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Not sure about comparisons since I first got tired of Blue and haven't been around to see much of how Puppy's handled things.

What I can say is that my general philosophy for moderation is that I'm here to serve the users, not to fellatate my own ego.
That also means I won't be making sweeping decisions without or even some smaller actions without communication/discussion.

I take Mark from 8/v/ as a prime example of how not to act.

Recruiting some may become necessary if the board ever gets a decent amount of traffic , or if Bui targets us regularly.

They'd need to stick with the moderation philosophy and I'd actively try to keep any circle jerk situation from happening. I don't need Yes men. 
If they fuck up or act like asses then they get penalized or tossed.

Yup. Some guys from there are the devs for the site, right?

I agree. My philosophy is that if a mod fucks up intentionally, like deletes something he doesn't like, he should get the kick. If you fuck up once, you're out. That's what I personally believe anyway.

If you get mods the best idea would be to hire from different timezones so when you go to sleep another mod will be awake. If you can keep em in line then there's no problem and you won't need the shitty captcha-every-post. and yeah, fuck bui

I dunno about the tech thing I just saw someone mention endchan on there.

 >>/11/ (Checked)

I'm going to familiarize myself with the site I have no idea how to turn this board owner tag off and fuck around while keeping an eye on the current events with 8chan.
Maybe shill the site a little here and there.

Huh, did I have ID's on the entire time? I didn't notice it before.


Not sure.
A lot of those used N8 right?
Considering the new site it may be better to make a new mascot and then create banners from there. Does that sound like a good idea?

I was thinking the general design of this guy here might be a contender  >>/operate/94/


Ah, I don't see why not.

As for me I got done playing a game similar to tribes that was posted on /v/. It's pretty fun.
Thinking about something productive to do now. 

> R9K
Now that's weird. The board doesn't even have any posts here.

I'll check it out and release updates for Yotsuba and Tomorrow later today. I notice I messed up the post number color on Tomorrow anyhow, made it the same color as the quote links. Glad you like it though, anon. even if you are a furfag

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