/furry/ - Furry

General furfaggotry

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thumbnail of 01.png
thumbnail of 01.png
01 png
(18.57 MB, 4296x6089)
Due to 8chan's filesize limits, I'm going to upload higher res photos of this comic here. They have run through a shitton of lossless compression, so I doubt they can get smaller without reducing the quality.
Original Thread here:
Original Sauce:
Canned Furry 4

thumbnail of 16.png
thumbnail of 16.png
16 png
(8.32 MB, 3572x5225)
thumbnail of 17.png
thumbnail of 17.png
17 png
(8.85 MB, 3571x5227)
thumbnail of 20.png
thumbnail of 20.png
20 png
(18.77 MB, 4144x5889)
thumbnail of 12.png
thumbnail of 12.png
12 png
(20.2 MB, 4302x6085)
Upon looking at the B&W one,
12 & 20 are missing from the colored ones.
16 & 17 doesn't have a pixelated appearance.
17 is also slightly different.
I also optimized these PNGs, although they are only 0.5MB smaller.

Post(s) action:

Moderation Help
Duration: Days

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7 replies | 28 file
New Reply on thread #209
Max 20 files0 B total