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I hate deleting intelligent responses to a kike shill thread, but those threads shouldn't exist at end/pol/.

Also: I've come to the realization that keeping kikes around to build up immunity to them is fucking horse shit.
> Help from other side
There was no help from other side
This nonsensicsl quote is nlthing but a gaslighting of not permitting germans any form of sucess they had 
Occult practices werent as its presented by jewish media or how its in return to castle wolfenstein video game 
Thule society and later ahnenerbe did just a very great archeological digging and researched the historical customs which unveiled what is reemerging yet again on surface ie yamnaya confederacy emigrarions with indoaryan expansions
Also who the fuck takes that breadtube literall horse fucker zoophile degenerate seriously who gaslights people and twists everything as jewish canonfodder does 
Shame i wasnt there showing his hypocrisy on one victim of inter racial rape and his tantrum over it like it personally hurt him
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Don't feel shame you weren't there to respond to the kike. It's worse on boards where these fucks are allowed to post their shit all over the place. Jews don't care what logic you counter with. All they know is lies. All this one's trying to do is rile us with his lifeless trolling. For if he was so rich as he lies and not a sad loser living in his mom's basement, he wouldn't be wasting so much time on us.
> Don't feel shame you weren't there to respond to the kike
I meant that not shame as being ashamed but a regret of not utilizing the finding to make him bigger retard than he is
>  to do is rile us with his lifeless trolling
From the experience on 4pol i can say there is more than that and that is they get some narcisistic fuel from this as an attention they never get and validation they desperqtley seek as an attention
Really i stil lcannot stop coorelating symptoms of NPD and jewery or actors of cognitive warfare
> But here he gets nothing but a ban
Yes he does and earlier even if someone or i am around however i calculate that with a factor if even has any of outside activity beyond this attempts to milk attention from this board
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Oh, you don't have to regret that. He pulls off being a fucking retard all on his own.
> narcisistic fuel from this as an attention they never get and validation they desperqtley seek as an attention
There you have it. The definition of a jew.
And how does he expect to keep the children alive and intact to begin with boha jeho
One and especially in usa is happy that he even barely is alive and jas a job he hates so he can survive another day in society that he doesnt want to be rightfully
And why the hell evrn he uses porn in propaganda for fertility
The least thing that has anythimg and even rhat thing is negative in the means to end
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His hasbara team puts so much effort into these obnoxious .gifs, video files and still images: only to get them hash banned forever.
He doesnt make them, none hasbara almost makes his own demoralization material and rather takes it from either /leftypol/ narcissists or from soybooru or simply just steals from elsewhere
Which is funny also in his chud meme mockery as since as ling as history is taken into account and a history of baltics/russia
Chuds (čudi) were one of the aryan founders of russia and since 1920s their name became a curse word
> Probably his intent, as "whiteboi" to that kike he also considers an insult
That is not far from truth as the word became a curse word for someone who is better or better looking than others and started to be used as i said since ussr became a thing
> 09a
Top kek on these kabbalist degenerates thinking that nobody will remember that picture of them with ussr flag or how they attempted to associate themselves with rodnovery movement in slavic lands
The bigger joke that his org and his rambling even is using moe redrawings of german blueprint cruiser from ww2 hindenburg and battlecruiser owari as a topic atachment

I didnt laugh for a while on such a dementia
> It got eiped by foregin agents
Lol no they just got broke after funding those globohomo projects trough kgb and all drowning into private pockets

Every faggot should remember that pepsi thanks by ussr has one of the largest navies in world
Also its economical practices in its metaphysics failed in soft factors with their artificial scarcity and non existent quality control with constantly impossible to reach 5 years plans as its impossible to accelerate ad infinitum for basically free

But none of that fag knows about it as he had no family under that cursed governance or ever experiencing it and its consequences after the fall which were being broke
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It's a Communist who "requested politely" not to discredit Communism. Pointless bullshit. Also forgetting what board they're on. A Commie walks into a National Socialist meeting, he's going to have a bad time.
> Demiurge
Miss me with gnostic shit as i had enough of it in movement before
No fuck off death and making measures to be sure to die as existence is a matrix in literal sense isint the ultimate goal of life and never was
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This orange Zionist faggot was the whole reason we migrated from 8chan ran by JimKike in the first place.
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This board /endpolmeta/ serves as a fine example that jews never relent on their endless propaganda. As low traffic as end/pol/ is, it's happening every single fucking day.
> We killed all of you and will do it because fuck you fhats why and rhat means we are better
Yawn something something ussr fell on its own weight instead by foregin conquest just as any other communist nation like vietnam in present allying with US zog than with russian chineese zog
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Refused to watch the video of North Korea bashing Caucasians and Hitler. Ignorant bullshit. Monero shilling is spam.
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"Youth groups bad". Meanwhile, modern children dying of obesity or being brainwashed to desire genital mutilation surgeries.
Pieun that shill found also this imageboard where he spreads that lukewarm strawmanning hasbara tier bullshit?
Even tne same file name for fuck sake
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It looks like he made a spambot. Also in these deletions, thanks for the jews over professional sports video. Saved to my collection. Too bad it couldn't stay up, but the entire threads had to go. You might want to post it in another thread at /pol/
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I can post that to either qtddtot or on civilizational collapse thread as bread and circus are interconnected with despotism while making a short debunking of claims of 
> Mussolini was a jew lover because we hope nobody will look into clara petacci ie his second wife basically
And maybe finally dumping some findings hoarded troughout the month if i wont again forget
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What they did to Mussolini and Clara Petacci was revolting. Kikes are sick violent fucks, yet they tend to call us monsters with their lies of projection.
> yet they tend to call us monsters with their lies of projection.
Not only that but going into the point where you are starting to get really tired that no matter how much you break, ignore, fanatically out them
Compared to their 24/7 machinery one gets eventually fatigued with no hopes of recharging to fight again
But its a whitepill in its own terms as i knoww with such strats they show they have no arguments.and dig their own graves as no one likes an narcisist fuck
> Compared to their 24/7 machinery one gets eventually fatigued with no hopes of recharging to fight again
100% correct. I am that very existence now after so many years. Debate is useless against the jew. Defending oneself is useless. I seek the only thing left. Their destruction.

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