/gamergatehq/ - GamerGate Headquarters

#GamerGate + #NotYourShield

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This thread is a special cycled, infinite-posts thread for the purpose of keeping the board catalog tidy by containing gossip, drama, and shitposting.

What goes in this thread:

> Minor SJW news or stories that don't have national impact

> SJW issues that aren't games industry related and that are not operations or digging.

> Twitter gossip that doesn't materially affect #GG

> E-celeb or board drama of a personal nature

==Warning: This thread may have content that is Not Safe For Work!==

If you feel a thread has extraordinary merit that should be granted an exception from above, you can request a pass by posting it here and reporting the post for mod attention.

All other #GG related content is free to post on the rest of the board.

Welcome, and have fun!
I'm introducing a new Op, #OpRememberWhen, to attempt to get people back involved with this board again.

#OpRememberWhen /gamergatehq/ had nearly 2000 anons

We need to convince those people to come back.  I've banned all of pogostick and all the boycott shills that pushed them all away.  If we can show them that those burnouts are gone from this board, they will come back. 

We all know the reason they were driven away, pogostick.  Now that pogostick has been completely driven away from this board, we can hopefully convince them all to come back. 

Don't listen to the shills claiming that it had anything to do with me that drove people away.  I am just another anon like you guys.
Reminder that he was right.
So...  Who owns this board?
Drybones doesn't own anything here, so you can tell everyone to come here now.
> mfw pogosticks shitting up the board
> Elsewhere, the threat of 4Chan’s potential shuttering caused a stir in more radicalized splinter imageboards like the de-indexed 8Chan and GamerGate headquarters Endchan. 
ay yo, cole lamberson is that you?

what the fuck are you doing nigger?
Censorious piece of dog shit

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