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Chelsea and Jody rode the school bus home together, as they had since beginning MacCordum Academy earlier that week.  Only this time was different everything had changed.  They could hardly contain their glee as they adjusted to the new reality of the world in which they lived.  What had heretofore been a boring, humdrumb life full of rules, had now become one of excitement and opportunity. 

Only hours before they had learned that one half of the human species suffered from an immense flaw, one which it was every females right to exploit to her own ends be it control, pleasure, etc.  Of course, being of Middle School age, the girls did not fully comprehend this paradigm, but they understood enough.  They understood that boys had balls and girls didnt, and that with very little effort a girl could cause a boy indescribable pain, a pain which he could not reciprocate to her.  They further understood that MacCordum Academy was going to be a place where they would have plenty of opportunities to hurt boys.  When boys acted badly as theyre prone to do they would be punished, and the girls who acted good, well they would be rewarded by getting to deliver the punishment.

The girls exited the bus and walked together in their upscale suburban community.  Chelsea couldnt help but fixate on the groin of every male she saw.  Only that morning she had never given any thought to what lay between a males legs, now it was as if she couldnt see anything except that.  Unconsciously, she rubbed the area between her own legs through her kilt, as if reassuring herself.  It was nice and smooth down there.  Looking at another passing mans groin, she couldnt help but wonder what it must feel like to have stuff hanging down there, and to walk around in the knowledge that at any moment you could be reduced to a pathetic heap as a result of those dangling bits.

This brought Chelseas mind to her brother, Bobby.  She was quite sure that Bobby had no idea about the weakness between his legs, since she hadnt known.  And had he been kicked in the balls before, she reasoned, theres no way he would be so damn obnoxious.  No, he would fear her, as he should - and as he soon would.

As if reading her mind, Jody said, I cant wait to nail Brian right in his pathetic little nuts tonight! This is going to be soo awesome! The girls giggled loudly thinking about the tormet they would unleash on their unsuspecting little brothers.  As they walked, they would stop every few paces to fake kick one another between the legs after all, neither of them had kicked someone there before, they needed to make sure their aim was good.  This would not be a problem for either girl, as they were both excellent soccer players.

The girls parted ways, with promises to call one another and share all the gorish details once they had nailed their brothers.  Chelsea walked into her house.  Im home.

Up here dear, replied her mother.

Chelsea walked into the kitchen where her mother was doing some baking.  Her mother turned to her.  How was your day at school? she asked.

Chelsea didnt quite know what to say.  Madame had said something about all of their mothers knowing about what happened, and that they would explain more to them about the system at MacCordum, but she was still hesitant to broke the subject.

Seeing her daughters excitement but mixed with hesitancy, Chelseas mother saved her the trouble. Oh dear, I know all about what happened today.  I think its marvelous.

You do! Chelsea squealed and embraced her mom.  This is so awesome.  Thank you for sending me to this school!

I wouldnt have it any other way, she replied. I went there after all.

Really? Chelseas mind processed the information.  That means

Oh yes, dear.  Ive kicked and stomped more pairs of testicles than I can recall, a devious smile came to her face.
Yes, I wouldnt have it any other way.  I decided long ago that you and Bobby would go there.

Really! Chelsea said again excitedly.  MacCordum Academy began in Middle School, and Chelsea had just completed the first week of her first year there.  That meant Bobby would be starting there next year.  As her mind processed this, her excitement turned to disappointment.  Did this mean that she would have to wait for Bobby to be initiated in Madames class? She had no idea how she could resist smashing his balls the moment she saw him.

Sensing her daughters disappointment, her mother again alleviated her worries.  Dont worry, Chelsea.  I have no intention of making you wait to introduce your brother to the realities of life.  Chelseas face lit up.  In fact, its been quite hard for me these past few not to kick your brothers balls right up into this throat, the little brat.

Bobby had become increasingly arrogant, obnoxious and demanding these past few months, since their father left.  A psychologist would have said he was acting out, and would have recommended therapy.  Cynthia, the mother of Chelsea and Bobby, had no such sympathy.  This boy would quickly learn his place through painful discipline.

As if on cue, the door closed and Johnny entered downstairs.  He would be up in a few minutes, he usually would go to his room first to check Facebook on his laptop. 

So how are we going to do this, said Chelsea hurriedly.  Cynthias mind worked as she surveyed the kitchen.  Her eyes stopped on the countertop, to a package of eggs she had out.  The devious smile returned.  So this is what were going to do

Chelsea explained the plan to her daughter.  A few minutes later Bobby came into the kitchen.  “What are we having, I’m starving!” said Bobby in the high pitched voice of a pre-pubescent boy.  The obnoxious tone grated on both Chelsea and Cynthia.  Neither could wait for the moment.

How was your day at Cynthia was cut off by her impetuous son.  School sucked! I hate it, why do you make me go! Im hungry, wheres supper?

Your sister is making it for us, she replied.  Cynthia was in front of the stove frying up some eggs.  Eggs and steak were somewhat of a family tradition. 

So Bobby, Chelsea said in as pleasant a tone as she could muster. How would you like your eggs?  She already knew the answer, but wanted to hear it come from Bobbys mouth.

Scrambled, he replied, with his back to his sister, half a dozen feet away.

Im sorry, I didnt hear you, what did you say? said Chelsea, as she approached her brother and adjusted her legs into a kicking stance.  She had not removed her black Mary Janes. The classic black heels with a rounded but extremely hard toe were standard issue for all girls at the Academy.

Bobby paused and began to turn.  I said, his voice was now raised. I want my eggs scrambled you dumb bitch!  Johnny completed his turn to face his sister.  Their eyes met just as he said the word bitch.
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“You got it!” said Chelsea as her strong, athletic leg kicked upward with all of the force she could muster.  She had no intention of holding back.  A part of her was desperately wishing to her the sound of two “POPS” when her foot landed.  In what was only a split second, her hard, unforgiving Mary Janes landed perfectly onto the bulge between Bobby’s legs.   Coming in an upward angle, the hard and wide toe of the shoe captured both of his precious orbs and pressed them mercilessly into his pelvic bone.  The force of the kick was such that Bobby’s feet almost left the ground, only the tip of his big toes remained on the floor.  This meant that his own body weight was working against him, and he felt an unbearable pressure in a region of his body that he had never even give much thought to.  He was in absolute shock.

For Chelsea, that moment had returned.  That fleeting feeling of absolute paradise as the boy’s face contorted into an expression that it had never before made, twisted as it was by the overwhelming feelings of shock, pain, and utter terror.  In Bobby’s face she also thought she saw a hint of betrayal – she was his sibling after all, his blood.  How could she do this to him?  This truly was the worst thing that had ever happened to this boy in his short and sheltered life.  And it was all thanks to his older sister, someone who was supposed to love and protect him.

Something else was different for Chelsea this time, too.  Before she had been a witness to the bust, now it was her foot between his legs, it was she who was the cause of this torment for the male victim. 

These two facts only multiplied the pleasurable sensation overcoming her, and her knees actually buckled a bit as her kicking foot returned to the ground.  She had to steady herself from falling.

Cynthia, too, was experiencing that same feeling as she watched her son’s face.  It had been too long, she thought, as this familiar high came back to her.  She was also overcome by pride, having just watched her daughter be initiated into the wonderful world of ballbusting.  And this was not any male victim, this was her son.  This moment would always have a special place in her memory as she sought to capture that expression on his face.

As before, Chelsea noticed that the first thing to snap her out of her daze was the loud, high pitched screams of the tormented male victim.  Bobby collapsed to the floor, grasping vainly at his balls in attempt to relieve the pain, and sounding more like a girl than Chelsea did with his high pitched wailing.  Again, the wave of satisfaction surged throughout her body as she watched her victim roll, writhe and scream.  She thought it was so amusing how he did everything he could think of to relieve the pain, since clearly nothing would work.  He clearly did not fully comprehend the reality of his existence yet.  He was a boy, and as such a prisoner to his own testicles.

It was this amusing thought that caused her to giggle.  Her mother joined in, and soon the two burst into hysterics.  The fact that this was her brother writhing on the floor, and that she was sharing this experience with her mom, made it even more intense for Chelsea.  Her sides felt like they would burst with laughter, and partly as a result of that, and partly in a desire to mock her brother further, she fell to the floor beside him and rolled and writhed, grabbing at the area between her legs.  Only of course, hers was nice and smooth.
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The sight was too much for Cynthia.  It was as if the school girl within her that had left long ago had come back up to the surface, and she fell to the floor beside her daughter.  It was a sight to behold, the entire family on the kitchen floor, rolling and writhing, only two of them were squeeling in laughter, while the other one was screaming in tortuous pain. 


As the laughter subsided, they looked over to Johnny and began hearing these weird sounds – he was dry heaving.  Only moments later, he had thrown up the contents of his lunch, that his dear mother had packed for him only that morning. 


“Oh my God,” said Chelsea, partly in disgust, but partly in awe at what she had done to her brother.  “I had no idea…”


“There are many things you have yet to learn,” said Cynthia, caressing her daughter’s face. “Both of you,” she said more sternly, turning to Bobby.  “This was only your introduction.  You both have lives ahead of you that will be full of ballbusting.  You will reach heights of pleasure, and pain,” again turning to Bobby, “that you had thought unattainable and could never even imagine.”


Looking around, Cynthia looked as though an idea had just come to her.  “You know what, let’s eat out dear. Now that you’ve been inaugurate into ballbusting, it’s important that we get you proper footwear.”


A light bulb turned on in Chelsea’s head, she hadn’t even thought about what she put on her foot to kick a boy with.  She looked down at her Mary Janes with a new found sense of appreciation. 


“Those are marvelous shoes, don’t you worry,” said Cynthia.  “It’s just that, well you’ll discover that footwear is to ballbusting as flavours are to sundaes.  They’re all delicious, but each can bring a different flavour, each enjoyable in its own way.”


Excitedly, the two females, mother and daughter, headed for the door, leaving their son and brother, respectively, to wallow in the torment of his male existence.

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