/euzn/ - Eurasian

Eurasian/Hapa discussion & politics

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Welcome to /euzn/, back from the dead

8chan is gone, most likely forever. Thus for the time being, this is our new home. Welcome aboard.


1) As usual, the global rules must be followed. This goes without saying.

2) Discussion is limited to issues and topics related to Eurasians/hapas. Any off-topic post will be deleted. I don't care if you have one or two threads for general chit-chat, but it shouldn't take up the whole board.

3) The posting of pornographic content is forbidden, and will result in a ban. If NSFW content is on-topic and relevant, then it may be posted provided that its spoilered.

Daily Reminder

...to shill for /euzn/ whenever you go out. I don't care what website or board you are on, if you see a brother, send him here, unless he is a leftist or a shill. Right now what our people need is organization, we need what the whites have over at /pol/, and what nonwhites have offline. /euzn/ is the first step.

Sticky thread

The sticky shall also function as a QTDDTOT thread. Meta discussion may also be posted here.
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Board owner here.

You may have noticed our new banners, the result of 1000+ hours in photoshop. ITT post your own banners and I will add them to the board. Also if anyone has the old banners from the original 8chan /euzn/ do post them, because I never saved them.

> pic unrelated
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> that flag
Regarding its history, it originates from /r/hapas. I remember the guy who created it said, obviously, that it is a mixture of a European and Asian dragon, except the claw of the Asian dragon are clipped "to represent the emasculation of Asian males," i.e. some self-pity bullshit more than typical of /r/hapas. Honestly it's a pretty bad flag because it portrays the Eurasian as split in half and fractured, rather than as one monolithic and independent whole, which is the message we ought to be spreading.

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TOR Hidden Imageboard HapaChan

This is your reminder that a very based anon recently opened HapaChan, a hidden TOR imageboard exclusively for us Eurasians. All users are encouraged to migrate there, as, in addition to providing extra privacy and security, I also hope it will serve as a long-term meeting point for members of the Eurasian movement. I will be migrating there as well, but will also continue to post, reply and moderate on this board.

The address is: http://hapachanzirxtxkvkd25uzabtnzqbrd2l5prmtt6hv5mmyr65oed3nqd.onion/pico/euzn/86#92

Remember this is a TOR hidden site, so you will need to have TOR installed and running on your computer, and to either setup your browser to use the TOR proxy or else use the TOR browser. All information on how to do that can be readily found online.

Also a reminder that the TOR hidden IRC server is hapaircv57dntiqj.onion/6667 . Like HapaChan, this is a hidden TOR service that requires you to have TOR running and to configure your IRC client to work with TOR. Again all information on how to do this can be found with an online search.

Thank you and good luck.

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Haku Zynkyoku (伯壬旭, はく じんきょく, Count Mizunoe Asahi; born May 2, 1940), also known as Kojima Rokan (小島露観), is the Japanese founder of Zain (ザイン) and the Sirius Corporation (株式会社シリウス), and creator of Shinmon-gaku (神文学, シンモンガク; Divine Literature, described as "the study of aiming to reveal the secrets of man and the cosmos") and a successor theory called ZIGMA-ism, partially inspired by Theosophy and related occult teachings. The principle works of Zynkyoku detail a Cosmic Astral-Etheric War waged by ZIGMA Samurai, servants of ZZ (ザラズ, Zarazu), against the CAM (Christ - Abyss - Moloch) forces, including the Jews, occultists, miscegenationists, and so on. In addition to his extensive writings and video lectures on the Cosmic War, Zynkyoku also attests to having originated a style of kenjutsu he calls Susashinryuu Maken (素戔神流; スサシンリュウ魔剣), the Demonic Sword Style of Takehaya Susanoo-no-Mikoto, for use in the battles against CAM. 

“If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.”

― Sun Tzu, The Art of War

Does anybody know where I can learn more about ZAIN? I've heard they've suffered a lot in the recent years but I can't find any resources in English besides a few stray recordings of Kojima Rokan. This is one of the few places I've seen anything about them, I only wish to adopt the theories of spiritual blood and fight alongside likeminded martial artists.

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Yeah an import tax would work if it were actually used properly. But in lots of cases, governments just keep it below the level at which it would actually work, because the tax gives them more money. When you deliberately make things more expensive, that money has to go somewhere, and the recipient of that money whoever they are is going to want to continue selling those expensive shit.
Import taxes haven't stopped chinese shit from becoming common anywhere.

> Yeah an import tax would work if it were actually used properly. But in lots of cases, governments just keep it below the level at which it would actually work, because the tax gives them more money.
In this scenario you are the government, so you get to administer it how you like.
> Import taxes haven't stopped chinese shit from becoming common anywhere.
No, because they are negligible or non-existent. You can't judge the effects of a policy by what it hasn't done in a scenario where it hasn't been implemented.

Furthermore the taxed portion certainly wouldn't be going into china, if such non-negligible tax ever was implemented. The evul government is not the one sending all that money away, it's the consumer. Governments usually benefit whatever they do from low import tax because a chinese seller investing in your market is simply offsetting the loss made from whichever chinese fruit picker is conversely sending all his salary back home. Most "china shit" is actually sold by natives of the target country living in China, because those are the people able to effectively market to their home country.

Effect of actually having big import tax would, for one, ruin those people, and they'd have to move back home to pick strawberries instead, and the consumer gets cheap strawberries instead of cheap rearview cameras made from razed Chinese mineral deposits.

> In this scenario you are the government, so you get to administer it how you like.

It is still a good idea to disincentivize the government doing retard shit, if possible.
> No, because they are negligible or non-existent.

But Muh Trump china trade war tarrifs
> Most "china shit" is actually sold by natives of the target country living in China


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What does /euzn/ think about moving to a different country where the laws, taxes and cost of living are more to your liking? Vid related talks about how difficult it is to leave your country of birth and old habits behind. This would surely be easier for us, as we start without a homeland or existing Eurasian culture to begin with.
If even a small percentage of us gathered in one country we would form quite a sizeable and influential minority. We could find a place where our racial aptitudes and most prevalent skill-sets would be in high demand, then start building an irl community. Similar to the Jewish diaspora strategy, except the host nation doesn't have to worry about having their culture and institutions gradually subverted. It looks like a win-win for everyone involved.
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> high taxes
> nogunz
The idea of being a nomad capitalist is to get away from those things. Different aspects of your life can be moved to different places. So, for example, you might run a business in Australia, but live in the Philippines and bank in Singapore. It's about getting the best of all worlds instead of settling for less.

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You call yourself Eurasians, but you even not from actual Eurasia. Can you ride horse, can you throat sing, do you have collection of mongolian bows and arrows? Do you even know taste of horse milk? No! Don't call yourselves Eurasian. Hapa, wapa, jabba, mutto, call yourself whatever the fuck you want, but not Eurasian. True Eurasians are mongols, central asian turks and russkies. Fuckin islander half-breeds not Eurasians. You don't have Eurasia in heart, you don't have Eurasia in blood.
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I've done it, hapaircv57dntiqj.onion port 6667. Unfortunately I don't think there is a way to get clearnet access, but perhaps someone can set up a clearnet relay.
You can access it using any irc client. I recommend weechat for CLI, hexchat for GUI or just use thunderbird if you already have it installed.
I would but it requires too much javascript and blocks tor. That's why I suggested IRC, which can be hosted as a tor hidden service.

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