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omegacat png
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CuSith jpg
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Interesting read of animals of various cultures:

For example, one of the ones that struck out was Cù Sìth in Cainines. It's essentially the grim reaper as a green dog. I haven't looked at everything yet. So I'll point out anything else that could be done

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Basilisk gif
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A basilisk could also work, as it causes death to whoever it looks at.

There are a lot of visual interpretations of it, so it can allow for a little more freedom in how it should look as a mascot.

Almost eternally sad anubian jackal, carrying on him/herself some reminder of deceased N8 whom (s)he constantly mourns. It may be a medallion with his engraving on it/collar with "N8's faithful bitch." written/etc. Self-harm scars visible through fur are also a go.
Depises corporate shills/sell-outs/incompetent and malevolent mods and other major causers of N8's death to the point of ending their lives whenewer (s)he can get away with it. If net(and IRL) freedom is ending, they are dieing with it.

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