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Stefan Molyneux is a very dangerous man for reasons besides being a lying Jew. The Alt-Light is full of cult types that just so happened to be Jews that just so happened to be inconsistent in what they teach. I'm glad the NatSocs are distancing themselves from these "Alt-Right" people, they're all from day one, frauds that don't actually promote genuine ethnonationalism and other stuff that Hitler actually promoted that is good although some of the stuff Hitler promoted is based on fraudulent bullshit and even pushed by Jews themselves pretending that Hitler said this or that without any proof while applying it to their illegal State of Israel.
I've had my eyes on Amazon as an underratedly evil corporation (that people tend to ignore as upposed to Jewgle, facbook, Apple and Microsoft), ever since they acquired Twitch.
Here's an excellent playlist of that same guy concerning what he thinks about the universe.
Wanna know the truth about the birth of Jesus?
I should go on record saying that the BO is Endwall, I am not Endwall guy, I deleted /blog/ and abandoned my old account, namefagging isn't allowed in /horror/, and this tripcode is already compromised.

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