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thumbnail of viezeoeigoeren.jpeg
thumbnail of viezeoeigoeren.jpeg
viezeoeigoeren jpeg
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Jongens, ik vind de Oeigoeren smerige mensen. Zij wassen hun handen nooit na het schijten en zij wassen zich één keer per maand.

Het is heel terecht dat China deze mensen opnieuw probeert op te voeden. Voor Chinezen is hygiëne heel belangrijk, en dat kun jij bij de meeste Oeigoeren niet vinden.

Wat vinden jullie?

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Only the global rules apply. I will not ban anyone, except if someone starts posting things like child porn or if someone starts 100 or more low quality threads per day to render this board unusable.

Other than that: discuss politics freely! :-D
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thumbnail of Mark Wiering.jpg
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So you restarted /endpol/, Mark. Anti-Antifa, Generation Europa but anti-German and anti-National Socialist? Why are you this retarded? You're fat. Your room's a mess. You need to lose weight and get your shit in order, slob. Maybe then you'll start thinking clearly.

The USA is rapidly unraveling.

How can Americans sleep at night now?

The very same Americans who scream Trump is a dictator then turn around and say tyranny is good.

The same Americans who insist that they hate the elites then say everyone should obey the globalists.

The Soviet Union failed, but Americans swear the US must become Communist.

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