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"European Nightmares" is wall-to-wall, one-sided Marxist drivel. Pathetic. Haven't checked out the rest yet, though.
thumbnail of TheParadesGoneBy-Brownlow68.pdf
thumbnail of TheParadesGoneBy-Brownlow68.pdf
TheParades... pdf
(83.91 MB, 0x0)
thumbnail of The-Parades-Gone-By-Mary-Astor-The-Purple-Diaries-Scandal-Courtroom-Hollywood-.jpg
thumbnail of The-Parades-Gone-By-Mary-Astor-The-Purple-Diaries-Scandal-Courtroom-Hollywood-.jpg
The-Parades-G... jpg
(365.65 KB, 1128x1560)

Sorry to hear that. I don't think I've read that one yet, but it's not too surprising that some commie would shoehorn their loony worldview into their writing

Here's one from the God-tier silent film historian Kevin Brownlow

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