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endstream.sh version 0.02


This is a live streaming application using mpv and youtube-dl but operates in the Clearnet (No Tor).  This can be modified to do so if you think that streaming is fast enough behind tor, which I have found to be tedious and unuseable.  You can use this on a media center computer connected to a large screen tv, or for personal desktop use.  Currently it is only grabbing streams from youtube, However if you make some suggestions of other live streams that work with mpv and youtube-dl, I will add them in later releases.

endstream.sh version 0.04

I've added more channels.  Some of these streams go dead after a day.  But I'm sure some of these will stabalized over time.  Go ahead and add your own streams from 121-140. If you know any other sources or good streams post below. Thanks.

/home/username/bin/renum.sh: line 205: /usr/bin/ls: Argument list too long
/home/username/bin/renum.sh: line 406: /usr/bin/tar: Argument list too long
Halp me plz

line 205 

ls *.*  > filelist.txt

erase *.* in this line to make it like this

ls > filelist.txt

same thing with the line above it. 

Try that and post back if it works. Also type

$ renum --help
$ renum --version

To get some more info.  Hope that helps.

Line 406
tar -rvf backup.tar *.*

This step will have to be done like it was being done originally.  I tried to do this like this to save 2 lines of code and do all of the tar backups after the renuming rather than appending the concordance and hash lists after the process just do it all at once.  This looks like it is failing.  I'll have to do it the original way 

first backup all the files next do the renuming/file renaming , finally append the hashes and concordance to the tar.

I was trying to be efficient, but it looks like this might be failing if there are alot of files or filetypes.  I'll put it back to the previous method.

Actually try to change the 

ls *.* to
ls .* and see if that works.  If not just change it to :
ls > filelist.txt
ls | sort -R | sort -R > filelist.txt

if you are brave just comment out the tar and gzip backup portion.  Otherwise just replace the *.* with * and it should work.  This might accidentaly include the renum directory if done this way however which is what I think I was trying to avoid. I think there is a no-recursion option for tar that would prevent this but I tried it and it wasn't working right.


I added a filter for SVG to svg. If more file types show up just go into the code and add more extension filters copy paste and edit the code in the if statement.  Post here if it comes up again, but its a simple fix that can be done on the spot. 




I have alot of stuff to do before school starts in September so I'm not going to be filling anymore requests until October, even if they're easy to do.

I think I have an entirely different problem...

If there's a file named say 012345.jpg and if it's actually a .png file, renum.sh doesn't rename it to .png. If there's a file named 012345 renum.sh doesn't add the extension and instead if the command was renum --rand, it would become like 00004321.012345 so does this mean that I have to check all the file properties one by one then rename them to the proper extension accordingly because this script is not meant to rename file extensions to its proper file extension? (RIP me)

BTW, I'm using Archlinux, zsh, and rxvt-unicode.


Yeah this will require checking the file properties before renaming for each file. This can be done, say we will use exifftool.

# su 
$ torsocks pacman -S perl-image-exifftool
$ exifftool file.png | grep "File Type"

I can incorporate this into the script. Thanks for the suggestion. I'll do this next week or something.

I have added the requested functionality. You can turn it on with the flag --check-type

$ renum --rand --ranstr --check-type

There is a visible performance decrease but this should start to get all of the edge cases that you mentioned. Try it out and tell us how it works for you.  Thanks for the idea.  Cheers.

DATELOOP: a terminal clock with positioning for use in tmux.
USAGE:  dateloop --option --option
dateloop --help     # print usage information
dateloop --version  # print version information
dateloop            # standard left justified clock
dateloop --right    # right justified clock
dateloop --mid      # center justified clock
dateloop --left     # standard left justified clock
dateloop --update 2 # time update is 2 seconds
dateloop --buffer 5 # Line buffer is 5 lines
dateloop --update 2 --buffer 5 --mid # place in middle 2 seconds 5 lines

uses the date command to make a terminal clock.  I use this in tmux to put a clock in the middle of the top of the screen by making a window with CNRTL+b ; : ; split-window -l 60 , then I call 

$ dateloop --mid --update 5.  

I know there is a clock in the bottom right hand corner on the green bar, I just like a clock in the middle at the top.  Usually when I'm in tmux with no Xorg on a server somewhere. 


Available in the usual places.

I'll start working on reorganizing endstream.sh for livestream news channel by state group sometime after July 10 2018. After that I should have winstream.bat ported to the latest channels from endstream sometime before August.  After that I'll be getting ready for back to school in September.  I'll work on the BSD ports sometime in September when I transition my online task computer to my OpenBSD station.  I'll keep my parabola station online just for watching TV.

Telegram channels fetching in your browser, as iframes.

Without JS:

CH="gayasylum" FROM=170 TO=199 (echo "data:text/html;base64,"; (for i in seq FROM $TO; do echo "{CH}/{i}?embed=1\">";">http://t.me{CH}/${i}?embed=1\">"; done)|base64)|xclip

Change the ch, from and to bits, run this and paste your X11 primary selection into your browser. Dont do big (> 100) ranges, you may get hiccups. Well, you *will* get them anyway, but t.me wont give out htmls as requested on many simultaneous attempts.

With JS:

(echo "data:text/html;base64,";(echo '(function(){var max = 500; var i = 1; var timer = setInterval(function(){if (i http://t.me/gayasylum/" + i + "?embed=1"); document.body.appendChild(el); i += 1;} else {clearInterval(timer);}}, 500);}());' | base64))|xclip

Your points of interest are values of max, i and the /gayasulum/ thing. And a timer value, the second 500.

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