/cumg/ - coom.tech

coom.tech - refugee from retarded cuckchan mods. Where technology meets cooming. (NSFW)

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absolutely no idea how to use this chan but thanks for posting this for me! if I can figure out how to make this post-- also saw a big cock up in the thread, pretty cool! I use my big cock for touching, a lot, like all the time. see you all when sturdy is back up! yay

wait there's a password here, I don't know. I'll just do the captcha I hope that works
It was pretty obvious it was a technical issue. If you'd been refreshing sturdy, you keep getting different errors depending on the time of day, so admin was fixing stuff behind the scenes.

You wouldn't expect him to abandon the site like the previous admin. He was actively pruning stuff and even did an April Fools joke that everybody missed a day prior.

Also, I've been browsing /ttg/'s alt sites, and they're all hated everywhere lol.
they're only concerned with keeping people enslaved to rotten old hags.  They make money at it, and if you and someone 17 years old make love everyone will realize 90 year old pussy with three foot lips is gross, and no one will ever marry a 30 year old divorcee again.  Imagine how much money those women need, chud!

Did you know pussy tastes gross the more it is thrown out to odd men?  Unused pussy tastes like fucking candy, hell slightly used is a treat, most women have at least five guys under their belt and taste like dog shit.  Dog's ass probably tastes better than five fucking dicks.  Fuck I hate old whores
it's obvious only higher class can fuck the whole kindergarten every weekend (and if children do not consent, then kill them), and prols must work for them and sublimate all their sexual energy (better, if they neuter themselves) for the higher class's enhancement
I came here from the coom.tech resource directory trying to get advice and input on software and tools for sorting and categorizing files with tags/metadata

To clarify, I do stuff with art history and niche historical topics, and I have a ton of files I need to tag with when and where they were made, what's being depicted, physical details about the piece, etc. Stuffing all that info into the filename means I often break the Windows normal path/filename character limit and causes issues, so i'm looking for a better solution.

Ideally, the metadata/tags would get embeded in/with the files themselves and stay functional when moved around or to a different system and then back to the original PC; and be viewable, editable or searchable via the normal Windows explorer folder viewer (even if I have to install scripts or programs to modify that), and wouldn't change the file hashes. But I realize there may not be anything that satisfies all of that criteria.

I've thought about using Hydrus, but I've heard it can alter file hashes wich has me worried and I also don't know it that fits my use case, which is less porn tagging and more actual archival and cultural heritage stuff.
Sturdychan still dead, huh. Do we have any news from adminy or should we give up/find a new shamichan?
NTFS supports tagging at a file level, and is integrated into the windows explorer, it's just that it's not commonly used or known. It should persist when moving files across filesystems as long as they are NTFS too.

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