/dnm/ - darknet markets

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Whilst the reddit black out proves reddit sux cuk cuntz

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What is the URL to the site?
Please share in order to save others from making the very same mistake.
Also, you should really stick to markets using Monero XMR exclusively should you like your freedom to be forever.

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Didn't even take 10 minutes and three community members where offering me money for pics of my feet !? 
Like wtf!?

Should have known a site with the title as "Envoy" was a child porn meet up site.

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I for 3 or so years used a few different marketplaces to procure different items. My buddy was the main one who got it, but I always knew how to get back onto the sites. After a few years of not checking in at all most of my marketplaces are gone, dark.fail seems like a fucking disaster, and I'm pretty god damn retarded now compared to then. How should I get back into the scene?> Cause I tried relearning tails and all that but got overwhelmed last night, now I'm just browsing and hoping I can figure it out as I go. But if yall have any suggestions for me please share, I would like to figure all this out again.
Currently the only marketplace worth visiting is Nemesis.
Most if not all others are straight up scam marketplaces.
Crazy you say x3 years ago huh.
Law enforcement has launched the most succesful honey pot in the history of the darknet, Alphabay v2 market lol.
Don't go there unless you really want to end up as another statistic on a governement charge based off of an obvious honey pot marketplace.
Stay free.

Hello, I got back here after a year or so, i see that now almost no market url on darkfail works, I don't know wich markets are still up and most importantly I don't know where I can find legit urls because I tried every market url on darkfail and they dont work
Can anybody help me?

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My Kswap failed too. I tried to reach out to Ugu on jabber but no reply. No coin has arrived in my wallet in over 48hrs. The swap displays as completed when navigating to the kswap link despite no deposit being received on my end. This is the first issue I’ve had with them but I would advise others avoid the service right now given my recent experience.

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Time to then start a new site rivaling Kilo's. Utilizing all of its best features and going a little further, raising the bar far high and above top shelf services like instant cheaper swaps, message boards intergrated with markets and of course a forum like this one that can burry dread in the past once and for all. Everything dread be touching be turning spoiled sour now including the kilos project. 
I noticed all XMR related DEX are having trouble, with my personal favorite, InfinityExchanger also displaying a banner saying XMR mechanisms back in order in a few days. I do recall that on the surface net XMR community, recent current events are shaking up the crypto industry as a whole, with sanctions and scruitiny like none ever seen before.
Good luck to all.
The gofish market has a platform for fund raising if money is what is needed to push this missions forward.
I would love to donate to trail blaze such a project.
Money in the right places makes the world go round right!?

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I actually found a market that has vendors that actually send out product.
Nemesis market.
nemesis555nchzn2dogee6mlc7xxgeeshqirmh3yzn4lo5cnd4s5a4yd <-- dot onion

SafestShipping hooked it up fat with the blow.
Check em' out.

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Title gives my conclusion from empirical events I witnessed and inside info. PSP runs on the same circuit, but isn't the backdoor per se, which has been around for much longer.

Just like AMD was able to change the crypto algorithms for the Zen chip they licensed to China, they can change how the CPU behaves at any system, even those already deployed. This can be used to sabotage any program or computation, making BadBIOS (uses radio, not sound) vastly nastier than StuxNet.

American military made a grave mistake by giving access to the morons of the Brazilian military, who are letting knowledge of this spread like a fire (and misusing it for petty profit and inside jobs to justify a police state). Israel, UK and France also have access, but are much more professional.
I'm curious what (if any) effects this will have on the DNM scene. In the past it seems that only domestic intelligence agencies have had interest in busting the darknet markets. International agencies like the CIA and military intelligence appear to consider DNM drug lords to be small fish in a big pond, and I'm not aware of any instances of them using crazy super vulns like this in the wild.
curious what other people think the effects of this will be. personally I think this will probably be used primarily on terrorists, true enemies of the state, etc. drug dealers, not so much.

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