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thumbnail of rabbit county train station.jpg
thumbnail of rabbit county train station.jpg
rabbit county train... jpg
(119.17 KB, 1280x720)
Trailer: https://youtube.com/watch?v=jWM0ct-OLsM

What do you guys think of this?

To get it out of the way, saying that Disney's goal with this movie is to pander to furries is pretty absurd. Similar to anons on /v/ screaming "Furshit! Furshit!" whenever a game with anthropomorphic animals is brought up, regardless of its tone or design.

What is apparent is that they are using animals as a way to make a movie about race relations in society and the differences between races, without the shitstorm that comes with using humans. 
Not a new concept, but an interesting one if done well.

Well, not just races, but gender as well, if you translate some situations over to the real world. The rabbit being the weak link and not being respected as a police officer is likely their portrayal of women in the force.

My problem is that the movie seems as if it's going to be preachy about the current far liberal perspective. 

(Post is too long so I have to split it)
What I'm fearing is this.
> Boo hoo I'm just a token bunny
> they never give me a chance or show me respect
> fuck what they say, I can do anything they can do even though I'm significantly smaller and weaker. I'll show them!
> solves some huge problem through a method within her skill set/some talent she discovered
> we were totally wrong about you, nothing is outside your physical capabilities!!
> moral of the story is womyn rule! Womyn can do it all!

When it can be pretty good and not play political football teams.

> Boo hoo I'm just a token bunny
> they never give me a chance or show me respect
> fuck what they say, I can do anything they can do even though I'm significantly smaller and weaker. I'll show them!
> solves some huge problem through a method within her skill set
> you can't fully do the exact job we do, but you can offer a great deal in other ways. We should have looked for and taken you on for those skills and not to fill a quota
> thanks, and I shouldn't have been stubborn in trying to do everything in the exact same way as you. Now let's bust some crime.
> moral of the story is we can all do great things, but trying to be just like someone else to prove a point isn't the way to do that.

There's also the interracial message with the rabbit and the fox, but that doesn't bug me. Inb4 /pol/ finds their way here to bitch, but its fine outside of downright encouraging society to do it. SWEDEN YES And they just seem to be doing a "be accepting of it" thing here.

There will probably be touches on a lot of other racial/gender stuff here, but we'll have to wait to see it.
If we are able to stop jerking off to the porn long enough there could be some decent discussion about the film.
It looks like bland shit, soup made from many different shitty scripts that somebody finally funded because kids love animals right and Disney needed something that didn't end in a 2 or 3 for once

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