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thumbnail of feris.jpg
thumbnail of feris.jpg
feris jpg
(12.3 KB, 236x314)
Xonotic removes "team members" (developer) for insulting people.

>  Well... strong words are not disallowed, but using strong words to insult others (players or developers alike) falls under invective.
>  Like, you can call a core gameplay mechanic of first person shooters "shitscan" all you like, that's allowed.
>  But the moment you attack the people, a line has been crossed.

This is what you get for contributing code etc to opensource: Judged and "sanctioned". You're seen as no-better than a non-contributor/player.



divVerent supports sawing off the dicks of kids
"if a doctor approves"
>  if a doctor diagnoses a condition that can be helped by SRS, and "whoever is legally responsible" (depending on age and jurisdiction, parent and/or child) consents
>  there's no problem
>  wasnt that famous kid jazz reassigned as a kid?
>  that's just HIS JOB


Xonotic main dev:
> Rudolf Polzer - Senior Software Engineer - Google 

Engine developer chopped his dick and balls off:
>  Ashley Hale - Software Engineer - DarkPlaces 
This person used to be Forest Hale. Works at Google now. Joined Google before Rudolf Polzer did. Probably got him in.
thumbnail of feriss.jpg
thumbnail of feriss.jpg
feriss jpg
(23.3 KB, 300x300)
> However, nonexclusive licenses are revocable (meaning the copyright owner can revoke the license at any time) in the absence of consideration. 

>  [...] The most plausible assumption is that a developer who releases 
>  code under the GPL may terminate GPL rights, probably at will.
>  --David McGowan, Professor of Law, University of Minnesota Law School:

> p278 "Notice that in a copyright dispute over a bare license, the
> plaintiff will almost certainly be the copyright owner. If a licensee
> were foolish enough to sue to enforce the terms and conditions of the
> license, the licensor can simply revoke the bare license, thus ending
> the dispute. Remeber that a bare license in the absence of an interest
> is revocable."
> --Lawrence Rosen
Are you actually surprised assholes get kicked off a team? Come on.

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