/erp/ - Erotic Roleplay

Here, we can all be the little girl

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Hello! This is /erp/, the board dedicated to typefucking of all kinds. 

Talk about ideas, fetishes, wants, and wishes. Whine about partners, plays, and profiles. Advertise for players and engage in general chat. 

If there's anything I can do, don't hesitate to contact me at: [email protected]

Have fun.
hi i’m a real 19 yo femboy and tbh im down for pretty much anything
Hi im a 19 year old femboy and tbh im down for whatever
i#m a german girl
Reminder that some faggot ass two faced boomer killed the original /erp/ board because the snowflake couldn't handle threads with mean words. Fuck you if you're reading this, you autistic piece of shit. Give your board to someone else.
Any of you faggots still around?
Discuss the thinking man's fetish otherwise, and objectively the best thing about it.
Hello. I found a cool site yesterday and bought a subscription today. I was very happy when I found there a lot of interesting information. Who cares - go http://ko7jym66hfx6djedblwafne5hvtfuwrcehw64bx3t32sx37ruaoksuqd.onion/

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