/genshin/ - Товарищеское Издание

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    • Type: deletion
    • User: Dyadya_Tea
    • Board: genshin
    • Time: 2023-06-26T22:55:22.217Z
    • User Dyadya_Tea deleted the following threads: 1 and the following posts: 2, 3 from board /genshin/.

    • Type: deletion
    • User: Dyadya_Tea
    • Board: genshin
    • Time: 2023-07-07T14:20:25.768Z
    • User Dyadya_Tea deleted the following posts: 353, 354, 355 from board /genshin/.

    • Type: ban
    • User: Dyadya_Tea
    • Board: genshin
    • Time: 2023-07-07T14:29:24.804Z
    • User Dyadya_Tea banned the posters of the following posts: 356 from board /genshin/ until Mon Jul 07 2025 14:29:24 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time) with reason "test".

    • Type: deletion
    • User: Dyadya_Tea
    • Board: genshin
    • Time: 2023-07-07T14:30:47.458Z
    • User Dyadya_Tea deleted the following posts: 356, 357, 358 from board /genshin/.

    • Type: banLift
    • User: Dyadya_Tea
    • Board: genshin
    • Time: 2023-07-07T14:31:39.547Z
    • User Dyadya_Tea lifted a ban on board genshin with id 64a82144ef21a65dfebd4529 set to expire at Mon Jul 07 2025 14:29:24 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time).

    • Type: ban
    • User: chidaruma
    • Board: genshin
    • Time: 2023-07-07T17:41:29.265Z
    • User chidaruma banned the posters of the following posts: 25 from board /genshin/ until Fri Jul 07 2023 18:41:29 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time) with reason "test".

    • Type: deletion
    • User: Dyadya_Tea
    • Board: genshin
    • Time: 2023-07-07T17:53:14.969Z
    • User Dyadya_Tea deleted the following posts: 403 from board /genshin/.

    • Type: banLift
    • User: chidaruma
    • Board: genshin
    • Time: 2023-07-07T18:23:39.583Z
    • User chidaruma lifted a ban on board genshin with id 64a84e498027275e0c224f58 set to expire at Fri Jul 07 2023 18:41:29 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time).

    • Type: deletion
    • User: Dyadya_Tea
    • Board: genshin
    • Time: 2023-07-07T18:46:53.492Z
    • User Dyadya_Tea deleted the following posts: 27 from board /genshin/.

    • Type: deletion
    • User: chidaruma
    • Board: genshin
    • Time: 2023-07-07T18:51:46.609Z
    • User chidaruma deleted the following posts: 36 from board /genshin/.

    • Type: deletion
    • User: chidaruma
    • Board: genshin
    • Time: 2023-07-07T19:12:57.503Z
    • User chidaruma deleted the following posts: 46 from board /genshin/.

    • Type: deletion
    • User: chidaruma
    • Board: genshin
    • Time: 2023-07-07T19:25:46.694Z
    • User chidaruma deleted the following posts: 398 from board /genshin/.

    • Type: deletion
    • User: wtm
    • Board: genshin
    • Time: 2023-07-07T20:20:31.706Z
    • User wtm deleted the following posts: 396 from board /genshin/.

    • Type: deletion
    • User: wtm
    • Board: genshin
    • Time: 2023-07-07T20:20:56.945Z
    • User wtm deleted the following posts: 401 from board /genshin/.

    • Type: deletion
    • User: Shiban
    • Board: genshin
    • Time: 2023-08-14T15:46:09.439Z
    • User Shiban deleted the following posts: 2863 from board /genshin/.

    • Type: deletion
    • User: chidaruma
    • Board: genshin
    • Time: 2023-08-21T13:35:14.337Z
    • User chidaruma deleted the following threads: 4 and the following posts: 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54 from board /genshin/.

    • Type: deletion
    • User: chidaruma
    • Board: genshin
    • Time: 2023-08-28T10:39:42.963Z
    • User chidaruma deleted the following posts: 359 from board /genshin/.

    • Type: ban
    • User: chidaruma
    • Board: genshin
    • Time: 2023-09-26T10:28:50.409Z
    • User chidaruma banned the posters of the following posts: 5748 from board /genshin/ until undefined with reason "".

    • Type: deletion
    • User: chidaruma
    • Board: genshin
    • Time: 2023-09-26T10:29:31.774Z
    • User chidaruma deleted the following posts: 5748 from board /genshin/.

    • Type: deletion
    • User: chidaruma
    • Board: genshin
    • Time: 2023-09-26T10:33:05.064Z
    • User chidaruma deleted the following posts: 5758, 5759, 5760, 5761 from board /genshin/.

    • Type: ban
    • User: chidaruma
    • Board: genshin
    • Time: 2023-09-26T18:55:01.174Z
    • User chidaruma banned the posters of the following posts: 5840 from board /genshin/ until undefined with reason "".

    • Type: deletion
    • User: chidaruma
    • Board: genshin
    • Time: 2023-09-26T18:55:44.998Z
    • User chidaruma deleted the following posts: 5824, 5825, 5826, 5827, 5828, 5829, 5830, 5831, 5832, 5833, 5834, 5835, 5836, 5837, 5838, 5839, 5840, 5841, 5842, 5843 from board /genshin/.

    • Type: ban
    • User: chidaruma
    • Board: genshin
    • Time: 2023-09-26T19:06:26.991Z
    • User chidaruma banned the posters of the following posts: 5845 from board /genshin/ until undefined with reason "".

    • Type: deletion
    • User: chidaruma
    • Board: genshin
    • Time: 2023-09-26T19:07:52.036Z
    • User chidaruma deleted the following posts: 5845, 5846, 5847, 5848, 5849, 5850, 5851, 5852 from board /genshin/.

    • Type: ban
    • User: chidaruma
    • Board: genshin
    • Time: 2023-09-26T19:10:03.118Z
    • User chidaruma banned the posters of the following posts: 5858 from board /genshin/ until undefined with reason "".

    • Type: deletion
    • User: chidaruma
    • Board: genshin
    • Time: 2023-09-26T19:10:54.008Z
    • User chidaruma deleted the following posts: 5853, 5854, 5855, 5856, 5857, 5858 from board /genshin/.

    • Type: ban
    • User: chidaruma
    • Board: genshin
    • Time: 2023-09-26T19:12:53.215Z
    • User chidaruma banned the posters of the following posts: 5859 from board /genshin/ until undefined with reason "".

    • Type: deletion
    • User: chidaruma
    • Board: genshin
    • Time: 2023-09-26T19:13:34.252Z
    • User chidaruma deleted the following posts: 5859, 5860 from board /genshin/.

    • Type: ban
    • User: chidaruma
    • Board: genshin
    • Time: 2023-09-26T19:16:34.689Z
    • User chidaruma banned the posters of the following posts: 5866 from board /genshin/ until undefined with reason "".

    • Type: deletion
    • User: chidaruma
    • Board: genshin
    • Time: 2023-09-26T19:16:51.265Z
    • User chidaruma deleted the following posts: 5861, 5862, 5863, 5864, 5865, 5866 from board /genshin/.

    • Type: deletion
    • User: chidaruma
    • Board: genshin
    • Time: 2023-09-27T04:47:50.529Z
    • User chidaruma deleted the following threads: 5890 from board /genshin/.

    • Type: ban
    • User: chidaruma
    • Board: genshin
    • Time: 2023-09-27T04:49:40.698Z
    • User chidaruma banned the posters of the following posts: 5882 from board /genshin/ until undefined with reason "".

    • Type: deletion
    • User: chidaruma
    • Board: genshin
    • Time: 2023-09-27T04:50:09.437Z
    • User chidaruma deleted the following posts: 5882, 5884, 5885, 5886, 5887, 5888 from board /genshin/.

    • Type: ban
    • User: chidaruma
    • Board: genshin
    • Time: 2023-09-27T08:54:58.576Z
    • User chidaruma banned the posters of the following posts: 5914, 5915, 5916, 5917, 5918, 5919 from board /genshin/ until undefined with reason "".

    • Type: deletion
    • User: chidaruma
    • Board: genshin
    • Time: 2023-09-27T08:55:56.794Z
    • User chidaruma deleted the following posts: 5913, 5914, 5915, 5916, 5917, 5918, 5919, 5920 from board /genshin/.

    • Type: ban
    • User: chidaruma
    • Board: genshin
    • Time: 2023-09-27T17:28:53.023Z
    • User chidaruma banned the posters of the following posts: 6070, 6071, 6072, 6075, 6076, 6077, 6078, 6079, 6081, 6082, 6083, 6084 from board /genshin/ until undefined with reason "".

    • Type: deletion
    • User: chidaruma
    • Board: genshin
    • Time: 2023-09-27T17:28:57.093Z
    • User chidaruma deleted the following posts: 6070, 6071, 6072, 6075, 6076, 6077, 6078, 6079, 6081, 6082, 6083, 6084, 6085 from board /genshin/.

    • Type: ban
    • User: chidaruma
    • Board: genshin
    • Time: 2023-09-27T17:42:37.700Z
    • User chidaruma banned the posters of the following posts: 6090 from board /genshin/ until undefined with reason "".

    • Type: deletion
    • User: chidaruma
    • Board: genshin
    • Time: 2023-09-27T17:42:40.073Z
    • User chidaruma deleted the following posts: 6090 from board /genshin/.

    • Type: ban
    • User: chidaruma
    • Board: genshin
    • Time: 2023-09-27T17:47:10.778Z
    • User chidaruma banned the posters of the following posts: 6092, 6094 from board /genshin/ until undefined with reason "".

    • Type: deletion
    • User: chidaruma
    • Board: genshin
    • Time: 2023-09-27T17:47:13.139Z
    • User chidaruma deleted the following posts: 6092, 6094 from board /genshin/.

    • Type: ban
    • User: chidaruma
    • Board: genshin
    • Time: 2023-09-28T19:53:17.450Z
    • User chidaruma banned the posters of the following posts: 6192, 6194, 6195, 6196, 6197, 6198, 6199, 6200, 6201, 6202 from board /genshin/ until undefined with reason "".

    • Type: deletion
    • User: chidaruma
    • Board: genshin
    • Time: 2023-09-28T19:53:21.439Z
    • User chidaruma deleted the following posts: 6192, 6194, 6195, 6196, 6197, 6198, 6199, 6200, 6201, 6202 from board /genshin/.

    • Type: deletion
    • User: chidaruma
    • Board: genshin
    • Time: 2023-09-28T19:53:26.198Z
    • User chidaruma deleted the following posts: 6203 from board /genshin/.

    • Type: deletion
    • User: Shiban
    • Board: genshin
    • Time: 2023-09-28T19:57:45.212Z
    • User Shiban deleted the following posts: 6204, 6205, 6206, 6207, 6208, 6209, 6210, 6211, 6212, 6213, 6214, 6215, 6216, 6217, 6218 from board /genshin/.

    • Type: deletion
    • User: chidaruma
    • Board: genshin
    • Time: 2023-09-28T19:58:19.211Z
    • User chidaruma deleted the following posts: 6191, 6193, 6219 from board /genshin/.

    • Type: ban
    • User: chidaruma
    • Board: genshin
    • Time: 2023-09-28T19:59:06.440Z
    • User chidaruma banned the posters of the following posts: 6224, 6225 from board /genshin/ until undefined with reason "".

    • Type: deletion
    • User: chidaruma
    • Board: genshin
    • Time: 2023-09-28T19:59:12.281Z
    • User chidaruma deleted the following posts: 6224, 6225 from board /genshin/.

    • Type: deletion
    • User: Shiban
    • Board: genshin
    • Time: 2023-09-28T20:00:21.973Z
    • User Shiban deleted the following posts: 6220, 6221, 6222, 6223, 6226 from board /genshin/.

    • Type: deletion
    • User: chidaruma
    • Board: genshin
    • Time: 2023-10-04T13:39:42.308Z
    • User chidaruma deleted the following posts: 6671, 6672, 6673, 6674, 6675, 6676, 6677, 6678, 6679, 6680, 6681, 6682, 6683, 6684, 6685, 6686, 6688, 6690, 6692, 6693, 6694, 6696, 6697 from board /genshin/.

    • Type: ban
    • User: chidaruma
    • Board: genshin
    • Time: 2023-10-09T09:54:00.435Z
    • User chidaruma banned the posters of the following posts: 6949, 6950 from board /genshin/ until Tue Oct 10 2023 09:54:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time) with reason "".

    • Type: deletion
    • User: chidaruma
    • Board: genshin
    • Time: 2023-10-09T09:54:08.181Z
    • User chidaruma deleted the following posts: 6949, 6950, 6951, 6952 from board /genshin/.

    • Type: deletion
    • User: chidaruma
    • Board: genshin
    • Time: 2023-10-09T09:54:47.946Z
    • User chidaruma deleted the following posts: 6953 from board /genshin/.

    • Type: ban
    • User: chidaruma
    • Board: genshin
    • Time: 2023-10-11T14:36:17.075Z
    • User chidaruma banned the posters of the following posts: 7093, 7094 from board /genshin/ until undefined with reason "".

    • Type: deletion
    • User: chidaruma
    • Board: genshin
    • Time: 2023-10-11T14:37:02.249Z
    • User chidaruma deleted the following posts: 7069, 7070, 7071, 7072, 7073, 7074, 7075, 7076, 7077, 7078, 7079, 7080, 7081, 7082, 7083, 7084, 7085, 7086, 7087, 7088, 7089, 7090, 7091, 7092, 7093, 7094 from board /genshin/.

    • Type: deletion
    • User: Shiban
    • Board: genshin
    • Time: 2023-11-01T18:37:26.569Z
    • User Shiban deleted the following posts: 8123 from board /genshin/.

    • Type: deletion
    • User: chidaruma
    • Board: genshin
    • Time: 2023-11-02T12:26:51.973Z
    • User chidaruma deleted the following posts: 8171 from board /genshin/.

    • Type: ban
    • User: chidaruma
    • Board: genshin
    • Time: 2023-11-02T13:01:15.227Z
    • User chidaruma banned the posters of the following posts: 8192 from board /genshin/ until Fri Nov 03 2023 13:01:14 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time) with reason "".

    • Type: deletion
    • User: chidaruma
    • Board: genshin
    • Time: 2023-11-02T13:01:18.387Z
    • User chidaruma deleted the following posts: 8192 from board /genshin/.

    • Type: ban
    • User: chidaruma
    • Board: genshin
    • Time: 2023-11-02T13:04:08.257Z
    • User chidaruma banned the posters of the following posts: 8194 from board /genshin/ until undefined with reason "".

    • Type: deletion
    • User: chidaruma
    • Board: genshin
    • Time: 2023-11-02T13:04:12.025Z
    • User chidaruma deleted the following posts: 8194 from board /genshin/.

    • Type: deletion
    • User: boardneet
    • Board: genshin
    • Time: 2023-11-22T03:27:02.306Z
    • User boardneet deleted the following threads: 9002 from board /genshin/.

    • Type: deletion
    • User: boardneet
    • Board: genshin
    • Time: 2023-11-23T01:30:38.164Z
    • User boardneet deleted the following threads: 9018 from board /genshin/.

    • Type: ban
    • User: chidaruma
    • Board: genshin
    • Time: 2023-12-09T18:54:56.972Z
    • User chidaruma banned the posters of the following posts: 9844, 9845, 9846, 9847, 9848, 9849, 9850 from board /genshin/ until undefined with reason "".

    • Type: deletion
    • User: chidaruma
    • Board: genshin
    • Time: 2023-12-09T19:07:14.579Z
    • User chidaruma deleted the following posts: 9844, 9845, 9846, 9847, 9848, 9849, 9850, 9851, 9852, 9853, 9854, 9855, 9856, 9857, 9858, 9859, 9860, 9861, 9862, 9863, 9864 from board /genshin/.

    • Type: ban
    • User: Dyadya_Tea
    • Board: genshin
    • Time: 2023-12-24T00:41:02.388Z
    • User Dyadya_Tea banned the posters of the following posts: 12166, 12167, 12168, 12169, 12170, 12171, 12172, 12173, 12174, 12175, 12176, 12177, 12178, 12179, 12180, 12181, 12183, 12184, 12185, 12186, 12187, 12188, 12189, 12190, 12191, 12192, 12193, 12194, 12195, 12196, 12197, 12198, 12199, 12200, 12201, 12202, 12203, 12204, 12205, 12206, 12207, 12208, 12209, 12210, 12211, 12212, 12213, 12214, 12215, 12216, 12217, 12218, 12219, 12220, 12221, 12222, 12223, 12224, 12225, 12226, 12227, 12228, 12229, 12230, 12231, 12232 from board /genshin/ until undefined with reason "Бессоница".

    • Type: deletion
    • User: Dyadya_Tea
    • Board: genshin
    • Time: 2023-12-24T00:43:12.170Z
    • User Dyadya_Tea deleted the following posts: 12166, 12167, 12168, 12169, 12170, 12171, 12172, 12173, 12174, 12175, 12176, 12177, 12178, 12179, 12180, 12181, 12183, 12184, 12185, 12186, 12187, 12188, 12189, 12190, 12191, 12192, 12193, 12194, 12195, 12196, 12197, 12198, 12199, 12200, 12201, 12202, 12203, 12204, 12205, 12206, 12207, 12208, 12209, 12210, 12211, 12212, 12213, 12214, 12215, 12216, 12217, 12218, 12219, 12220, 12221, 12222, 12223, 12224, 12225, 12226, 12227, 12228, 12229, 12230, 12231, 12232 from board /genshin/.

    • Type: deletion
    • User: boardneet
    • Board: genshin
    • Time: 2024-01-01T06:33:06.038Z
    • User boardneet deleted the following threads: 12980 from board /genshin/.

    • Type: deletion
    • User: chidaruma
    • Board: genshin
    • Time: 2024-01-12T22:34:10.300Z
    • User chidaruma deleted the following threads: 13965 and the following posts: 13967 from board /genshin/.

    • Type: deletion
    • User: Shiban
    • Board: genshin
    • Time: 2024-01-18T09:26:33.269Z
    • User Shiban deleted the following threads: 14311 from board /genshin/.

    • Type: deletion
    • User: Shiban
    • Board: genshin
    • Time: 2024-03-01T18:37:31.443Z
    • User Shiban deleted the following threads: 19627 from board /genshin/.

    • Type: deletion
    • User: chidaruma
    • Board: genshin
    • Time: 2024-03-05T19:59:27.713Z
    • User chidaruma deleted the following threads: 19917 and the following posts: 19919, 19920, 19921, 19922, 19924 from board /genshin/.

    • Type: deletion
    • User: chidaruma
    • Board: genshin
    • Time: 2024-03-06T06:09:54.558Z
    • User chidaruma deleted the following threads: 4492 and the following posts: 4493, 4604, 19965, 19983, 20012 from board /genshin/.

    • Type: deletion
    • User: chidaruma
    • Board: genshin
    • Time: 2024-03-06T06:10:25.497Z
    • User chidaruma deleted the following threads: 19980, 19984, 20001, 20004 and the following posts: 19998, 20003 from board /genshin/.

    • Type: deletion
    • User: chidaruma
    • Board: genshin
    • Time: 2024-03-06T06:10:37.238Z
    • User chidaruma deleted the following threads: 19989 from board /genshin/.

    • Type: deletion
    • User: chidaruma
    • Board: genshin
    • Time: 2024-03-06T06:11:01.854Z
    • User chidaruma deleted the following threads: 19972, 19981, 19985, 19986, 19987 from board /genshin/.

    • Type: deletion
    • User: chidaruma
    • Board: genshin
    • Time: 2024-03-06T06:11:45.628Z
    • User chidaruma deleted the following threads: 8402, 19975, 19992, 19996, 20007 and the following posts: 8469, 19962, 19964, 19968, 19969, 19977, 19994, 19988, 19991, 19995 from board /genshin/.

    • Type: deletion
    • User: chidaruma
    • Board: genshin
    • Time: 2024-03-06T06:13:03.804Z
    • User chidaruma deleted the following threads: 11824, 20013 and the following posts: 11826, 12008, 19979, 20011, 19970 from board /genshin/.

    • Type: deletion
    • User: chidaruma
    • Board: genshin
    • Time: 2024-03-06T06:13:51.334Z
    • User chidaruma deleted the following threads: 10000 and the following posts: 10015, 10016, 10020, 10022, 10023, 10028, 10031, 10050, 19957, 19960, 19961, 19971, 19973, 19976, 19978, 19982, 19990, 19993, 19997, 19999, 20002, 20014 from board /genshin/.

    • Type: deletion
    • User: chidaruma
    • Board: genshin
    • Time: 2024-03-06T06:14:40.979Z
    • User chidaruma deleted the following threads: 1157 and the following posts: 1158, 1161, 1366, 19963 from board /genshin/.

    • Type: deletion
    • User: chidaruma
    • Board: genshin
    • Time: 2024-03-06T06:17:50.131Z
    • User chidaruma deleted the following threads: 20000 and the following posts: 20005, 20006, 20008 from board /genshin/.

    • Type: deletion
    • User: chidaruma
    • Board: genshin
    • Time: 2024-03-12T08:13:41.150Z
    • User chidaruma deleted the following posts: 20695 from board /genshin/.

    • Type: deletion
    • User: chidaruma
    • Board: genshin
    • Time: 2024-03-15T18:59:06.915Z
    • User chidaruma deleted the following threads: 21238 from board /genshin/.

    • Type: deletion
    • User: chidaruma
    • Board: genshin
    • Time: 2024-04-12T06:08:10.518Z
    • User chidaruma deleted the following threads: 24740 from board /genshin/.

    • Type: deletion
    • User: Shiban
    • Board: genshin
    • Time: 2024-05-10T16:45:12.560Z
    • User Shiban deleted the following posts: 27505 from board /genshin/.

    • Type: deletion
    • User: chidaruma
    • Board: genshin
    • Time: 2024-05-14T19:32:30.613Z
    • User chidaruma deleted the following threads: 27641 and the following posts: 27643, 27665 from board /genshin/.

    • Type: deletion
    • User: Shiban
    • Board: genshin
    • Time: 2024-05-31T20:31:21.646Z
    • User Shiban deleted the following threads: 29062 and the following posts: 29063 from board /genshin/.

    • Type: deletion
    • User: chidaruma
    • Board: genshin
    • Time: 2024-06-05T19:10:43.426Z
    • User chidaruma deleted the following posts: 29537, 29538 from board /genshin/.

    • Type: deletion
    • User: chidaruma
    • Board: genshin
    • Time: 2024-06-14T15:42:50.023Z
    • User chidaruma deleted the following threads: 30283 from board /genshin/.

    • Type: deletion
    • User: chidaruma
    • Board: genshin
    • Time: 2024-07-12T12:21:32.299Z
    • User chidaruma deleted the following posts: 32320, 32321, 32323 from board /genshin/.

    • Type: deletion
    • User: chidaruma
    • Board: genshin
    • Time: 2024-07-17T04:55:31.052Z
    • User chidaruma deleted the following threads: 32521 from board /genshin/.

Page: Prev Next | [Index] [Catalog] [Banners] [Logs]