    User Endwall deleted the files of the following threads: 42 from board /conspiracy/.

  8. Array ( [_id] => 5b161997f3d83261045934df [user] => Endwall [type] => fileDeletion [time] => 2018-06-05T05:03:19.021Z [boardUri] => conspiracy [description] => User Endwall deleted the files of the following threads: 20 from board /conspiracy/. [global] => [cache] =>

    Type: File deletion


    Board: conspiracy

    Time: 06/05/2018 (Tue) 05:03:19

    User Endwall deleted the files of the following threads: 20 from board /conspiracy/.

  9. Array ( [_id] => 5c11d9523fb18262bafaefa6 [user] => Endwall [type] => ban [time] => 2018-12-13T04:00:18.277Z [global] => [boardUri] => conspiracy [description] => User Endwall banned the posters of the following posts: 64, 65, 66 from board /conspiracy/ until undefined with reason "Spam". [cache] =>

    Type: Ban


    Board: conspiracy

    Time: 12/13/2018 (Thu) 04:00:18

    User Endwall banned the posters of the following posts: 64, 65, 66 from board /conspiracy/ until undefined with reason "Spam".

  10. Array ( [_id] => 5c11d986915f1a1705df37e6 [user] => Endwall [type] => deletion [time] => 2018-12-13T04:01:10.967Z [boardUri] => conspiracy [description] => User Endwall deleted the following posts: 64, 65 from board /conspiracy/. [global] => [cache] =>

    Type: Posting deletion


    Board: conspiracy

    Time: 12/13/2018 (Thu) 04:01:10

    User Endwall deleted the following posts: 64, 65 from board /conspiracy/.


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