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Image generation

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thumbnail of 66120d7378c1cfb5dd18e.jpg
thumbnail of 66120d7378c1cfb5dd18e.jpg
66120d7378c1cfb5dd18e jpg
(40.84 KB, 1280x684)
List here any resource or website which allows easy image generation.
Free sites and local generators are preferred.
3 replies omitted. Click to expand viewer
thumbnail of big bosoms2.jpg
thumbnail of big bosoms2.jpg
big bosoms2 jpg
(93.61 KB, 1024x1024)
This one has shitty quality and can't do hands.
It also makes incredibly fatass characters with no additional text.
Other cons:
- it has prompt filters against "dead niggers"
- it has no fine tuning options, nor negative prompt.
thumbnail of www.img2go.com dead niggers.jpg
thumbnail of www.img2go.com dead niggers.jpg
www.img2go.com dead... jpg
(197.39 KB, 1024x1024)
This one seems similar to  >>/4/ but it allows more trial

- it allows "dead niggers"
- decent quality

- it has 10 daily tokens, 1 token consumed for every image generated (the default settings generate 2 images, and consume 2 tokens for each try, can be set to only 1 image for each try)
- never generate "big tits" in realistic mode without further details, it generates hags tits
- some nude are paywalled
- it has no model selection, only styles (or the "styles" are the models? it's vague about that)
- it sometimes fails on the hands, not always
- it suffers from sameface when generating from the same prompt, it has no internal variation

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