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Is this the right way to talk with Xonotic? Asking for a friend...

>  bones@ (QuakeNet)                                                
> 01:53 -!- Irssi: Starting query in QuakeNet with bones_was_here
> 01:53  .
> 01:53  > if mikee's claims were a) true b) put into 
>             practise, he would lose access to the code his chaos anthology is 
>             based on
> 01:53  My claims are true. It is your choice to disbelieve the 3 
>             lawyers/law-offices I cited.
> 01:53  No I would not "lose access" to the code my fork is based on: the 
>             source code is allready out there. I would "lose" the legal right 
>             to use the code: but I would ignore such and continue doing so: 
>             this is a hobby: not a "jehrb". FreeSoftware was never based 
>             hard-and-fast on US law. The GPL is a "hack" of US law: it works 
>             "well enough" mostly based on the fact that 1) other juristictions 
>             exist (remeber 
> 01:53  Debian used to host its crypto packages outside of the US, 2) 
>             Federal copyright suits are very expensive for any party. 3) 
>             There's no money in suing over free software usually because the 
>             parties do no typically register their copyrights before a 
>             same/similar violation and thus statutory damages and attorneys 
>             fees are unavailable.
> 01:53  oh i'm sorry, did i rustle your jimmies?
> 01:54  No: you simply are wrong, retard.
> 01:54  a stupid lay fuck who thinks he's "smart"
> 01:54  but you said it yourself: I would "lose" the legal right 
>                        to use the code
> 01:55  you said I would "lose access" 
> 01:55  what you said is incorrect
> 01:55  I don't give one fuck about losing the legal "right"
> 01:55  ok: you would have to take down your mod, or it would 
>                        get taken down

> 01:55  so why do you campaign to have your own access 
>                        restricted?
> 01:55  no I would not have to "take down" my mod you piece of shit
> 01:56  I'm the only one who uses my mod you stupid fuck
> 01:56  we know it's all you
> 01:56  and I distribute it to my friends on blu-ray
> 01:56  we know when you say "we" it's just you
> 01:56  Royal We
> 01:56  moddb isn't going to keep it online when it's in breach 
>                        of copyright, so yes it would be taken down
> 01:56  because I'm better than you
> 01:56  no it would not be "taken down"
> 01:56  I can find other hosts outside the USA
> 01:56  :)
> 01:56  which do not follow US law
> 01:57  you stupid piece of shit
> 01:57  and it is not hosted on moddb at all
> 01:57  do you even check your links you retard?
> 01:57  anyway you could sue me
> 01:57  and would win
> 01:57  and then the rest of your opensource shit would be fucked in the USA
> 01:57  since all you opensource white fucking piece of shit programmers 
>             are:
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> 01:58  1) Anti-child bride
> 01:58  2) pro-feminism
> 01:58  3) pro-dick-sawing
> 01:58  that would make me happy
> 01:58  to FUCK you pieces of shit enemies over
> 01:58   
> 01:58  good luck in your fight against the entire world
> 01:58  and either way: I have the code: I do not "lose access" to it
> 01:59  it would be removed from anywhere you post it
> 01:59  It's right here on my machines, and on the 100s of dvds/cds/blurays 
>             I have
> 01:59  bones_was_here no it would not
> 01:59  I could simply host it in germany
> 01:59  which has adversarial rules regarding this issue
> 02:00  or any other non-common-law country
> 02:00  if you have free software and the people who write it, 
>                        so much, why don't you just fuck off?
> 02:00  do you understand why you fucking moron?
> 02:00  bones_was_here why would I fuck off?
> 02:00  tell me
> 02:00  why are you so sad as to keep coming back here? are you 
>                        still going to show up and spam your shit when you're 
>                        70? 80?
> 02:00  lying there in hospital dying "ohhh i need a computer so 
>                        i can spam xonotic about pedo shit"
> 02:01  you are a stupid white piece of shit that thinks "durr if I don't 
>             like someone, I shudnt use their things111!!!"
> 02:01  get a life you fucking loser
> 02:01  bones_was_here if I don't have a child bride: I guess I won't have 
>             anything else to do
> 02:01  bones_was_here: you banned me from getting a life, white fuck
> 02:01  you and your kind banned cute young virgin girls for marrying
> 02:03  so you define yourself in terms of whether you're 
>                        permitted to abuse someone with no power to resist

> 02:03  what a pathetic loser
> 02:03  bones_was_here if I don't have a child bride: I guess I won't have 
> 02:03              anything else to do
> 02:04  bones_was_here: you banned me from getting a life, white fuck
> 02:04  'oh woe is me, there's nothing to do but be an asshole 
>                        on the internet, because laws against abuse, bawwww'
> 02:04  you and your kind banned cute young virgin girls for marrying
> 02:04  tell me what is my reason for "getting a life"
> 02:04  which I assume means "work" 
> 02:04  what do I get from that?
> 02:04  enumerate it
> 02:05  there's all kinds of Nice Things, but you just waste 
>                        your existence because you're a bitter loser
> 02:05  the only person you're hurting, is yourself
> 02:05  bones_was_here what "Nice Things" are those?
> 02:05  enumerate ones that I do not posess.
> 02:06  As far as I can tell the only thing I don't have is a child bride.
> 02:06  such has ever been the case.
> 02:06  oh, sorry, am I talking to a wage slave retard here, bones_was_here?
> 02:06  if you had everything, you wouldn't have time to be an 
>                        internet asshole, you'd be too busy enjoying yourself
> 02:06  wrong bones_was_here
> 02:06  when you have everything, you have nothing but time
> 02:07  but a wage slave white fuck wouldn't understand that
> 02:07  when you have everything, you have no time to waste
> 02:07  wrong
> 02:07  but you're sitting at home looking for someone to troll 
>                        while you wait for your welfare payment to arrive

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> 02:07  everything is boring by then.
> 02:08  wellfare? what are you talking about?
> 02:08  home?
> 02:08  I'm on vacation right now.
> 02:08  1/4th the time I'm on vacation, you didn't know that?
> 02:08  most people when on vacation, go somewhere nice
> 02:08  you go to your computer and... spam shit on irc?
> 02:08  I'm at a condo.
> 02:08  wow what a vaction
> 02:09  wish i could be as wealthy as you
> 02:09  since you lust for consumer goods: obviously
> 02:09  see how people with real wealth, are out on their yacht, 
>                        starting a new company, flying into space, buying a 
>                        pacific island
> 02:09  lol
> 02:09  people with real wealth marry little girls
> 02:09  but you? you use your wealth to buy... some time to be 
>                        an internet asshole
> 02:10  it's because you just dream of wealth, you claim it so 
>                        you can talk down to people
> 02:10  since when do I have to buy time? it's the only thing you cannot buy
> 02:10  but you're just a loser in a basement or a trailer park, 
>                        hiding behind a computer
> 02:10  nope: I make things with my own hands: then I talk down to you fags 
>             who just "community organize"

> 02:10  It's the only happiness I have: making things.
> 02:11  fuck off and go make something then
> 02:11  be it in the physical world: such as my marble floors 
> 02:11  or in the design world with the computers
> 02:11  no: I won't fuck off
> 02:11  and if you didn't notice I modeled and added 2 new weapons this and 
>             last week to my fork
> 02:11  amongst various other features
> 02:12  what did you do? fuck all, and WERK'd for a Boss
> 02:12  and if you, white fuck, manage to be married; you have "duh boss" 
>             at home
> 02:12  that's how you white lum live
> 02:13  rejecting the natural pleasures YHWH affords you
> 02:13  warring against all others to banish them
> 02:13  and raise "MUH WUHHHMAN" up as the Power
> 02:13  white piece of SHIT
> 02:14  how can you be so articulate but have so little 
>                        comprehension
> 02:15  Explain what I'm misreading?
> 02:16  1) You are incorrect regarding me "losing access" to the source 
>             code I use: I allready have it and will use it with or without your 
>             permission
> 02:16  2) You are incorrect about me "being on welfare" etc
> 02:17  3) You are incorrect about there being solace found in physical 
>             goods (white wage slaves like you often are: after all you sell 
>             your souls in the fruitless pursuit of such)
> 02:18  nothing to say?
> 02:18  as I thought.
> 02:19  white wagefuck.

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